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why the hell is this site seething with Dunkey haters?

Last posted Oct 08, 2022 at 08:58PM EDT. Added Sep 25, 2022 at 08:53AM EDT
24 posts from 16 users

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in the past month or so i have seen so many unhinged hate for VideogameDunkey it's just jarring.
not people who just dislike him, consider him unfunny or stupid, im talking genuine passionate hatred.
they call him a filthy liar, a bully, a manipulator and a fraud
And it's culminating now with tens of users actively wishing his new BIGMODE company would fail just because they personally want to see him fail and his family suffer. (Not talking about those who pragmatically predict his failure due to lack of experience/knowledge) honestly, what the fuck?

the only info i managed to get is that he either disliked a few games some love like Xenoblade 2 and Octopath traveler or didn't give enough praise enough yakuza 0
every time i confronted the haters about these issues i was instantly bombed with -10 thumbs down and no further explanation.
same amounts to basically all other comments that mention dunkey in any positive context

never seen this kind of hate on any other site besides 4chan, what's going on?

Because he's one of those 'my opinion is right your opinion is wrong' kind of reviewers.

From what little I've seen of him (because I frankly hate those style of reviews so I stopped watching after that video), he flexes between outright saying it or subtley implying it.

Now you can just claim he's playing into a character or that he's just joking. But on some level he, wholeheartedly believes that shit. Just look at his promotional video for his new publishing company.

Thing is, people don't like being condescended to. People don't like being told they're dumb or have bad tastes because of what video games they do and don't enjoy. And then he goes and picks really big targets like JRPGs. I mean, the man can do whatever he wants. But if you're gonna be a dickhead about your opinions then you shouldn't be surprised when you've attracted a lot of ill will.

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TripleA9000 wrote:

Because he's one of those 'my opinion is right your opinion is wrong' kind of reviewers.

From what little I've seen of him (because I frankly hate those style of reviews so I stopped watching after that video), he flexes between outright saying it or subtley implying it.

Now you can just claim he's playing into a character or that he's just joking. But on some level he, wholeheartedly believes that shit. Just look at his promotional video for his new publishing company.

Thing is, people don't like being condescended to. People don't like being told they're dumb or have bad tastes because of what video games they do and don't enjoy. And then he goes and picks really big targets like JRPGs. I mean, the man can do whatever he wants. But if you're gonna be a dickhead about your opinions then you shouldn't be surprised when you've attracted a lot of ill will.

the hate he is getting here is grossly disproportionate to someone who just have pretentious opinions.
and you are doing a fine job demonstrating that, he never called anyone dumb or having bad taste for liking jrpg's he just stated that he hates playing them.

I am kind of a fan of his stuff actually but now he is getting too prideful because of his fame and getting meaner too so him getting knocked down a peg seems fair.

That and bigmode sounds like it will just be a hilarious failure like mighty number 9 was lol.

Because people are getting tired of Dunkeyā€™s shit thatā€™s why. The dude is getting too big for his britches and is acting like heā€™s the arbiter of quality for video games. Plus his BIGMODE announcement feels more in line with a FilmBro claiming that heā€™s gonna make the best movie ever thatā€™s on par with Citizen Kane. Point is, Dunkey is huffing his own farts and expecting people to think of him as some sort of Robert Ebert of video games while also trying to be a funny guy.

One of the reasons that people dislike him is that he has unironically, critised people for their tastes. Heā€™s called sonic fans weird in ā€œThe Good Yearā€ despite the fact that itā€™s the fans who were creating Sonic Mania (I wonder why his easter egg got removed?) He opens his GG strive video with ā€œAnime fans are the new Sonic fansā€.
We all know he hates JRPGs. He really didnā€™t need to play XC3 and make fun of characters, make fun of out of context sound bites and spoil major parts of the story for cheap laughs (just like FFVII remake, Octopath, XC2, etc.)
Beyond his video, he posted the spoilery ending screen of XC3 on twitter. He later deleted it. That goes beyond bias but itā€™s a clear lack of respect. After all, he gave proper spoiler warnings in his last of us 2 video.

Another reason is that he's willing to facilitate negative discussion when he makes no attempt to differentiate his ā€œjokesā€ (? He calls a game bad and thereā€™s no punchline) from real criticism.
I suppose you could say that these are more so critiques on his followers, but with his type of humor and influence, Dunkey should take responsibility for the community he fostered.

Itā€™s not just this website but I do agree that the hate is disproportionate, but not completely unwarranted. I hope the best for his family and his company. Iā€™m not optimistic, but I truly want to see some good come out of Bigmode.
I just hope a developer doesnā€™t get blinded because theyā€™re chasing after dunkey clout.

Dude, MatPat has gotten 3 times as much hate over less than Dunkey. Are you really impressed by this..? Dunkey actually attracts that kind of attention towards him on purpose and does so in the most disingenous way possible while also having one of the most obnoxious fanbases out there where hating JRPGs is their whole personality. He used to be more than just "that guy who hates JRPGs".

