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After kym and ed, we now have...teh meme wiki...

Last posted May 18, 2016 at 09:41AM EDT. Added May 17, 2016 at 11:12AM EDT
7 posts from 7 users

The fact that it has teh in the name already makes me cringe. Like I won't try to act too superior since we're like the same thing and also bottom tier cancer but like, at least our name is up front cancer that will never die and in a more professional way. Like we have outdated memes but not smack dab in the title.

Why though?
I mean like
Why are there all these redundant Wikis in general?
We have Bulbapedia AND
We have Biosector01 AND
We have KnowYourMeme AND
It's not like the less famous versions do something miles better than the other ones
It just ends up feeling like a cheep knock off

Iamslow wrote:

what if this is where all the people who get banned from here go?

Teh Meme Wiki equals Bad-Guy Bar confirmed.

… Eh, I'm okay with this. People can make the websites they want, even if similar sites exist. It may be kind of redundant, but it's not harmful or anything. It's chock full of painfully outdated memes though.

Last edited May 18, 2016 at 09:33AM EDT

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