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Pro Wrestling/WWE (NJPW, ROH, etc.) General 2.0: A New Era

Last posted May 07, 2018 at 11:41AM EDT. Added Aug 09, 2016 at 10:16PM EDT
385 posts from 22 users

I liked No Mercy overall even if how they handled Alexa was questionable.

Before even coming back, Paige has been suspended again (I think she will get released before the year is out).

If there was one thing i'd change about the card on No Mercy it'd be that Ziggler and Miz would go on last. It was the most emotionally investing out of all the other storylines and Dolph saving his career would have been a nice, feel-good way to end the show.

Otherwise, the only things I disliked outright was the fact we never got a Alexa Bliss (#1 contender) lost in a non-title match and the fact that Orton and Bray (which in the past few weeks has been silly, at best) went last.

Luke Harper was nice to see again, I guess.

I was annoyed they'd seemingly forgotten about Hawkins this week because of all the memery, but thankfully they uploaded a video to clear it all up:

This gimmick is fucking amazing

Did anyone catch the debut of Sanity on NXT this week?

I think it's a good idea to have one veteran leader but the rest of the group be newcomers. They actually look quite scary.

Been busy with stuff, so a couple of things:

First, some breaking news. Hideo Itami is injured once again. Based on what Itami said, it doesn't seem he'll be out for that long. However, he won't be participating in the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic with Kota Ibushi. I honestly feel bad for the guy, but here's hoping he gets well soon.

Second, wanna briefly give my thoughts on No Mercy. Good PPV, despite the weird match placement. Like several others have said, I would've liked to see the IC Match last, but regardless, that match, along with the Triple Threat and the end of the Orton/Wyatt match made the night for me.

Final thing, just wanted to add some comments about RAW, Smackdown, and NXT. Personally, I thought Smackdown had the better show this week, and I found it to be a bit more entertaining (well, except maybe one moment) than RAW. However, RAW was Jericho, as he was easily the highlight of the show. Smackdown had me entertained until I saw James Ellsworth nearly get killed by botching the Styles Clash. Thankfully, AJ was fast enough to change up the landing, and Ellsworth turned out alright. Finally, regarding NXT, I thought Sanity's debut was cool. Intriguing entrance, and the reveal of the final member was done really well.

I just learned today my Database professor is a wrestling fan.

I took an exam earlier in the day. There were these tables that we used to write queries and stuff. One table had the names of Stephanie McMahon, John Cena, Roman Reigns, Brock Lesnar, and Mick Foley.

Another table had the names of Shane, Dean, and Seth. And a third had three rows labeled Lying, Cheating, and Stealing.

He told me he wasn't sure anyone would get it but I knew what they all meant. Before leaving, I told him his database was phenomenal.

Kotor wrote:

I just learned today my Database professor is a wrestling fan.

I took an exam earlier in the day. There were these tables that we used to write queries and stuff. One table had the names of Stephanie McMahon, John Cena, Roman Reigns, Brock Lesnar, and Mick Foley.

Another table had the names of Shane, Dean, and Seth. And a third had three rows labeled Lying, Cheating, and Stealing.

He told me he wasn't sure anyone would get it but I knew what they all meant. Before leaving, I told him his database was phenomenal.

I want a professor like yours.

With Survivor Series coming up, who would you like to see on each brand's teams?

I think it'd be pretty sweet if Shelton Benjamin to return as a surprise member of team Smackdown but that would depend on the extent of his injury. There's also always the possibility of James Ellsworth being the lone survivor, which would be hilarious.

I'm also really looking forward to the main event.

They are going to reference the Screwjob in some way and you don't need psychic powers to know this. It will get mad heat from that audience for what it's worth.

I expect Goldberg versus Lesnar to be on this card (even two months ago I would never have thought it possible). 2016 has got to be one of the craziest years ever.

I'm assuming at this point that like previous years, the World titles/uppercard stories will be spread out on the card with the 5-on-5 matches in between. Those matches will have the usual assortment of midcard talent.

I hope the Wyatts get something non-generic to do since Bray and Harper have actually been winning for a change in the last week.

TNA is apparently in the direst straits ever, even losing the license to some entrance music for recent shows. Corgan apparently suing Dixie Carter. I hope someone, anyone, just buys the thing from her.

Apparently Matt Hardy might have the cash for it even, he's basically got creative control to what seems to be a significant degree now, and is currently doing the hype for the alleged final episode of Impact.

