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Toggling Spoiler Thumbnails On and Off

Last posted Jul 15, 2016 at 10:10AM EDT. Added Jul 14, 2016 at 08:59PM EDT
3 posts from 2 users

Some people were blessed with fast Internet, 3rd world pride yo but not with lewds and spoilers covered up even though they don't give a shit.

Not sure if this will be hard to implement, but can we have toggles that can turn on or off spoiler thumbnails? An addition is also a small reminder on the top corners of the image to show what it's marked as i.e. the image below

Was on a public computer so I made this on MS Paint

Sadly this has been brought up at least 50 times before, and an overall filter is borderline impossible without an insane amount of work. It is possible to implement something like the show fewer ponies button, but every time that gets brought up it never happens.


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