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lil wayne named songwriter of the year

Last posted Aug 27, 2014 at 10:04AM EDT. Added Aug 23, 2014 at 02:25PM EDT
22 posts from 15 users

Mangy Black Sheep wrote:

So this is the current state of Hip-Hop eh…?

>implying there wasnt bad music in the 90´s
>implying the underground rap isnt having a renaissance
>implying implications

>Be Lil Wayne
>Grab award
>"Good thing nigga rhymes with nigga, or else I'd be outta a job naaaaaah saaaaaaayin? (Insert girly cackle here)"

Mangy Black Sheep wrote:

>I said any of that
>without green text

>i wasnt totally implying rap today sucks with that post


>2014 minus 5 days
>still greentexting

stay pleb

Last edited Aug 25, 2014 at 12:51AM EDT

The Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels wrote:

I don't agree. Lil "Gayne" is a talentless rapper who rhymes nigga with nigga. Rap all sucks except for Eminem and Macklemore because they're white they rap about real life. :^))))

IKR kids these days are so stupid, id rather listen to beatles and led zeppelin and pink floyd, i was born in le wrong generation :^)


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