It does not help his case that his standard of "good games" include 3 videos praising a mediocre walking simulator just to be a contrarian, ergo, attracting this kind of attention on purpose as I said. You do not get to poke the beehive's nest and then complain that there are too many bees stinging you.

ā€¦ Huh, I guess even youtube videogame reviewers can have drama.

A few years ago people said that it was a more "chill" format than the tendency for gaming reviewing sites to explode every so often (looking at you IGN).

At some point, Dunkey claimed that Breath or the Wild releasing not far apart from Horizon: Zero Dawn would result in the latter selling very poorly. Apart from the fact that this didnā€™t happen, Horizon was on an already successful console and the Nintendo Switch was still brand new at the time. I imagine those who still gave a shit about console wars hated him for that too.

Nedhitis wrote:

Dude, MatPat has gotten 3 times as much hate over less than Dunkey. Are you really impressed by this..? Dunkey actually attracts that kind of attention towards him on purpose and does so in the most disingenous way possible while also having one of the most obnoxious fanbases out there where hating JRPGs is their whole personality. He used to be more than just "that guy who hates JRPGs".

It does not help his case that his standard of "good games" include 3 videos praising a mediocre walking simulator just to be a contrarian, ergo, attracting this kind of attention on purpose as I said. You do not get to poke the beehive's nest and then complain that there are too many bees stinging you.

This. I never watched Dunkey that much (as such, I don't know a whole lot about his situation) and I've never been too big on RPGs, yet I can still tell he's gone in a rather unfavorable direction as of late. I can't say that he doesn't deserve to be successful in this endeavor, but you won't find me cheering for him either way. Dude clearly has a huge ego now.

Controversial reviewers (of games, movies, etc.) have been a thing for years. It can get way worse and HAS been way worse than this (not counting that Projared mess since it was unrelated to his actual reviews).

Last edited Sep 27, 2022 at 03:25PM EDT
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achunkofbutter wrote:

One of the reasons that people dislike him is that he has unironically, critised people for their tastes. Heā€™s called sonic fans weird in ā€œThe Good Yearā€ despite the fact that itā€™s the fans who were creating Sonic Mania (I wonder why his easter egg got removed?) He opens his GG strive video with ā€œAnime fans are the new Sonic fansā€.
We all know he hates JRPGs. He really didnā€™t need to play XC3 and make fun of characters, make fun of out of context sound bites and spoil major parts of the story for cheap laughs (just like FFVII remake, Octopath, XC2, etc.)
Beyond his video, he posted the spoilery ending screen of XC3 on twitter. He later deleted it. That goes beyond bias but itā€™s a clear lack of respect. After all, he gave proper spoiler warnings in his last of us 2 video.

Another reason is that he's willing to facilitate negative discussion when he makes no attempt to differentiate his ā€œjokesā€ (? He calls a game bad and thereā€™s no punchline) from real criticism.
I suppose you could say that these are more so critiques on his followers, but with his type of humor and influence, Dunkey should take responsibility for the community he fostered.

Itā€™s not just this website but I do agree that the hate is disproportionate, but not completely unwarranted. I hope the best for his family and his company. Iā€™m not optimistic, but I truly want to see some good come out of Bigmode.
I just hope a developer doesnā€™t get blinded because theyā€™re chasing after dunkey clout.

yeah, the dude has flaws and screwups just like everyone else, i don't know a single youtuber that didn't do something wrong in their past except for AVGN

but hating him passionatly enough to wish his business to fail is laughably overexaggerated, just look at thie thread how i got neg. karma just for stating the fact that he never insulted anyone for their tastes
no, 1 off-shoot line about sonic fans being wierd doesn't count, especailly considering it was obviously a joke.
yeah sure, he boasted about himself but the dude deserves a chance like everyone else.

didn't see people straight up wishing mattapatt to go bankrupt or calling him a bully and a manipulator and that's on top of his videos always being provocative and stirring up fanbases about their beloved canons

i'd like to reitirate that disliking a youtuber is perfectly fine, but the way users here react to anything Dunkey related is just obssesive hatedom. calling some game reviwer a bully and a liar for dislike 2 games indicates some real toxicity problems.
wishing someone to fail just because they speak highly of themselves is just purely spiteful and petty.
these kind of notions are supposed to be reserved for actual scumbags to hurt and betray people and damage the industry, not some lone dude that thinks a bit too high of himself

Jolly Jew wrote:

yeah, the dude has flaws and screwups just like everyone else, i don't know a single youtuber that didn't do something wrong in their past except for AVGN

but hating him passionatly enough to wish his business to fail is laughably overexaggerated, just look at thie thread how i got neg. karma just for stating the fact that he never insulted anyone for their tastes
no, 1 off-shoot line about sonic fans being wierd doesn't count, especailly considering it was obviously a joke.
yeah sure, he boasted about himself but the dude deserves a chance like everyone else.