So Hell in a Cell is coming up, so I think I'll give my predictions:

  • Cedric Alexander, Lince Dorado and Sin Cara vs Tony Nese, Drew Gulak and Ariya Daivari
    Kick-off show match. I think the heels go over, so Nese, Gulak, and Daivari win.

  • Bayley vs Dana Brooke
    Bayley goes over.

  • Enzo Amore and Big Cass vs Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson
    Gallows and Anderson go over… hopefully… maybe….

  • The New Day vs Sheamus and Cesaro (Tag Team Titles)
    New Day retains, and they sure as hell ain't losing those tag belts anytime soon.

  • TJ Perkins vs Brian Kendrick (Cruiserweight Title)
    TJ retains the Cruiserweight belt. It'd be cool to see Kendrick as champ though. I think he'd do wonders.

  • Roman Reigns vs Rusev (US Title, Hell in a Cell)
    Roman retains most likely.

  • Kevin Owens vs Seth Rollins (Universal Title, Hell in a Cell)
    I could see KO retaining, but I could also see Seth winning it. Honestly I kinda hope KO retains.

  • Sasha Banks vs Charlotte (Women's Title, Hell in a Cell)
    Sasha retains (the PPV is in Boston, her hometown.). I sincerely hope that this match is the main event, since that would be so ground-breaking.

I kinda have low hopes for this PPV, but I think it'll be alright.

Last edited Oct 28, 2016 at 06:04PM EDT

Eglamore wrote:

A Sasha win may seem highly predictable but WWE has a strange trend of making people lose in their hometown.

This is what almost 20 years as a fan will do to you

Well Sasha/Charlotte was good but there were a few weird moments and the ending was strange. The start and the heat on Charlotte early on was fantastic, however, even if it petered out towards the end. She kept up her great storytelling and character work throughout the match. I think it's a great positive overall even if some fans felt disappointed by the ending. I also enjoyed the reference to the Mankind cell match with Sasha being stretchered out.

Decent PPV overall but not truly great. Rollins/Owens was great. Rusev/Reigns was decent but slow in places. A lot of the midcard stuff felt like it could have been done on Raw, but Sheamus/Cesaro and the shifting dynamic between them and the New Day was actually pretty interesting. The hype on the main event was awesome; shame that the end was negatively received even though history could have dictated that ending.

I don't understand why the crowd is so dead for Kendrick/TJP. All right so it wasn't their best match and they did have a tough act to follow, but their character work is great and yet they don't seem to get as much reaction as I was expecting on Raw from week to week either.

I pretty much share the same opinion as Eglamore for Hell in a Cell. HiaC turned out better than I thought it would be, though most of those matches were the kind I'd expect from RAW. Best Cell match was definitely Seth vs KO. Rusev vs Reigns was alright, but Roman's selling really needs plenty of work. Aside from the EMT spot going on for too long, as well the botched table spots and the awkward ending, I thought Sasha vs Charlotte was good. Props to both competitors for attempting to tell a good story.

I don’t understand why the crowd is so dead for Kendrick/TJP.

Imo, the cruiserweights in general have gotten a dead reaction, so I wouldn't exactly pin the lack of reaction on just TJP and Kendrick.

I thought Hell in a Cell was pretty good.

Kendrick and TJ did a great job of telling a story in the ring with Kendrick seeming like he was betrayed after every time TJ kicked out of a pin. Kendrick playing playing possum was the icing on the cake for me.

I thought Charlotte Fair vs Sasha Banks was a great match to close the night. Charlotte putting Sasha through that wooden table would have been a ending but honestly it was already at the point where I was hoping it would end sooner than later so they could stop taking scary bumps.

Do you guys think this is going to set a precedent for other hardcore type matches featuring women in the future (e.g. ladder, No-DQ, more HiaC) or do you think this is a one and done thing?

-Edited because i'm an idiot and apparently I don't know the difference between Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch.

Last edited Nov 01, 2016 at 09:28AM EDT

Helena Cell had 0 satisfying results. Best match was Rusev vs. Reigns, best moment was KO kissing Jericho. Banks/Flair was a bust imo. Crowd wasn't buying the near-stretcher job followed by 35 minutes of wrestling Sasha pulled, and that finish made no sense at all.

