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RWBY General 2.0: A Fresh start

Last posted Jan 20, 2020 at 11:33PM EST. Added May 08, 2016 at 11:44AM EDT
1596 posts from 58 users

Themilo wrote:

Maybe our world is a fantasy world too. Perhaps we are all just a story in a world that doesn't have water or insects.

If so, the writers have a sick sense of humour.

No insects? So we're just part of some Quarian's story? Whoa…
But this is RWBY, so I won't get us off topic. Shall we go back to the songs, or move on to something else?

Fallenangel700 wrote:

No insects? So we're just part of some Quarian's story? Whoa…
But this is RWBY, so I won't get us off topic. Shall we go back to the songs, or move on to something else?

Let's move on. We could talk about….um……which weapon is most likely to double as a masturbation aid.

So, I usually don't like to jump into any wild assumptions, but now I make an exception and try to foretell the future of Remnant. Of course where I can, will provide clues but this just gonna be a "what could happen" – wild fantasies edition.
First of all what we do know? We do know with the destruction of the Vale CCT Tower, the whole system has collapsed, communcations will slow down, if not totally cease, people will surely riot, especially in Mistral. Why Mistral? Well Cinder said: "As someone who hails from Mistral, I can assure you the situation there is equally undesirable." And just lets stop at that word: Undesirable. The meaning of the word is unacceptable, unwanted. What could be so bad there? Well, let's see what Mistral can offer: Thiefs, murderers, terrorists, and that's just top of the berg. If you ask me, Mistral is a kingdom in deep economical issues, why I think that? Mistral always hosts a local tournament, yearly, Pyrrha won it in 4 consecutive times. It has a trade route, and also can manage to have several smaller town, although as Qrow says only unsavory characters live there, calling them "thugs and lowlifes". However I think Mistral's government is pretty much putting the money in their pocket instead of the kingdom's vault. However that's just the half of it, maybe the kingdom of Atlas is kinda forcing it's ways on Mistral? Why yes! How do we know that? Cinder said "I can assure you the situation there is equally undiserable." The key word is equally, according to her, Vale is occupied by Atlas: "Or perhaps this was his message to the tyrannical dictator that has occupied an unsuspecting kingdom with armed forces." So what can we conclude? There will be a rebellion, and Team RNJR will drop in the middle of this. However in the background something will happen, I don't expect Salem to make a move yet, she's like an old Goliath, she's waiting for a crack on the shield, and when she sees it, she will strike, mercilessly. However I don't think Volume 4 will start with Team RNJR, no, if they really want to build some tension then they will show something about Weiss or Yang, or even Blake! But not Ruby and her friends, at least not in the first few episodes of Volume 4. But at the end of Volume 4, a new enemy, a new nemesis will emerge and our heroes will be forced to flee, how do I know? I don't, I just assume. Of course above these, we can expect somethings to happen: Comedy, tragedy, romance, somebody will return, somebody or somebodies will die, etc.

Makes sense for an assumption. I think V4 will start with RNJR and then add in the other characters as RNJR re-encounters them, but that's just the way I'd do it.

Speaking of Atlas though… Didn't one of the World of Remnant videos go over the kingdoms? It didn't go in to details, but I think it described Atlas as debunked or something like that. What's up with that? Why is Atlas so different then the others? Why is there school system and military intertwined? Why does Atlas have such an extensive military while Vale seemingly does not? (Vale seemingly only has Hunters. The CCT tower, the most precious building in the city, should be in the most well protected part of the city and it was in the best huntsman school in the kingdom. Not a military base.) Atlas is an enigma of a kingdom right now.

Kingdom of Atlas, or as once known as Kingdom of Mantle. When it was still Mantle, it already had the academy of Atlas. So my headcanon goes as: After the Great War, the kingdoms were in ruins, the people were confused, their leaders were trying to figure out what next. In that time the headmaster of Atlas (not Ironwood), came up with a plan. Using up the general confusion, he sent his huntsmen to take the control over Mantle. After successfully taking over he renamed the kingdom to Atlas and created a new loyal army, the Atlesian Military, thus the Academy, the Military and the Government became controlled by one person, and his successors kept this system, none of them questioned it.

Last edited May 29, 2016 at 01:00PM EDT

Oookay! ……… Anyway opinions on the newest RWBY Chibi episode? The Blake box scene was meh, I mean, we all expected her to climb into that box, it wasn't anything new. The ice sculpture scene was funny and the marshmallow part was just hilarious. I also kinda liked the video game part because of that sweet sweet 8bit Red Like Roses part II tune. Overally: Blake was just Blake, Yang raged a bit too much, and Weiss was just cheating like always.

I…did not actually expect Blake to do that. None of my cats has ever done that so eagerly. In fact, if they are somehow in the box, they climb out of it after like 2 minutes.

On a side note, considering the contents of the box…why did it have to be so big?

So I was trying to make sense Salem's words. And noticed something (like always, seriously guys, I only post when I notice something!): Let's start it with this little conversation from Volume 1, "Ruby Rose":

Salem: "So you may prepare your guardians, build your monuments to a so-called 'free world', but take heed… there will be no victory in strength."

