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Should "Ruined Childhood" and "Cringeworthy" galleries ever re-open?

Last posted Dec 08, 2015 at 02:21AM EST. Added Nov 25, 2015 at 05:58PM EST
38 posts from 21 users

It's been a long time since they were disabled. I personally wasn't around the time they were closed, but the fact that they've remained closed for so long is insane. So, do you think "Ruined Childhood" and "Cringeworthy" have re-opened galleries?

The cringeworthty gallery will eventually evolve again into users posting stuff about other users that should remain locked.
As for the Ruined childhood gallery I forgot the reason why it was locked so I have no opinion on that

KYFPMM wrote:

The cringeworthty gallery will eventually evolve again into users posting stuff about other users that should remain locked.
As for the Ruined childhood gallery I forgot the reason why it was locked so I have no opinion on that

It got locked because people started posting "things I don't like that they're doing to things from my childhood" instead of "things that reveal adult themes in things for children". Personally I think that people aren't going to change if we reopen them though.

IIRC there were several galleries locked around the same time. There was cringeworthy, childhood ruined, childhood enhanced, alternate universe, and video game logic. While video game logic was unlocked, the rest never were. They were all abused a lot and it was kind of a mess. The only gallery I could see maybe reopening is alternate universe, but even then it would probably get relocked in a week.

I think Ruined Childhood fell into misuse, Cringeworthy was misused from the get-go. Cringeworthy was filled with "I don't like people who like X show/X fetish/X team/X site/X whatever, so I am going to call them scum of the Earth, build Strawman that make them look like fat slobs and post it in Cringeworthy!"

I'm not too sure what happened with Ruined Childhood, but Cringeworthy probably won't ever be open again (cept on April Fools) and it's probably for the best. It wasn't like Tumblr where people weren't reading the rules and being lazy, and it wasn't like Gamergate where people used the comments like a social hub, Cringeworthy was used as a platform for genuine hate.

Open them and instaban anyone who abuses it. That'll teach them real quick. I honestly don't understand the logic behind removing a gallery instead of the users who can't use it right.

lisalombs wrote:

Open them and instaban anyone who abuses it. That'll teach them real quick. I honestly don't understand the logic behind removing a gallery instead of the users who can't use it right.

That would instanban too many people who would complain about the KYM mods "Banning people over a single bad image" which would drive people away from the site while creating a lot of work for the mods since they'd have to keep checking the gallery for misused images, having to ban the user, then move or delete the image each time. It's easier to just lock a gallery no one is using right while also not drive everyone away by banning hundreds of people over images.

So suspend them first? Three strikes and you're out: 1 day, 3 day, 5 day, ban. Altho I guess that requires the mods actually do something… but if you want a site that targets kids you need attentive babysitters.

Ryumaru Borike wrote:

I think Ruined Childhood fell into misuse, Cringeworthy was misused from the get-go. Cringeworthy was filled with "I don't like people who like X show/X fetish/X team/X site/X whatever, so I am going to call them scum of the Earth, build Strawman that make them look like fat slobs and post it in Cringeworthy!"

I'm not too sure what happened with Ruined Childhood, but Cringeworthy probably won't ever be open again (cept on April Fools) and it's probably for the best. It wasn't like Tumblr where people weren't reading the rules and being lazy, and it wasn't like Gamergate where people used the comments like a social hub, Cringeworthy was used as a platform for genuine hate.

Seeing people hate can be considered cringe worthy though, but I understand your statement. They apparently used the gallery to hate. But, since it has been quite a while, I think that it could be possible for the Cringe worthy gallery to re-open. I think of it like this:

It was a while back, so most people who were using it are mostly gone, so if the gallery were to theoretically re-open, there shouldn't be as much of an issue as there was. You could also counter-argue that the people could come back, and while I agree with that statement, it still shouldn't be as out of control as it was.

I agree with Lisa's statement when she responded to you; "So suspend them first? Three strikes and you’re out: 1 day, 3 day, 5 day, ban." It could be effective, so long as the moderators moderate (and I may not fully understand the current situation, but I've heard some "interesting" things about the mods).

Of course, this is my opinionated rationalization on re-opening the galleries.

Last edited Nov 25, 2015 at 07:53PM EST

Please no, especially Cringeworthy.