Next week is UK shows so crowd should be pretty good. Raw and SD will be from Glasgow for the first time ever IIRC (also it would be great if various announcers would bother to learn that it's pronounced to rhyme with "go", not with "cow"; only about half of them seem to be aware of this).

They're going all around the UK and I'm going to one of the house shows so pretty excited.

Ey the house show I went to was pretty based. Even the Corbin/Swagger match was thrilling. So much different in person.

Heights are still crazy kayfabed which shouldn't come as a surprise, but when you're rampside right next to these guys it really stands out. I'm taller than a lot of guys WWE would tell you are 1 – 2 inches taller than me. Kane is still hueg though, lol.

ballstothewall wrote:

Ey the house show I went to was pretty based. Even the Corbin/Swagger match was thrilling. So much different in person.

Heights are still crazy kayfabed which shouldn't come as a surprise, but when you're rampside right next to these guys it really stands out. I'm taller than a lot of guys WWE would tell you are 1 – 2 inches taller than me. Kane is still hueg though, lol.

I read Hardcore Holly's autobiography and in one part he was going over the ridiculousness of the billed weights and heights. I think he said that Christian was no more than 160ibs when wet. On the other hand, Rob Van Dam is supposedly heavier than one would expect (probably closer to his billed weight than Christian)


Haven't watched a lot of WWE lately because of schoolwork and current events. I probably would have had a better time on Tuesday if I watched Smackdown rather than the election coverage. I heard that Baron Corbin was removed from the Survivor Series match last Smackdown because of injury but if the house show that Eglamore watched was after the fact then maybe it was scripted all along? Okay, I looked up the video and it was definitely part of the show. Can't imagine slipping on the apron felt too good either way.

Also, I recently made the mistake of listening to Cedric Alexander's theme and now it's going to be stuck in my head for the rest of the week.

Last edited Nov 15, 2016 at 10:13AM EST

Amongus wrote:

Anyone hyped for Smackdown 900?

I'm pretty interested to see what goes on. I'm particularly anticipating a good IC championship match.

In sadder news, former WWE, WCW, NJPW, and AJPW performer Big Van Vader (Leon White) has been given two years to live due to congestive heart failure. He is a three time WCW world champion. He's also famous for his agility despite his size, being responsible for Mick Foley's missing ear and continuing a match despite one of his eyes being popped from its socket.

Last edited Nov 15, 2016 at 03:45PM EST

I'm a bit disappointed that there weren't more matches on the 900th episode of Smackdown. The time they used for promoting Lesnar VS Goldberg could have had a match. I know it's their biggest thing yet but I don't like seeing things exclusive to Raw taking up time on Smackdown and vise versa.

Miz winning the IC championship was totally unexpected, at least for me. Miz has one hell of a flying knee too.

Anyone else get the feeling that Miz vs Sami and Kalisto vs Kendrick are going to have interference? I feel like Dolph Ziggler and Baron Corbin are going to make sure no actual title swaps occur.

I'm kinda bummed that Dolph lost the title to Miz after only having it for… a month I think? But I suppose that'll make the IC Survivor Series match all the more interesting. Still, with the obvious face vs heel thing going on with that match, does that mean Sami will win the title? Will there be interference like Conman above me suggested? There's so many questions, but I guess we'll find out this Sunday.

Anyways, that IC match was amazing. Miz has come a long way. I thought the storytelling in the match was great, and Dolph and Miz have great chemistry.

Last edited Nov 16, 2016 at 09:17PM EST

Space Cowboy wrote:

I'm kinda bummed that Dolph lost the title to Miz after only having it for… a month I think? But I suppose that'll make the IC Survivor Series match all the more interesting. Still, with the obvious face vs heel thing going on with that match, does that mean Sami will win the title? Will there be interference like Conman above me suggested? There's so many questions, but I guess we'll find out this Sunday.

Anyways, that IC match was amazing. Miz has come a long way. I thought the storytelling in the match was great, and Dolph and Miz have great chemistry.

I'm hoping that Dolph VS Miz doesn't become the new Cena VS Orton in that they're chemistry doesn't lead to a saturation of matches that wears out all the interest.

How would you react to the Cruiserweight division moving to Smackdown? It sound pretty absurd to me and with Smackdown being an hour shorter than Raw it would be a real struggle to display them to their full potential.

Oh and Taker was nice to see again. Not sure what he meant by "Wrestlemania will no longer define my legacy".