Ozpin: "But perhaps victory is in the simpler things that you've long forgotten. Things that require a smaller, more honest soul."

"Things you've long forgotten", do you know what does that little detail means? It means, that Salem once, was a human in fact (welp there goes my Grimm people headcanon), a human that succumbed to the darkness, she lost what made her human, her soul is long gone, leaving behind a body that is full of darkness. Heck she rather looks like a dead person than actual an Grimm. Comparison time!


Ursa Major:

So if Salem was a human, how old is she? Probably as old as Ozpin, cause apparently Ozpin still remember those "things" Salem already forgot. Let's see what else we have here.

Salem: "A smaller, more honest soul… It's true that a simple spark can ignite hope, breathe fire into the hearts of the weary. The ability to derive strength from hope is undoubtedly mankind's greatest attribute. Which is why I will focus all of my power… to snuff it out."

Salem: "But divide them, place doubt into their minds, and any semblance of power they once had will wash away."

Now let's stop for a second. Semblance, automatically we think about the innate ability Hunstmen posses, right? But what does semblance mean? According to the Oxford dictionary:
"The outward appearance or apparent form of something, especially when the reality is different"
In my opinion, this time, Salem rather refers to the visual strenght, and control of humans than the innate ability. Semblance of Power, in this form, it means human powers are just apparent and not actual, I'm not saying their Semblance or Aura not real, what I say is humans never had any control over the planet, even the "safe" kingdoms aren't ruled by them, it was proven, Grimms can and will attack humans in these "safe heavens", and they can't do anything against this. Well these are all nice, but wonder what Salem's finishing line means.

Salem: "So you send your guardians, your Huntsmen and Huntresses, and when they fail and you turn to your smaller soul, know that you send her to the same pitiful demise."

"Same pitiful demise", y'know, when I heard that, a name popped up in my mind: Summer Rose. She was a Silver eyed warrior, someone the Creatures of Grimm are feared, if she could control her power then even undefeatable by common Grimms, even maybe by stronger ones like Alpha Beowulfs and Ursa Majors. Yet on her last mission she died. What was her last mission, where did she go? What she had to do? Ozpin and many other were aware of her powers, they wouldn't send her to some rookie missions even the regular half-assed Huntsman can solve. No, if you ask me, she was way behind enemy lines, deep within the Grimm territories, what she was doing? I don't know, but apparently Salem has to do something with Summer's death, and Ruby is about to meet the same fate…


Salem pretty much outright says she's human in the first episode.

"Mankind has grown quite fond of recounting the exploits of heroes and villains, forgetting so easily that we are remnants, byproducts, of a forgotten past."

"We" implies that she is, or at least once was, a part of "mankind."

also lol Summer's not dead

Snickerway wrote:


Salem pretty much outright says she's human in the first episode.

"Mankind has grown quite fond of recounting the exploits of heroes and villains, forgetting so easily that we are remnants, byproducts, of a forgotten past."

"We" implies that she is, or at least once was, a part of "mankind."

also lol Summer's not dead

Well who's to say that the Grimm aren't all just reincarnated humans?

(NOTE: I apologize for the length of the following wall of text. Please bear in mind that this is just postulation.)

(I may be spending too much time reading too much about WH40k lore, but hear me out.)

Seeing Weiss' comment (about Grimm being reincarnated humans) got me thinking.

What if there's another dimension or realm at play here? Something similar in nature to the Warp but with less than or equal to the spiritual/psychological/emotional mess of the aforementioned realm. When living creatures die, their souls probably go somewhere, such as a spiritual realm. What if this realm is home to these departed souls, but like the Warp, is influenced by the emotions of living beings?

Consider that the Grimm, being drawn towards humanity and human constructs, are also attracted to the negative emotions generated by humans (and likely animals). This hints that the Grimm might be more connected to humanity than initially thought.

(This is where Weiss' comment about Grimm possibly being reincarnated humans comes into play. )

What if Grimm are the manifestation of souls of those who lived corrupt and evil lives, or even just souls of people corrupted by a dark influence in this theoretical realm of souls? (And on that matter, is it possible Salem was corrupted by such a dark influence or is possibly a greater manifestation of such?) Just as the demons (and Chaos Gods) in Warhammer lore were created from emotional and spiritual energies, what if the Grimm ascribe to a similar concept?

Could the reason that they evaporate upon death be due to that they are inherently not native to Remnant (and the dimension it's set in)? Grimm don't require sustenance (as far as we know in the traditional sense) but still pursue humans as if they feed off of their emotional, psychological, and spiritual energies. Those Grimm that have "lived long enough" (such as Goliaths) have enough (or consumed enough) power to continue manifesting themselves in Remnant.

On another point, consider how Cinder was able to summon a Grimm parasite and how Raven cut open a portal and disappeared through it. Where did that parasite come from, and where did that portal go? Again, what if they respectively came from and led to an unseen dimension?

