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Joined Dec 30, 2020 at 03:04AM EST


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Posted in New site layout?

The new layout has a lot of empty space and buttons that are far too large for no discernible reason.

"Minimalistic" modern UIs like this are awful on everything other than mobile phones.

May 05, 2024 at 03:59PM EDT

Commented on Anatomy of a Gamer

Considering it's Twitter, I'd take getting banned from there as a mark of pride, lol.

Apr 26, 2024 at 10:54AM EDT

Posted in Have you ever felt like you legitimately lacked the skill to finish a game?

With every game I stopped playing, it was due to boredom or instability (crashing, freezing, stuttering, etc.), not an inability to beat it. If I find something extremely difficult then I keep going at it until I do it, no matter how long it takes. I might adapt with different builds and approaches to make it easier, but I eventually succeed. Most of the time I don't actually need many attempts in the first place, so that helps.

Turns out you do significantly better in games when you're not pissed off at them. If I feel like smashing my keyboard or something, then I'll likely play worse than when I'm just calm and focused. It's really tempting to just destroy shit nearby sometimes, but the awareness that it's relatively expensive tech is a limiter on that thought.

Oct 07, 2022 at 12:41PM EDT

Posted in What's your stance on Gamergate now?

It and the 2016 US presidential elections changed the internet for the worse, culturally.

Before then, people online mainly focused on entertainment (producing it or engaging with it) and the niches their interests fitted. There was substantially less desire from the general internet user to broadcast their input on every topic imaginable, or initiate childish virtual wars against interests/topics/subjects they had no interest in.

After, people instead focused their attention on drama, irony-worship, virtue signalling, politics and tribalism. Every day I lament what meta-irony and politics have done to the internet. Discourse, creativity, entertainment, knowledge and rationality have all regressed with their incursion.

Sep 18, 2022 at 10:20PM EDT

Commented on I Enjoy Critical Analysis and Being a Hater

From what I've seen, "critical analysis" is codeword for parroted rhetoric they borrowed through virtual osmosis, and dull "Virgin vs Chad" template No.592918439140.

Memes have devolved from phenomenons and creative entertainment, to subversive or subliminal messaging made to veer people towards whatever viewpoint they hold; there are few better examples than this image. What a shame.

Sep 14, 2022 at 05:22AM EDT

Posted in What is the meaning of my dream

I wouldn't say dreams have any particular depth or meaning to be gleaned from them, but they usually do pertain to what you've seen or engaged in, whether long in the past or on a daily basis. So, it just means you watch those channels, and your dream aimlessly took on a violent tone.

Sep 09, 2022 at 12:19AM EDT

Posted in I don't want to do this anymore...

Drama, culture-wars and irrelevant virtual political trite driving off good-natured, impartial contributors and creators once again. I hope to see a return to form for the internet soon, maybe when the more impulsive parties using it finally burn out on their tribalism and pettiness.

I wouldn't let them drive you out though; that's what these drama queens want. They drive people out of every site by being completely insufferable until there's nowhere left to just post about your interests. It's best when people leave the sites they frequent when they finally get bored of them (if ever), not because childish pricks caused them to become disillusioned with it.

Sep 09, 2022 at 12:01AM EDT

Posted in Unpopular Opinions Thread 3

"Most of"? You linked a few isolated accounts over the course of many years. Unless you think that their modern populace of social networking diaspora and underage teenagers have more than 50% of them locating people, then you can find instances of that on nearly every social website. A good portion of those links are related to its political board, which has by far the most traffic on the website, so it's also going to be overrepresented because that board is usually the entry-point for a sea of idiots attracted to the most overrepresented and unintelligent interest out there (politics).

Creatively, they're bankrupt. Whatever unique traits or niche that website had was lost the moment Poole left, which is why the fourteen-year-olds who encompass the majority of its posting base nowadays know absolutely nothing about it. You tell them the website was created nearly two decades as an otaku hangout for SomethingAwful refugees and they'd be dumbfounded, because most of them are Discord/Twitter users whose "interests" consist of spamming tired buzzwords and derailing threads with irrelevant political tangents about whatever flavour-of-the-month boogeyman the microcephalic chimpanzees manufactured in their addled, empty head. The notion that it was created for something other than the childish drama they spend the entirety of their day fixated on would be lost to them. Hell, most of them can barely have the literacy to read anything more than a single sentence. In fact, the remainder of the original posters that may still hang around on boards like /a/ or /jp/ loathe them for being tantamount to a malignant cancer that never bothered to integrate or lurk… unless said posters alrady grew disillusioned to the point where they left for more obscure image boards with an at least nominally higher degree of quality control.

There is no difference between 4chan and websites like Discord, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube at this point. The overlap in userbase on the most frequented boards with those websites is nearly one-to-one, and the quality is about the same (or worse, if you can believe it). There's no misconception or undeserved ire at this point, its just another virtual drama hive, like nearly every other high traffic website.

Sep 03, 2022 at 08:41PM EDT

Commented on MrBeast NonBinary

I loathe clickbait thumbnails. You'd think people would catch on to the stupid faces and oversaturated images eventually, but that clearly hasn't been the case yet.

Jul 26, 2022 at 12:31PM EDT

Commented on sage…… who is she

This series hasn't had a human (or human-looking, at least) heroine in some time, so maybe she takes up a similar role to Merlina or Shahra.

Jul 23, 2022 at 01:16AM EDT

Commented on What Is Going On With 'We Have Come For Your Nectar' Memes?

Yet another "taken over the internet" article. Poorly-made ironic Paint images children slap together of whatever vapid cartoons they watch before primary school have zero impact on the internet outside of their own circles.

"Breaking the internet", "taking over the internet" -- I can't remember these idioms ever once being close to accurate, even taking hyperbole into account.

Jul 13, 2022 at 09:54PM EDT

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