didn't see people straight up wishing mattapatt to go bankrupt or calling him a bully and a manipulator and that's on top of his videos always being provocative and stirring up fanbases about their beloved canons

i'd like to reitirate that disliking a youtuber is perfectly fine, but the way users here react to anything Dunkey related is just obssesive hatedom. calling some game reviwer a bully and a liar for dislike 2 games indicates some real toxicity problems.
wishing someone to fail just because they speak highly of themselves is just purely spiteful and petty.
these kind of notions are supposed to be reserved for actual scumbags to hurt and betray people and damage the industry, not some lone dude that thinks a bit too high of himself

At this point you're seething harder than the people who are mad at Dunkey, your entire activity as of late has been shitting on people who so much as criticized the guy. Never mind the fact that you definitely keep telling people it's all jokes while simultaneously thinking that Dunkey's decade of game critique is "better than nothing" (still a joke btw he's not being serious lol.)

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SHSLNecromancer wrote:

At this point you're seething harder than the people who are mad at Dunkey, your entire activity as of late has been shitting on people who so much as criticized the guy. Never mind the fact that you definitely keep telling people it's all jokes while simultaneously thinking that Dunkey's decade of game critique is "better than nothing" (still a joke btw he's not being serious lol.)

>haters: reeee dunkey is a bully, liar and manipulator, god how i wish to see him fail and end up poor!
me: "umm no, none of this is true, this is completely exaggerated. just say you hate his vids and move on

yeah, that's tooootallly "'shitting on everyone mad at dunkey'" sure. but now that we have reached this laughable strawman, i might as well start, because talking logic obviously didn't work.

i thought this internet community is mature and balanced, so im genuinely shocked at the infantile fit this site (or at least this forum) throws
so yeah, pretty damn sure being honestly concerned how people passionatly hate someone just because he made a conterversial videos, especially from a community i used to respect.

i literally have -10 karma on every post that i made just because i said "hey guys, passionatly despisinng someone because he made some bad reviews/jokes is crazy" you sad weebs really need help. not everyone likes your anime rpg's

sadly this topic ended up nowhere, if that's how you cringelets react to some guy just criticizing stuff you like, only god knows how loud you'll screech when someone will personally insult you

Last edited Sep 29, 2022 at 10:18AM EDT

Jolly Jew wrote:

>haters: reeee dunkey is a bully, liar and manipulator, god how i wish to see him fail and end up poor!
me: "umm no, none of this is true, this is completely exaggerated. just say you hate his vids and move on

yeah, that's tooootallly "'shitting on everyone mad at dunkey'" sure. but now that we have reached this laughable strawman, i might as well start, because talking logic obviously didn't work.

i thought this internet community is mature and balanced, so im genuinely shocked at the infantile fit this site (or at least this forum) throws
so yeah, pretty damn sure being honestly concerned how people passionatly hate someone just because he made a conterversial videos, especially from a community i used to respect.

i literally have -10 karma on every post that i made just because i said "hey guys, passionatly despisinng someone because he made some bad reviews/jokes is crazy" you sad weebs really need help. not everyone likes your anime rpg's

sadly this topic ended up nowhere, if that's how you cringelets react to some guy just criticizing stuff you like, only god knows how loud you'll screech when someone will personally insult you

You can literally find a bunch of comments on the BigMode article right now either hoping it goes well or hoping whatever happens ends up being funny, that's not wishing failure, that's doing the same thing Dunkey does, doing whatever will end up being the funniest.

And don't lie, one quick glance at your activity and I can see numerous unnecessary insults targeted towards them merely for having a few choice words for him, how you can look at yourself and come out looking at everyone else being the angry ones when the mirror is right fucking there is beyond me.

I don't even give a shit about Xenoblade but I do give a shit about a critic's integrity and Dunkey wore his out years ago, accept people's criticisms and move along.


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"DUNKEY IS A LYING BULLY THAT DESERVES TO FAIL" isn't a criticsm though, it's angry slander, and i only ever reacted to these kinds of comments, all of these comments had tons of upvotes while all nearly all my comments logically explaining why it's 100% wrong get mass downvotes with no explanation.

this thread is pointless either way but i can't ignore bullshit thrown against me

Jolly Jew wrote:

"DUNKEY IS A LYING BULLY THAT DESERVES TO FAIL" isn't a criticsm though, it's angry slander, and i only ever reacted to these kinds of comments, all of these comments had tons of upvotes while all nearly all my comments logically explaining why it's 100% wrong get mass downvotes with no explanation.

this thread is pointless either way but i can't ignore bullshit thrown against me

Every time the criticism about his Octopath and Death Stranding review got brought up you just went "lol" and either didn't respond to it or just said "It was one thing tho" which it obviously wasn't. You can say you only reacted to the hate comments as much as you want but your activity says otherwise.

I used to actually like Dunkey but it only works if he's playing a character and I just can't fucking tell anymore how much what is what.

Basically, this:

You can only pretend to be a jackass (pun intended) for so long before you become one.


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