Finally, though not necessarily supportive of my theories, what if Dust is actually the physical manifestation of the raw energies of this theoretical realm. (I mean you have to admit, Dust does behave similarly to Mako-based Materia, but I digress.)

(Going to stop here for now, might have more on this later. Any input would be welcome and appreciated.)

Last edited Jun 01, 2016 at 05:25PM EDT

That makes a scary amount of sense, A-train. Course, there's not a lot of proof available for any of these theories, but yours makes a lot sense with what we have. Maybe that's were we see Salem at the end of V3. (Or maybe she was in one of those black portions of the map. Who knows.)

As for Penny's finds:
1: Yeah, Salem fits the description of undead embodiment of evil.
2. V3 defiantly shattered the semblance of human strength and safety.
3. Well, Summer has a grave and her death is well known, so they likely recovered her body. If that's true then she couldn't be that far in Grimm territory (or in the hypothetical Grimm dimension). Salem likely had something to do with it, but what little evidence there is points to Summer not being sent far by Ozpin. Maybe Ozpin didn't find out or didn't have a chance to use Summer's powers before Salem took her out.

Okay, so in lack of any important theory to share today, I started to look up the Volume 3 DVD commentaries and extras, let's see if we can find something worthy.

Some infos about Salem:

  • According to the Volume 3 Directors' Commentary, Qrow's line "You… You think they're scared of your little ships? I've been out there and I've seen the things she's made, and let me tell you – they are fear." in "It's Brawl in the Family" is referring to her.
  • Writers Miles Luna and Kerry Shawcross have confirmed that any visual resemblance between Salem and the original Winter Maiden (from the RWBY: World of Remnant episode "The Four Maidens") was a coincidence and unintentional.


  • According to the Volume 3 DVD Directors' Commentary, the ability of the Dragon to spawn Grimm, offers us a sneak peek torwards their creation.


  • At the RTX Australia 2016 RWBY Panel, Jaune's Skype username was "I <3YellowSnow". (shares this only cause funny :D )


  • After the death of Pyrrha, Jen Brown posted the following message on Twitter as a parting message to her character. (the text has been reformatted for the Wiki):

To start let me just say it has been a true honor to play such a vibrant character. Playing Pyrrha meant the absolute world to me and getting to see how much she meant to many of you as well means a lot.

The entire Rooster Teeth team and RWBY crew deserves so much praise for how beautifully the show was handled. I have known from the minute I was cast 3 years ago that this would be Pyrrha's fate. It was Monty's intention from the start. And although it is kind of a relief to no longer have to keep it to myself, I am very sad that her journey has come to an end. Watching that final scene was beyond emotional for me. When you've invested so much into a character it is hard to let them go.

Most importantly I thank Monty. I miss him every day and thank him for trusting me with Pyrrha. Monty also intended for me to play other roles after Pyrrha's exit and although I have no further details right now… I fully trust that Miles Luna and Kerry Shawcross will stay true to his wishes and have me back as someone new. I love those guys.

I end by giving my heartfelt gratitude to you the viewer. You guys are seriously the best. And for the last time, I'm sorry!

Oh yeah, and also… Long live Lisa Lavender!!!


  • Michael Jones and Kerry Shawcross, the voice actors of Sun and Neptune Vasilias respectively, have made it official that the ship name for their characters is "Sea Monkeys". (Just sharing cause some might wanted to know this, I wanted…. expect Sea Monkey fanfiction in the near future…)
  • The song "Not Fall in Love with You" from the RWBY: Volume 3 Soundtrack is about Sun and his feelings for Blake. (fillers…….)


  • A silhouette of Ozpin appears in the DVD and Blu-ray exclusive World of Remnant episode, "Aura", while the narrator says "With enough training and focus, a user's Aura can turn them into something much more than just a man".


  • In one of his streams, Ryan stated that the inspiration behind Port's voice came from Full Metal Alchemist's character Alex Louis Armstrong. (I knew it!)


  • The strip of metal on his forehead serves as a neural connector between Ironwood and his robotic body. (So that's why he doesn't like it, when I was poking it!)

That's all for now folks!

Grimm: One of the songs (the theme for V3 I think) mentions blood raining from the sky. Maybe the wvyern was dropping it's blood and that turned into the Grimm?

Jaune: Oh Jaune…

Pyrrha: Pyrrha and Lisa Lavender shared a voice actor? Never would have guessed that.


So, I discovered a "wonderful" theory called "Ambyrrha theory". And I honestly cannot tell why some people think it's a good theory, considering it falls apart the moment you point out how Amber is dead, Pyrrha is deader than dead, if Amber revived there's no way she could escape, and if anyone had Amber's soul within her, it would be Cinder instead of Pyrrha.

My thoughts on the whole world setting of RWBY is this. Just how on earth could humanity even come into existence if the Grimm have always been there to hunt them down on purpose? I think that humans (and fauntus) came from off world and colonized Remnant long LONG time ago. The Grimm could be either some bazaar super weapon used on the colony back in the early days. That or the Grimm are natives to the world and they see Humans as foreigners to be removed in any way they can kill them.

