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Ralph Breaks the Internet (Wreck-It Ralph 2) Trailer

Last posted Mar 06, 2018 at 03:20PM EST. Added Feb 28, 2018 at 09:01AM EST
20 posts from 17 users

I'm concerned. The bunny joke was funny and it's just a teaser, so maybe the movie itself will turn out well, but this wasn't a good first impression. The jokes were weirdly close to something I would expect from the Emoji movie and the name comes from a terrible ancient meme. Strange creative decisions.

Why are people complaining that this doesn't have as many video game references as the first one? The references were nice, but that's not what made the movie good, it was the well-written story and characters.

There are two movies that shares the same world-building, one involves vidya i.e. Ready Player One and the other involves tech/internet i.e. Wreck-It Ralph 2.

Trailer Analysis (Hopefully my turn on it will not drag on)
•Webpage can't load up in an outdated browser and iMickey (Just make you theorise that if Disney already bought both Apple and Pixar)
•The theme song is so early 2010s. That is Levels by Avicii.
•Might be the first since Logorama to shamelessly put up product placements by logos.
•Moana (and Big Hero 6) is not as much known.
•Sponsored Content! The next advertisment takeover. "These 10 child stars went to prison! Number 6 will amaze you!"
•If you think about which websites the two are going given the fact the current state of them, don't go deep down the rabbit hole.
•Red Pill!: Will the two learn what kids watch on YouTube? (More info from J.B., h3h3, F.K.)
•That fetish scene at the end. Maybe it's The Meaning of Life reference.
•Also, Young Moana at the end.
•Might succeed at what the Emoji Movie failed at.

Extra: Assuming that Litwax's still had Mappy.

Last edited Mar 01, 2018 at 10:04PM EST

Rylade475 wrote:

Why are people complaining that this doesn't have as many video game references as the first one? The references were nice, but that's not what made the movie good, it was the well-written story and characters.

It was a big part of the charm of the 1st movie. Not just because it threw in characters like Sonic, but because it /got/ video games. One scene that stuck with me was when a generic FPS soldier walked into a wall and continued his walk cycle animation in place, and it just told me that the creators knew what they were doing with the subject matter and the movie wasn't just some Hollywood cash-grab with a video game theme. It's just somewhat worrying that the trailer seems to be moving away from that (still cautiously optimistic personally).

Ever since I saw the title of the movie a few months ago, I became concerned. Why couldn't they call it "Wrecks the Internet"? While the trailer did restore some hope, I can picture the list of jokes that are going to be in the movie.
People being rude to each other/Trolls
Virus ads
Youtube videos from 2007
Le dank may-mays from 9gag
Disney fans, portrayed well, of course
Weird gamers and games
WACKY news sites
The look of horror when accidentally seeing porn the KYM trending image gallery

Knightshade wrote:

Ever since I saw the title of the movie a few months ago, I became concerned. Why couldn't they call it "Wrecks the Internet"? While the trailer did restore some hope, I can picture the list of jokes that are going to be in the movie.
People being rude to each other/Trolls
Virus ads
Youtube videos from 2007
Le dank may-mays from 9gag
Disney fans, portrayed well, of course
Weird gamers and games
WACKY news sites
The look of horror when accidentally seeing porn the KYM trending image gallery

I was really hoping that's the name hinted for Ralph going into the multiplayer kind of games, where there is no absolute good vs evil, but rather more team A vs team B; Which can really fit the theme of Ralph being the bad guy of his game!
And even have that gag where story and gameplay are contrasting each other, and characters which are rival in their lore – can find themselves teaming up together (against random guys from the enemy team) without any reason.
But nope, it's gonna be about internet memes and mobile crap!

Last edited Mar 06, 2018 at 03:24PM EST

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