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Most Loathed/Least Liked Character in one of your Favorite TV Shows?

Last posted Mar 29, 2018 at 10:53AM EDT. Added Mar 23, 2018 at 11:52PM EDT
17 posts from 17 users

I have a few in particular, But I'm going with DeeDee From Dexter's Laboratory for this thread.

There were a few episodes in the series that I couldn't stand her.
And You know, She's also one those Common Cartoon Characters that usually get off scot-free from their bad actions.
She did have her redeeming moments, But she definitely ranks low on my Dexter's Lab Character Tier List.

Honestly I could put so many characters from any season of American Horror Story (except 2 which is the only good season [though 3 is a very guilty pleasure]) because pretty much everyone is unlikable (and not in a good way), but Tate is the guy I want to personally cause immediate harm to.
First off, he's a school shooter. Lovely!
He's a whiny, entitled, violent, obsessive psychopath who, over the course of a season, murders random people for no reason, rapes the main character, commits a hate crime to one of the house's previous occupants because he didn't like that they were a gay couple or something, and just has an obnoxious annoying personality.
But it's his fandom that make me hate him the most. A fandom that sees him as a hot woobie and had a rough life while blindly ignoring everything he's done. The only saving grace is that he actually gets the undead shit kicked out of him by, ironically, the guy he committed the hate crime against. Delicious karma.
Fuck Tate, fuck Ryan Murphy, and fuck this show (except season 2).

Also shoutout to pretty much every character in Girls minus maybe Shoshanna and Jess. Fuck Hannah especially.

Last edited Mar 24, 2018 at 02:50AM EDT

Haley is a typical vapid teenage girl who hates everybody except her friends and that makes her completely insufferable in my book. Occasionally she would show some kindness to her family, but otherwise she's basically every teenage girl in almost every television show family ever. Why do some reviewers consider her the best character anyways?

Megan from Drake and Josh. Basically a smug brat who kept getting away with her bratty behavior, I was actually relieved when in the "Drake and Josh Go Hollywood" special they didn't make her super obnoxious. This role is also something of an "odd one out" for Miranda Cosgrove since in School of Rock and iCarly she played much "nicer" characters.

A self entitled brat with the most annoying yell I’ve ever heard in cartoon history, gets poor Ed in trouble at the slightest provocation, and only gets karma for what she does in one episode and the movie. At least Kevin can be friendly with the other kids of the cul-de-sac besides the Eds- Sarah is horrible to anyone not named Jimmy.

This is Makoto Fukami, he's the secondary rider for Kamen Rider Ghost. He's possibly the worst secondary rider to date. His entire character can be summarized up to "FUCK YOU TAKERU!" "FUCK YOU DAD!" "FUCK YOU ALAN" "FUCK YOU FAKE ME!" "FUCK YOU TAKERU NOW LETS BE FRIENDS AND FIGHT THE GANMA!" His backstory is interesting BUT he honestly is the worst rider for his backstory execution. His original goal was to use the 13 Eyecons to resurrect his dead sister but it went and he managed to do so. Then there was the plot line of Alan coming in and fucking with him. The plot of Specter: ReBirth where he wouldn't shut up about how his real father is worse than his father who cared for him. The Summer movie for Ghost where he fought his father to get an eyecon for the movie villain to use for whatever b list villain plot. Makoto is honestly the worst Secondary Rider for wanting to kill Takeru the episode he was introduced then having an about face literally 2 episodes after he was introduced.

Peggy Hill had her moments, especially early on, but over the course of several seasons, she developed into a really annoying character. Her whole personality became "idiot who thinks she knows everything." It would have been okay as an occasional gag, but basing her whole character around such a huge flaw made her intolerable.

Last edited Mar 25, 2018 at 07:33PM EDT

Main character of the show. By season 3 she has nothing to do with most of the major events happening to other characters shes a horrible manipulative monster who constantly ruins other peoples lifes or puts them into danger. Never learns or grows as a person. Would actually be better off for every single person in the world if she didn't exist. Yet almost always gets what she wants in the end

There is a part where she gets held down and branded with a hot iron swastika and its 100% justified to the point where I sided with the people burning her.

Last edited Mar 25, 2018 at 09:37PM EDT

Yeah, yeah, I know that this is a common one, but it's true. Korra is a selfish brat who attempts to solve everything with fighting, but she couldn't learn airbending until she had to deus ex machina it. She never learns from her mistakes, and most the the events in the show can be linked to her. The only points she gets is for that sweet yuri at the end.
For those who still like her:

Wallace and Grommet wrote:

A self entitled brat with the most annoying yell I’ve ever heard in cartoon history, gets poor Ed in trouble at the slightest provocation, and only gets karma for what she does in one episode and the movie. At least Kevin can be friendly with the other kids of the cul-de-sac besides the Eds- Sarah is horrible to anyone not named Jimmy.

This right here.

Honestly, I was sure that Jimmy was my least favorite EE'nE character for awhile until I realized that Jimmy is only truly annoying because nobody can do anything to him without Sarah ripping them to pieces. If Sarah didn't exist, Jimmy's reputation would probably be better.

As someone who is more like Dipper Mabel does get under my skin a bit

Her naive but optimistic nature doesn't really endear me to her that much as it quickly gets annoying. It isn't helped by the fact she is that Dipper is usually the one who suffers for her sake and outside of a single episode never really seems to appreciate him even after that episode she still acts selfishly and at the very end almost dooms everyone. Then was willing to condemn the world to said doom for her own benefit. (also replacing her brother with a "MORE supportive" one despite him giving up important stuff just for her sake) and never once really suffers or is punished for her actions and at the very end gets what she wants instead of being forced to accept that not everyone should stop what they are doing for her sake.


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