Cringeworthy was a shithole for these reasons:

  • Used for cyber bullying
  • Used for public shaming
  • People uploaded what they personally didn't like
  • It was flooded with fetish art
  • People uploaded stuff that probably shouldn't have been uploaded in the first place (such as a guy having intercourse with an inflatable doll and family members in a pool full of blood when the mother gave birth)

Ruined Childhood was locked because it was used similarly to Cringeworthy and people uploaded stuff that should have been in more relevant galleries.

Both galleries were greatly abused and should remain locked.

Last edited Nov 25, 2015 at 07:57PM EST

No, even if the mods were to do that abuse wouldn't end. It didn't end when it was reopened and the mods DID ban people for it that day. Theres no point, stop asking and get over it.

Last edited Nov 25, 2015 at 08:16PM EST

lisalombs wrote:

So suspend them first? Three strikes and you're out: 1 day, 3 day, 5 day, ban. Altho I guess that requires the mods actually do something… but if you want a site that targets kids you need attentive babysitters.

That still wouldn't work because you would be punishing someone based on "personal opinion" I don't know about childhood ruined, but Cringeworthy was doomed from the start due to how some people find shit others enjoy cringworthy, it's all opinion based and centered around bashing things. The only people who would not get suspended or banned from a system like that are A) People posting things popular to hate and B) People who don't post in Cringeworthy.

Also… question? Have you ever been a mod on a site that had more than a hundred members before? Especially on a site where the rules are not concrete and subject to bending and interpretation? It's not like being a mod is a job where you get paid, nor is it something someone with real life responsibility can put hours into. Mods are supposed to just keep the order on the forums they frequent, they are pretty much nothing more than really trusted regular users.

You are asking the mods to open a gallery known for causing nothing but trouble and for them put in extra, unnecessary work to keep it running for no pay and no benefit, just so you can post in an image gallery on a meme site. I've been a forum mod on a site like that, where you have to babysit everyone and essentially look for trouble rather than actually use the site and get to enjoy it. It ruins your enjoyment of that forum to the point you don't want to visit anymore.

At that point, you are no longer just a user the admins trusted enough to let help, but an unpaid worker who no longer wants any part of that site when you are enforcing vague rules that earns you the hatred of people there when what constitutes breaking a rule differs between them and you. This is a free site that pulls in no revenue aside from ads, many of us block. Yes, I understand not wanting the mods to be lazy, but the mods here are under no obligation to put extra work in for no benefit just to maintain a gallery 80% of the user base is going to misuse anyway.

You become a mod on a site where everyday, the only thing you do on a place you used to enjoy is clean up after children for the three hours you have time to be on, and do it for no pay. Everyone here is here for enjoyment, mods included, and mods become mods to make sure the experience stays enjoyable for everyone, not to take on a second job. Sorry for going on a rant, but I really do hate it when people who never modded a thing in their lives bash unpaid mods for not doing everything they please. I've been a forum mod on other forums twice now and it bugs the hell out of me when people get pissy expect the mods to act like a paid police force. It's one of the things that sets me off.

Oryaw wrote:

Seeing people hate can be considered cringe worthy though, but I understand your statement. They apparently used the gallery to hate. But, since it has been quite a while, I think that it could be possible for the Cringe worthy gallery to re-open. I think of it like this:

It was a while back, so most people who were using it are mostly gone, so if the gallery were to theoretically re-open, there shouldn't be as much of an issue as there was. You could also counter-argue that the people could come back, and while I agree with that statement, it still shouldn't be as out of control as it was.

I agree with Lisa's statement when she responded to you; "So suspend them first? Three strikes and you’re out: 1 day, 3 day, 5 day, ban." It could be effective, so long as the moderators moderate (and I may not fully understand the current situation, but I've heard some "interesting" things about the mods).

Of course, this is my opinionated rationalization on re-opening the galleries.

See the first paragraph of my above post, just because a lot of the people who were here when it opened are gone now does not mean it will run smoothly now. The concept behind Cringeworthy is itself the problem, and the nature of people on the internet don't change, the people on KYM now would abuse it just as quickly as people back then.

Again, you open the gallery, it creates a bunch of shit that the mods have to clean up, mods do nothing but clean up shit because of this one gallery, why are people surprised when mods decide to close the gallery?

Ryumaru Borike wrote:

See the first paragraph of my above post, just because a lot of the people who were here when it opened are gone now does not mean it will run smoothly now. The concept behind Cringeworthy is itself the problem, and the nature of people on the internet don't change, the people on KYM now would abuse it just as quickly as people back then.