Either way can explain why the world is in such a state. The Grimm have beaten back civilization so much they lost nearly all of their history and most of their tech base. Rebuilding what they lost using what they have on hand, Dust use being prominent.

I might be wrong, but that's my thoughts on it.

Team Arkos wrote:

My thoughts on the whole world setting of RWBY is this. Just how on earth could humanity even come into existence if the Grimm have always been there to hunt them down on purpose? I think that humans (and fauntus) came from off world and colonized Remnant long LONG time ago. The Grimm could be either some bazaar super weapon used on the colony back in the early days. That or the Grimm are natives to the world and they see Humans as foreigners to be removed in any way they can kill them.

Either way can explain why the world is in such a state. The Grimm have beaten back civilization so much they lost nearly all of their history and most of their tech base. Rebuilding what they lost using what they have on hand, Dust use being prominent.

I might be wrong, but that's my thoughts on it.

I know it would be incredibly unlikley. But i almost expect a "It was earth all along" twist. preferably with Rwby discovering the statue of liberty destroyed.

Ruby: "You fools! You have destroyed it!!!"

But turning the word serious, yeh nope. It's not earth, although it can be in the same galaxy as Remnant, ergo Milky Way. As for Grimms, I say humans are like cockroaches, not as offense though. I say humans are similiar resistant, heck according to our history on Earth, we survived a mega vulcano, several ice ages (not the movies, though watching any Ice Age movie above the first one is more like surviving a real one), the Black Death, the Spanish Flu, and whatnot, guess Grimms are just another plauge humanity survived, and also we have no idea when they did discover Dust, when the first Aura users appeared, when the first Semblance manifested and not even mention in the meantime the Silver eyed warriors shown up. Btw I think they are the aliens who came from another planet, cause the grimms probably wrecked their.

Penny wrote:

Ruby: "You fools! You have destroyed it!!!"

But turning the word serious, yeh nope. It's not earth, although it can be in the same galaxy as Remnant, ergo Milky Way. As for Grimms, I say humans are like cockroaches, not as offense though. I say humans are similiar resistant, heck according to our history on Earth, we survived a mega vulcano, several ice ages (not the movies, though watching any Ice Age movie above the first one is more like surviving a real one), the Black Death, the Spanish Flu, and whatnot, guess Grimms are just another plauge humanity survived, and also we have no idea when they did discover Dust, when the first Aura users appeared, when the first Semblance manifested and not even mention in the meantime the Silver eyed warriors shown up. Btw I think they are the aliens who came from another planet, cause the grimms probably wrecked their.

I do actualy think its likely that Humans are aliens that arrived from a different planet. I also think its possible that Renmant is still a post apocalyptic world. just not earth's post apocalypse.

Penny wrote:

Ruby: "You fools! You have destroyed it!!!"

But turning the word serious, yeh nope. It's not earth, although it can be in the same galaxy as Remnant, ergo Milky Way. As for Grimms, I say humans are like cockroaches, not as offense though. I say humans are similiar resistant, heck according to our history on Earth, we survived a mega vulcano, several ice ages (not the movies, though watching any Ice Age movie above the first one is more like surviving a real one), the Black Death, the Spanish Flu, and whatnot, guess Grimms are just another plauge humanity survived, and also we have no idea when they did discover Dust, when the first Aura users appeared, when the first Semblance manifested and not even mention in the meantime the Silver eyed warriors shown up. Btw I think they are the aliens who came from another planet, cause the grimms probably wrecked their.

I can see the use of high end Bio-tech splicing to create the Fauntus for one thing. I could also see it as the upper elite/rich having access to it and using it as a status symbol or fashion statement. If the elite then acted as often as they are now, I can see the gene-spliced humans (now known as the Fauntus) could have lorded over and mistreated the poorer and those lower on the social latter. When the civilization collapsed happen and the tech to undo the gene-splicing was lost, things turned worse for them. They soon had the angry mobs turn on the fallen Fauntus for their miss deeds, leaving a long lasting mistrust of them that had lasted even to the present time.

Also noted that Ruby's silver eyes where passed down to her from her mother, who likely got her's from her own parents. That looks like a gene line high end Bio-Tech right there. I'm not sure where the Dust, Auras, and Semblance factors into this, but could still be ancient Bio-tech results.

Okay so I was thinking about this, under all 3 Volumes we didn't see too much about Aura combat, so far only Ren shown us something:

And what Pyrrha told us:
"Aura is the manifestation of our soul. It bears our burdens and shields our hearts. […]"
"With practice, our Aura can be our shield. Everyone has it, even animals."
"Understanding dark and light helps us manifest our Aura. Everyone has some of both."
"By baring your soul outward as a force, you can deflect harm. All of our tools and equipment are conduits for Aura. You protect yourself and your soul when fighting."
"For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all, infinite in distance and unbound by death."

