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How to improve KnowYourMeme [REALLY WORKS!]

Last posted Sep 07, 2021 at 06:50PM EDT. Added Sep 07, 2021 at 10:38AM EDT
2 posts from 2 users

Make it so that new accounts have to wait 24 hours before posting on entries where the most recent comment was 30 days or older, and redirect new accounts to the entry on necroposting

This will reduce the amount of irrelevant topics being forced onto the trending bar, and also reduce the population of Lobotomites who create an account and force topics onto trending because their """""hot""""" "take" is just that important

(this idea brought to you by the Oceania Inner Party)

Last edited Sep 07, 2021 at 10:40AM EDT

This Eastasian citizen agrees with the honourable plans of our Oceanic ally.

The traitorous dog can go scampering back to his Eurasian masters and see if they will hear hit piteous suggestions.


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