I see Maryse and the Spirit Squad interfering in that Intercontinental match at Survivor Series more so than Dolph. I suppose if that does happen, Dolph can still run down and attack the Spirit Squad.

Conman the terrible wrote:

How would you react to the Cruiserweight division moving to Smackdown? It sound pretty absurd to me and with Smackdown being an hour shorter than Raw it would be a real struggle to display them to their full potential.

I heard that the Cruiserweights would get their own show, which I think would help them since they won't be overshadowed by the rest of the Raw and Smackdown roster. I believe the announcers for the Cruiserweight show would be Mauro Ranallo and Corey Graves.

Problem with that though is that I heard that the Cruiserweight show would air on Tuesday nights. The Tuesday night schedule would be Smackdown Live, the Cruiserweight show, and Talking Smack (if you watch that).

How would you react to the Cruiserweight division moving to Smackdown?

Assuming the Cruiserweight Division does move to Smackdown, they'd probably just shove 'em to that 205 Live (meh name btw) show that's coming up soon. Of course, regardless of brand, 205 Live was probably gonna devote more time to cruiserweight storylines anyways.

Survivor Series 2016 Predictions

1# Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg → Goldberg wins via DQ

2# 5–on–5 traditional Survivor Series elimination match (Men) → Team Smackdown

3# 5–on–5 traditional Survivor Series elimination match (Woman) → Team Raw

4# 10–on–10 traditional Survivor Series tag team elimination match → Team Smackdown

5# The Miz vs Sami Zayn → The Miz wins

6# The Brian Kendrick vs Kalisto → The Brian Kendrick wins

Last edited Nov 19, 2016 at 03:17PM EST

Amongus wrote:

Survivor Series 2016 Predictions

1# Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg → Goldberg wins via DQ

2# 5–on–5 traditional Survivor Series elimination match (Men) → Team Smackdown

3# 5–on–5 traditional Survivor Series elimination match (Woman) → Team Raw

4# 10–on–10 traditional Survivor Series tag team elimination match → Team Smackdown

5# The Miz vs Sami Zayn → The Miz wins

6# The Brian Kendrick vs Kalisto → The Brian Kendrick wins

Wait, which one of those is the women's match and which one is the men's singles match?

Conman The Terrible wrote:

Wait, which one of those is the women's match and which one is the men's singles match?

The First match is the men's match
the secound the women's match

EDIT: I edit the post

Last edited Nov 19, 2016 at 03:17PM EST

Amongus wrote:

Survivor Series 2016 Predictions

1# Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg → Goldberg wins via DQ

2# 5–on–5 traditional Survivor Series elimination match (Men) → Team Smackdown

3# 5–on–5 traditional Survivor Series elimination match (Woman) → Team Raw

4# 10–on–10 traditional Survivor Series tag team elimination match → Team Smackdown

5# The Miz vs Sami Zayn → The Miz wins

6# The Brian Kendrick vs Kalisto → The Brian Kendrick wins

Pretty much agree with most of your predictions, but I think Lesnar will beat Goldberg and Sami Zayn will win and become the new Intercontinental Champion.

Anyways, Takeover's happening tonight, so here's my predictions:

  • The Revival vs #DIY (Gargano & Ciampa); 2-3 Falls Match for NXT Tag Team Titles – tough call, but I think Revival's gonna retain
  • The Authors of Pain vs TM-61; Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Final – Authors of Pain win
  • Bobby Roode vs Tye DillingerGLORIOUS Bobby Roode wins
  • Asuka vs Mickie James; NXT Women's Title – Asuka retains
  • Shinsuke Nakamura vs Samoa Joe; NXT Championship Title – Nakamura retains, Joe goes to Main (preferably to Smackdown)
Last edited Nov 19, 2016 at 04:02PM EST

I think Lesnar, Sami and Kalisto are all going over. The rest of the matches I'm not sure enough about and could go either way.

Expect a lot of screwy finishes or for the victories to be evenly carved up so neither brand looks too much stronger than the other.

Sure I'll do my own Survivor Series prediction. My predicted winner will be bolded:

Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg

Men's Survivor Series Match – Team Raw vs Team Smackdown

Women's Survivor Series Match – Team Raw vs Team Smackdown

Tag Team Survivor Series Match – Team Raw vs Team Smackdown

The Miz vs Sami Zayn

The Brian Kendrick vs Kalisto

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