Again, you open the gallery, it creates a bunch of shit that the mods have to clean up, mods do nothing but clean up shit because of this one gallery, why are people surprised when mods decide to close the gallery?

See the bottom of my first point in the initial response; "…You could also counter-argue that the people could come back, and while I agree with that statement, it still shouldn’t be as out of control as it was." But at this point, I am arguing with potentially flawed rationalization. I know that it would potentially cause a "bunch of shit" for the mods to clean up, but isn't it the job for moderators to make sure everything is in order? Use strikes on people who defy the purpose of these galleries, maybe then these people of the internet will think twice.

And I said maybe, because I haven't the knowledge of actions KYM members performed back then.

No Original Names wrote:

No, even if the mods were to do that abuse wouldn't end. It didn't end when it was reopened and the mods DID ban people for it that day. Theres no point, stop asking and get over it.

This is actually the first time I have ever "asked" to re-open these galleries. Before then, it hadn't come to mind.

You tell me to get over it, but I have not much to actually get over.

This topic is quite simply to ask others their opinion if the galleries should open, so I never actually asked to re-open the galleries in the first place.

Oryaw wrote:

See the bottom of my first point in the initial response; "…You could also counter-argue that the people could come back, and while I agree with that statement, it still shouldn’t be as out of control as it was." But at this point, I am arguing with potentially flawed rationalization. I know that it would potentially cause a "bunch of shit" for the mods to clean up, but isn't it the job for moderators to make sure everything is in order? Use strikes on people who defy the purpose of these galleries, maybe then these people of the internet will think twice.

And I said maybe, because I haven't the knowledge of actions KYM members performed back then.

Did you read this part of my post " The concept behind Cringeworthy is itself the problem, and the nature of people on the internet don’t change, the people on KYM now would abuse it just as quickly as people back then."? It wasn't a specific group of people, who only they would abuse the gallery, and now that they are gone, we can open the gallery up safely and everything will be peachy.

It is the mods duty to make sure things are in order, and they did that but closing the gallery that was causing problems. Did you read my other four paragraphs? If it was tl:dr, the let me summarize "You shouldn't expect unpaid mods to got through extra effort babysitting people just so this one image gallery which isn't even important to the site at all gets to stay open" It's like bitching at park rangers for closing off access to a forest due to mass litter, saying the rangers should put in the extra work picking up all the liter so the three people who aren't littering get to walk in that forest maybe twice a year. Except worst because the park rangers are at least getting paid.

If a certain particular user is the problem, you ban the user. if it's an entire image gallery that's the problem, you close that gallery.

I wouldn't count on it, OP. The abuse was so bad, the mods issued a total lockdown on anything related to the gallery. It's telling when the user base stopped being so hostile towards fetishes after a couple of months since the lockdown, thanks to Ms. Fortune. As for Ruined Childhood, it would be infested with users blinded by nostalgia, easily disturbed by change. We will not fall down that hole again.

Oryaw wrote:

This is actually the first time I have ever "asked" to re-open these galleries. Before then, it hadn't come to mind.

You tell me to get over it, but I have not much to actually get over.

This topic is quite simply to ask others their opinion if the galleries should open, so I never actually asked to re-open the galleries in the first place.

My post was more towards lisa much less you, sorry if it didn't come across that way.

No Original Names wrote:

My post was more towards lisa much less you, sorry if it didn't come across that way.

No no, it's OK. I must have overlooked your statement.

Actually there is a non-subjective way we could unlock the cringeworthy gallery. Make it so that images uploaded actually show spread of the phrase cringworthy. Things like screenshots of titles of so called cringeworthy lists from places like Cracked or Buzzfeed, as well as screenshots of videos with the title of the video within the image that says cringworthy. Of course, you would need to link to said things in the notes. We could suspend anyone who uploaded anything subjective at all, such as images from said list that lack context within the actual image or literally any other pictures. Super simple to do, and I'm sure if you guys really want to document the spread of the term cringworthy, you'll easily be able to fit within these parameters.


You know better than anybody on this site that the userbase is not going to follow those guidelines. They are lazy and they give a fuck about documenting, it's all for the krama and memepoints.

It always was and it'll always be like that.

but if you want a site that targets kids you need attentive babysitters.

Yeah, you better damn pay me if I am going to be your personal babysitter.

but isn’t it the job for moderators to make sure everything is in order?

And isn't the user's job to follow the guidelines we have for media submissions? I am not here to clean after everyone's fuck up.