And of course what the Aura episode of the World of Remnant says:
"Huntsmen are widely regarded as the world's greatest warriors. While skilled in a wide variety of weaponry and hand-to-hand combat, these champions are also masters of a much greater power: Aura."

"Aura is a manifestation of the soul, a life force that runs through every living creature on Remnant, whether they are a meager shopkeep or a renowned knight. However, what sets true warriors apart from all others is their ability to amplify and control their Aura."

"Aura is primarily used as a defensive mechanism. Passively coating the wielder in a protective force field, it can protect a combatant from what would normally be a fatal blow. It does not, however, make the user invincible. As they receive more and more damage, their Aura reserve will deplete. If this happens, all the fighter will be left with is his resolve. Fortunately, when a fight turns gruesome, a warrior can also rely on their Aura in a different manner."

" 'Semblance' is a term used to describe the projection of Aura into a more tangible form. For some this could be the ability to control objects with telekinesis. For others it could mean superhuman strength. The power associated with a wielder's Semblance is completely unique. With enough training and focus, a user's Aura can turn them into something much more than just a man."

What can Aura really do? Where it's limit? And mostly, is there a dark forbidden way to use Aura like Dark magic to Magicians?

Penny wrote:

Okay so I was thinking about this, under all 3 Volumes we didn't see too much about Aura combat, so far only Ren shown us something:

And what Pyrrha told us:
"Aura is the manifestation of our soul. It bears our burdens and shields our hearts. […]"
"With practice, our Aura can be our shield. Everyone has it, even animals."
"Understanding dark and light helps us manifest our Aura. Everyone has some of both."
"By baring your soul outward as a force, you can deflect harm. All of our tools and equipment are conduits for Aura. You protect yourself and your soul when fighting."
"For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all, infinite in distance and unbound by death."

And of course what the Aura episode of the World of Remnant says:
"Huntsmen are widely regarded as the world's greatest warriors. While skilled in a wide variety of weaponry and hand-to-hand combat, these champions are also masters of a much greater power: Aura."

"Aura is a manifestation of the soul, a life force that runs through every living creature on Remnant, whether they are a meager shopkeep or a renowned knight. However, what sets true warriors apart from all others is their ability to amplify and control their Aura."

"Aura is primarily used as a defensive mechanism. Passively coating the wielder in a protective force field, it can protect a combatant from what would normally be a fatal blow. It does not, however, make the user invincible. As they receive more and more damage, their Aura reserve will deplete. If this happens, all the fighter will be left with is his resolve. Fortunately, when a fight turns gruesome, a warrior can also rely on their Aura in a different manner."

" 'Semblance' is a term used to describe the projection of Aura into a more tangible form. For some this could be the ability to control objects with telekinesis. For others it could mean superhuman strength. The power associated with a wielder's Semblance is completely unique. With enough training and focus, a user's Aura can turn them into something much more than just a man."

What can Aura really do? Where it's limit? And mostly, is there a dark forbidden way to use Aura like Dark magic to Magicians?

So, in short: Aura grants extra life and various amounts of extra attributes?

Lovecraft Femme!Nebu wrote:

So, in short: Aura grants extra life and various amounts of extra attributes?

Well, it's more like sci-fi shields and one special power, but yes, you are correct.

As for the whole human vs grimm thing, I was under the impression that Humanity came first and then the Grimm. I think it was the first episode, or maybe a World of Remnant vid, that laid it out like that. Humanity started up, then the Grimm almost wiped them out, then Humanity discovered dust, then Humanity drove back the Grimm, then Humanity started Civilization. That's my mental timeline of how things went down.

While I'm trying to come up with a nice Aura theory and trying to stitch together a reliable timeline. Have some kingdom perspective predictions about Volume 4.

Since Salem said humans together dangerous the only way to defeat them is if you divide them and deprive them from all hope.

After the battle of Beacon, probably the news, the White Fang was dropping Grimms at the school and it's goons were fighting soldiers and whatnot, people probably will not just hate the WF more but also probably start to riot against faunus, innocent or not. Public humiliations, refusing to serve faunus, even maybe murders!

Thanks to Cinder's Atlas hate speech probably now everyone hates Atlas, either Mistral or Vacuo will might try attack it.

Also thanks to this speech, Beacon students will be less trusted, meaning Ruby and her friends will going to have issues on their way.

Without the CCTS, smaller settlements outside of the Kingdom cities such as like Patch, will have to deal with Grimm invasions on their own as they will be not able to signal for help.

Well that's all, I also expect the appearance of a new villian, while Cinder will stay in the shadows and plotting her new move. This new villian will have no or minimal connection with Cinder, mainly, s/he will just be a filler Team RNJR can bash at, but once they are done with him/her Cinder appears again and steals the victory.

Let me be up front and say this. I DO NOT fully trust anything RT or their employees say about RWBY any more. Shannon McCormick said Oz wasn't going to have a fight in Vol 3. We all know how that turned out. They should all be considered Ruse Lords now.

This is a GOOD thing!

