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Share your YouTube/video/streaming channel(s)!

Last posted Dec 07, 2014 at 02:37PM EST. Added Nov 20, 2014 at 04:20PM EST
5 posts from 5 users

ITT: we share our YouTube, DailyMotion, Twitch or any other video-sharing-site-account-things.

I'm betting a lot of you make videos, be they creative, silly or any kind of thing, so here's the place to share your accounts and show off the cool stuff you've made/done/recorded.

I have this thing where I kind of do dance covers on YT.

also I'm hoping this thread is in the right place

I have made 30 videos so far, by using Movie Maker. You can downvote me for that. But before that, let me post the most popular video I've ever made. Too bad I can't be proud for, since I had made even better videos than this piece of shit, and none of them have ever achieve as many views as this one.

Last edited Dec 07, 2014 at 02:39PM EST

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