I remind you that we're not here for you and you alone. We keep things in order, but don't forget that you guys are also supposed to take responsability for your own actions.

Last edited Nov 26, 2015 at 01:04AM EST

Childhood Ruined: Possible, but unlikely. Subjectivity's a bitch.
Cringeworthy: Fuck no, that's never getting unlocked, and rightfully so. Literally everything that gets put in there is just something the uploader doesn't like.

@Loli yes I know. I just wanted to see if there was anyone who, despite all odds, actually wanted to contribute to documentation of the cringworthy meme instead of just starting another circlejerk of "I don't like thing".

{ I am not here to clean after everyone’s fuck up. }

That's literally the job description of a mod.

Guidelines are guidelines, they help people stay on track, but it is not a user's job to do anything but browse this site. You are the one who's supposed to enforce the rules, that's what you volunteered for when you accepted the mod title that you knew didn't come with a salary. Why exactly are you a mod if you don't actually want to moderate anything? That title bringing you lotsa free krama and meme points?

Only speaking for the Cringeworthy gallery, I don't know nor care about the other ones that are locked. Just look how both cringe threads got locked because they went out of control, the latest one only like 6-7 pages in, and that kind of drama is pretty embarrasing and cringeworthy by itself, even though the warning does help (i.e the Undertale gallery, is pretty impressive how a lot of images actually have links to the source) I doubt it would in this case, suspeding/banning users most likely will only be more problematic and time consuming, and all of this for what? So users can get their daily fix of upvotes?

Last edited Nov 26, 2015 at 10:15AM EST

Why exactly are you a mod if you don’t actually want to moderate anything?

Darling, read again. I do my job as a mod, but I am not your personal babysitter. I "work" for the site, not for you.

but it is not a user’s job to do anything but browse this site.

And I tell you otherwise, users are supposed to follow and stick to those rules. You guys are not free to do what you want. Do your job as an user, please don't fuck up with the site.

Ruh Roh, I don't want to work extra hours.

Last edited Nov 26, 2015 at 01:38PM EST

{ And I tell you otherwise, users are supposed to follow and stick to those rules. }

And when they don't, you intervene. So why is the common excuse in this thread "no we'd actually have to keep an eye on it if we reopened it"? I have never seen another website take away an active part of their site just because somebody has check on it every so often. What does it take, fifteen seconds of clicking to suspend someone when it needs to be done? Maybe another five whole seconds to delete an image depending on your internet speed? It's beyond comprehension to me. Don't have any personal attachment to either gallery, but this is how the conversation goes every time this topic is brought up and I simply do not understand the logic.

Ruined childhood maybe should be re-open but never the cringeworthy galleries mostly becuase will be abused again becuase people going upload things they don't like and call that cringe meanwhile is not cringeworthy.

Emperor Palpitoad wrote:

Surprised no mod has said it but, doesn't this thread belong in "Suggest Ideas" under "Site Maintenance?"

Originally, I placed this topic under "General," but it seems to have moved into Q&A for some odd reason. I guess one of the mods thought this was the better spot?

both galleries were used to dispense hate at things, by that i mean reboots and crappy 90's shows/games in the ruined childhood gallery and political views or specific subcultures in the cringeworthy gallery. if the galleries remained open, they'd be nothing but trouble.

As one of the vocal advocates back in the day for the closing of Childhood Enhanced, Ruined Childhood, and especially Cringeworthy, I of course say keep these closed.

I don't understand anyone's logic of "it's been closed so long that if it opens everything will be fine." No, it won't be. It will go straight back to what the problem was before, as others have mentioned already.

The problem with the childhood galleries is the same issue of subjectivity. Our galleries should be used to show examples of a meme/event/person what have you. These galleries in particular were instead used to showcase opinions. Article galleries are not here for you opinions, they are here for documented instances of memes and shit.

Fanart of some girl from a show you watched in the 90's with big ass tiddies. Maybe in a suggestive pose. Person A goes "dayum son this shit gives me the biggest boner and enhances my childhood (because boner = enhanced childhood apparently)." Person B goes "oh god my favorite character is sexualized in this fanart, how awful this ruins my childhood! (because apparently completely ruining your enjoyment of a show can occur from one image)"

You could throw a lot of shit into either gallery and defend it as "well I mean it ruined/enhanced MY childhood so…" That's not good. That's bad.

I'm not even gracing the cringeworthy unlocking suggestion with an explanation.


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