If we can't predict or accept hints as to what's real or what's next. Then we'll more likely to become 'edge of the seat nail biting' anticipation of the next episode. That in turn ensures more people watch the shows and RT makes more money. I would like to think Monty Oum set this up himself before he died. For it would be one of the greatest gifts RT got from him. The hype machine can serve RT for years to come.

Team Arkos wrote:

Let me be up front and say this. I DO NOT fully trust anything RT or their employees say about RWBY any more. Shannon McCormick said Oz wasn't going to have a fight in Vol 3. We all know how that turned out. They should all be considered Ruse Lords now.

This is a GOOD thing!

If we can't predict or accept hints as to what's real or what's next. Then we'll more likely to become 'edge of the seat nail biting' anticipation of the next episode. That in turn ensures more people watch the shows and RT makes more money. I would like to think Monty Oum set this up himself before he died. For it would be one of the greatest gifts RT got from him. The hype machine can serve RT for years to come.

It's not just what they have said (which isn't much; 8/10 things they give are evasives and non-answers), but even some things the show itself has shown.

It is not a good thing however. RT is a company that relies a lot on it's fandom, and has a closer-than-normal relationship with them. RT can't bear for it's fans to lose trust in them. The fans won't be more likely to die in anticipation for the next ep, they will start complaining and distrusting RT, which will only cause harm.

I seriously doubt that Monty set it up like that as well. The reason it is like this, is because Monty did not plan things and set them in stone, he had a horrible case of "writing from the seat of his pants". What do I mean by this? Literally everything that had not been made yet, was capable of being completely removed or rewritten if Monty had a last-minute "brilliant" idea. Like with the Maidens.

And now that Monty's dead, Miles and Kerry don't have access to his original plan (and even if they did they'll likely not follow it to the letter because Monty often had crazy ideas that would do more harm than good). So they both don't know as much as they would like, and anything they did know could've been changed for something else at any moment.

LiveandSound wrote:

It's not just what they have said (which isn't much; 8/10 things they give are evasives and non-answers), but even some things the show itself has shown.

It is not a good thing however. RT is a company that relies a lot on it's fandom, and has a closer-than-normal relationship with them. RT can't bear for it's fans to lose trust in them. The fans won't be more likely to die in anticipation for the next ep, they will start complaining and distrusting RT, which will only cause harm.

I seriously doubt that Monty set it up like that as well. The reason it is like this, is because Monty did not plan things and set them in stone, he had a horrible case of "writing from the seat of his pants". What do I mean by this? Literally everything that had not been made yet, was capable of being completely removed or rewritten if Monty had a last-minute "brilliant" idea. Like with the Maidens.

And now that Monty's dead, Miles and Kerry don't have access to his original plan (and even if they did they'll likely not follow it to the letter because Monty often had crazy ideas that would do more harm than good). So they both don't know as much as they would like, and anything they did know could've been changed for something else at any moment.

I didn't mean to imply that RT would be deceitful to the point that the fans would lose trust with them. I meant that being vague and misleading but still promising to deliver an incredible show. It's the build up the of the HYPE now is a masterful stroke. More so in the 3rd Volume than both of Vols 1 and 2. …. It does feel like watching 'Game of Thrones' HBO show when I look back over Vol 3. Great characters dieing off left and right, events going from bad to worse. Yet we all can't stop watching it.

In the end of Vol 3, they leave us with the impression things will improve in Vol 4, yet MUCH worse things are still in the works for our Heroes.

Monty reminds me of George Lucas. They both had AWESOME over all arcing visions of a world and story setting. They just had poor execution of it when it got down to the brass tacks, requiring others to hammer out the rough parts to make a flawless diamond out of it.

Team Arkos wrote:

I didn't mean to imply that RT would be deceitful to the point that the fans would lose trust with them. I meant that being vague and misleading but still promising to deliver an incredible show. It's the build up the of the HYPE now is a masterful stroke. More so in the 3rd Volume than both of Vols 1 and 2. …. It does feel like watching 'Game of Thrones' HBO show when I look back over Vol 3. Great characters dieing off left and right, events going from bad to worse. Yet we all can't stop watching it.

In the end of Vol 3, they leave us with the impression things will improve in Vol 4, yet MUCH worse things are still in the works for our Heroes.

Monty reminds me of George Lucas. They both had AWESOME over all arcing visions of a world and story setting. They just had poor execution of it when it got down to the brass tacks, requiring others to hammer out the rough parts to make a flawless diamond out of it.

"It's the build-up of the hype"? But then, they would be doing it wrong. Being vague and misleading makes them unreliable for canon info, annoying the fans, for this ends up leading to many theories with no real canon answers (and no expectations of ever getting them). Saying one thing and doing the other makes them liars, losing trust and crushing expectations.

They want to build up hype? They use hints, foreshadowing, implications for things to come, and leave enough vague info for the fans to speculate, which is what they have been doing. Lying? Being misleading? That will only make the fandom angry and irritated, not make them more anxious to see the next episode.

