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KYM crowns Miss Vraks 2021

Last posted Apr 01, 2021 at 10:09AM EDT. Added Apr 01, 2021 at 08:14AM EDT
5 posts from 2 users

Hey, do you remember when I got you to rate your favourite Stalker Waifu?

Well, guess what?

This time, you guys will have an entire month to vote and to shitpost your waifu into the lead.

There was a sorry lack of propaganda last time and I hope there will be more cheating and underhanded tactics this time.

All of the adorable psychopathic nutjobs known as the Death Korps of Krieg can be found below.









Alina & Aline

Cast your your vote here.

Last edited Apr 01, 2021 at 08:15AM EDT

wisehowl_the_2nd wrote:

Since most of the other girls got thanos'd from the 9e update to Forgeworld the only viable option is Evelin.

I am eternally salty about Krieg nerfs.

Wait, what?

This is the first I've heard of this.

Have they scrapped all of the alternative guard regiments in favour of just having Cadian units?

Soup King wrote:

Wait, what?

This is the first I've heard of this.

Have they scrapped all of the alternative guard regiments in favour of just having Cadian units?

In the 9e forge world compendium update they scrapped a lot of units (mostly out of production models) but even some that had come out within a year. Krieg went from having an amazing regiment trait (ignoring losses in ranged phase for morale, 1 WS) to having a terrible one (ignoring all modifiers in attrition tests [of which there is only one in the entire game that shows up], vehicles/characters get a 50% chance to get a 16% chance to make one extra attack on death). A lot of signature Krieg units like the Grenadiers, Centaurs, and Quartermasters got thrown out entirely. Cavalry units got an insane number of buffs but also lost their 3 weapon skill so it's a very bittersweet gain.

But hey they can now put all the other normal guard stuff in their regiment which is… fine I guess. Hopefully the 9e codex remedies this a bit. I was on the verge of buying a Krieg army (from reputable Ukrainian resin dealers cough) but this really turned me off.

wisehowl_the_2nd wrote:

In the 9e forge world compendium update they scrapped a lot of units (mostly out of production models) but even some that had come out within a year. Krieg went from having an amazing regiment trait (ignoring losses in ranged phase for morale, 1 WS) to having a terrible one (ignoring all modifiers in attrition tests [of which there is only one in the entire game that shows up], vehicles/characters get a 50% chance to get a 16% chance to make one extra attack on death). A lot of signature Krieg units like the Grenadiers, Centaurs, and Quartermasters got thrown out entirely. Cavalry units got an insane number of buffs but also lost their 3 weapon skill so it's a very bittersweet gain.

But hey they can now put all the other normal guard stuff in their regiment which is… fine I guess. Hopefully the 9e codex remedies this a bit. I was on the verge of buying a Krieg army (from reputable Ukrainian resin dealers cough) but this really turned me off.

Well, the wonderful thing about tabletop at least is that if you don't like the new edition, there's nothing stopping you from playing the old edition, or tweaking the rules so you can use both the old and new stuff.

You can't do that in a tournament of course, but if you're playing casually or with friends, most people will be happy to accommodate you.

It's not like a video game where if you don't like the changes you're pretty much stuffed.

At least your not an Ork player who got told all of his Looted Units were no longer legal units. That was one massive kick to the balls and took a lot of fun out of the game when they did that a few editions ago.


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