Also, I find the comparisons to GoT exagerated. How many characters died in Vol2? 1, Tukson, who no one ever knew, cared about, or ever will because he died not even half-way into the episode he first appeared in.

How many characters died in Vol.3? 5. 1 of which we barely even knew, 1 of which has a good chance of survival, and 1 of which has lower chances of survival. A grand total of 6 people in 2 seasons, of which only 4 did people care about, among which 1-2 have a chance of still being alive.

I find the comparison of Monty with G.Lucas better however, though not for exactly the reasons you gave. I see it this way: Both made a story, not a particularly creative story except in some aspects, but it was terrible on it's own, but with outside help (credited and/or uncredited) and input with the story-writing and the script, it acquired a much better quality (though RWBY had to wait until Vol.2 to show that).

Last edited Jun 04, 2016 at 05:57PM EDT

On a less serious note:

Opinions on this week's Chibi episode?

I found it a bit lackluster though a couple of bits were good. (Particularly the Showdown bit and the Blackground characters bit.)

A-Train wrote:

On a less serious note:

Opinions on this week's Chibi episode?

I found it a bit lackluster though a couple of bits were good. (Particularly the Showdown bit and the Blackground characters bit.)

(Hey, hey, it hasn't been released for non-sponsors yet).

Team Arkos wrote:

Let me be up front and say this. I DO NOT fully trust anything RT or their employees say about RWBY any more. Shannon McCormick said Oz wasn't going to have a fight in Vol 3. We all know how that turned out. They should all be considered Ruse Lords now.

This is a GOOD thing!

If we can't predict or accept hints as to what's real or what's next. Then we'll more likely to become 'edge of the seat nail biting' anticipation of the next episode. That in turn ensures more people watch the shows and RT makes more money. I would like to think Monty Oum set this up himself before he died. For it would be one of the greatest gifts RT got from him. The hype machine can serve RT for years to come.

I'm pretty sure that he said he never voiced any fight scenes for Ozpin, and he was right. I'm pretty sure I didn't hear him make any noise as he fought Cinder.

Penny wrote:

Crescent Rose, Gambol Shroud. Sun's Gun-chucks, Ember Celica (best fisting ever!) and if you are brave enough, Myrtenaster.

Also, I know this is a bit late, but if you replaced your (Penny's) swords with something more blunt you could probably get some good tentacle action going.

Or, I could replace them with chainsaw katanas! That also shoots rocket propelled chainsaws!

About all that RT being liars, I never fully believe what they say, but do speculate what they are going to do next, somewhat based upon their hints and foreshadowings.

QuarteredPen wrote:

Also, I know this is a bit late, but if you replaced your (Penny's) swords with something more blunt you could probably get some good tentacle action going.

Exactly! You said it better than I could have said it. RT was completely truthful, but led at least most of us to the wrong conclusions. Everyone assumed that Ozpin wasn't going to have a fight due to him not voicing any of it. We were wrong.

I'm sorry everyone if i'm not explaining my thoughts to you well enough. It's been ages since I've been on a proper forum like this.

Another point to watch out for is in the last episode. When Qrow and Ruby were talking, he said Pyrrha was 'Gone' not 'Dead'. That alone might, and I mean MIGHT be the key here. Also with him having Ozpin's weapon, he might know more about what happened to the headmaster than what he lets on. Sure, we shall see if it pans out or not.

Team Arkos wrote:

Exactly! You said it better than I could have said it. RT was completely truthful, but led at least most of us to the wrong conclusions. Everyone assumed that Ozpin wasn't going to have a fight due to him not voicing any of it. We were wrong.

I'm sorry everyone if i'm not explaining my thoughts to you well enough. It's been ages since I've been on a proper forum like this.

Another point to watch out for is in the last episode. When Qrow and Ruby were talking, he said Pyrrha was 'Gone' not 'Dead'. That alone might, and I mean MIGHT be the key here. Also with him having Ozpin's weapon, he might know more about what happened to the headmaster than what he lets on. Sure, we shall see if it pans out or not.

Um… I think you replied to the wrong comment I made. That particular comment was on the effectiveness of Penny's wires combined with vibrators…

Okay Weiss, you know what I say? Kawaii on the streets, Senpai in the sheets. Now this is the streets.

So anway, I finally stiched together a timeline, based on the infos we got so far about the past. Note: Here I'll use BCE as "Before Current Events", that means everything prior to Volume 3 ending. Remnant seemingly has humans on it's surface as Earth, means we could talk about 1 million years, since that's the estimated start of human evolution, but to keep it short, I now assume Humans on Remnant started developing civilization like on Earth, circa 14 millenias ago. So let's see it.

c. 12,000 BCE: After ten thousands of years, humans finally emerged from their caves, the Creatures of Grimm, like just before this, still hate humans and want to destroy them, but humanity feels it's time to change. The first settlements appear, most of them will be destroyed by Grimms as anticipated, however some can luckily survive Grimm attacks, and the seed of civilization starts to grow.

c. 8000 BCE: The Silver eyed warriors suddenly pops up, no one knows where they came from, or who are they, but they have the ability kill Creatures. Highly regarded as the true warriors, they are well respected by the others, some even maybe made fortune by this, in exchange they protected the first settlements.

c. 7000 BCE: The silver eyed warriors mysteriously disappear without trace, no one knows what happened. The Grimm attacks intensifies thanks to the lack of protection.

c. 5000 BCE: Humanity discovers Dust. The first Auras and Semblances starts to manifest. A technical Status Quo happens in the conflict between Humans and Grimms.

c. 4000 BCE: The first kingodms appears. The four biggest are Vale, Vacuo, Mistral and Mantle (later known as Atlas), they are founded by the 4 first Hunstmen ever.

c. 3500 BCE: The first Maidens "born". Several kingdoms fell but thanks to the Maidens, the four biggest still standing.

At this point, only minor events happen, not too much, fast forwarding by few millenias.

c. 80 BCE: The Great War happens, the tyrannt kings and queens, excommunicated and executed. The surviving loyalist forces signed a truce with the rebels on the Island of Vytal, a small island north of Vale and West of Atlas (yes that dargon like island). The Color Naming Rule has been created. Humanity joys over the independence and the freedom of self-expression. The Kingdoms held the very first Vytal Festival to celebrate this, since that, every 2 years they hold the Vytal Festival to celebrate the victory and this freedom.

c. 75 BCE: Atlas Academy Headmaster, using his best men, takes the control over the kingdom of Mantle and after reforms, it is being renamed Atlas, the Atlesian Military founded. The kingdoms drops the religion of dieties and super natural beings, instead science becomes the new religion. Atlas' level of technology rapidly increases, the Cross Continental Transmit System has been created the Towers are being built.

c. 50 BCE: The kingdoms try to confine Faunus to a small island under Mistral: Menagerie. This results in the Faunus Rights Revolution which lasts 3 years and ends in Faunus victory, although somewhat Pyrrhic as humans still abuse faunus. Many soldiers who are still alive, still suffering from a severe PTSD known as Menagerie Flashbacks.

c. 40 BCE: A peaceful organisation the White Fang founded. They achieve some rights to Faunus but not much.

c. 10 BCE: The White Fang's leadership changes, they became more aggressive, using Guerilla Warfare (or should I say Gorilla warfare? Cause y'know, they are Faunus. HAH!), sabotages, stealing, and even assassinations.

c. 1 BCE: Cinder gathers allies then assaults the Fall Maiden, but Qrow intervenes. Sometime later appears in Vale with a Bullhead and saves Roman, thus leading to the start of Volume 1.

Penny wrote:

Okay Weiss, you know what I say? Kawaii on the streets, Senpai in the sheets. Now this is the streets.

So anway, I finally stiched together a timeline, based on the infos we got so far about the past. Note: Here I'll use BCE as "Before Current Events", that means everything prior to Volume 3 ending. Remnant seemingly has humans on it's surface as Earth, means we could talk about 1 million years, since that's the estimated start of human evolution, but to keep it short, I now assume Humans on Remnant started developing civilization like on Earth, circa 14 millenias ago. So let's see it.

c. 12,000 BCE: After ten thousands of years, humans finally emerged from their caves, the Creatures of Grimm, like just before this, still hate humans and want to destroy them, but humanity feels it's time to change. The first settlements appear, most of them will be destroyed by Grimms as anticipated, however some can luckily survive Grimm attacks, and the seed of civilization starts to grow.

c. 8000 BCE: The Silver eyed warriors suddenly pops up, no one knows where they came from, or who are they, but they have the ability kill Creatures. Highly regarded as the true warriors, they are well respected by the others, some even maybe made fortune by this, in exchange they protected the first settlements.

c. 7000 BCE: The silver eyed warriors mysteriously disappear without trace, no one knows what happened. The Grimm attacks intensifies thanks to the lack of protection.

c. 5000 BCE: Humanity discovers Dust. The first Auras and Semblances starts to manifest. A technical Status Quo happens in the conflict between Humans and Grimms.

c. 4000 BCE: The first kingodms appears. The four biggest are Vale, Vacuo, Mistral and Mantle (later known as Atlas), they are founded by the 4 first Hunstmen ever.

c. 3500 BCE: The first Maidens "born". Several kingdoms fell but thanks to the Maidens, the four biggest still standing.

At this point, only minor events happen, not too much, fast forwarding by few millenias.

c. 80 BCE: The Great War happens, the tyrannt kings and queens, excommunicated and executed. The surviving loyalist forces signed a truce with the rebels on the Island of Vytal, a small island north of Vale and West of Atlas (yes that dargon like island). The Color Naming Rule has been created. Humanity joys over the independence and the freedom of self-expression. The Kingdoms held the very first Vytal Festival to celebrate this, since that, every 2 years they hold the Vytal Festival to celebrate the victory and this freedom.

c. 75 BCE: Atlas Academy Headmaster, using his best men, takes the control over the kingdom of Mantle and after reforms, it is being renamed Atlas, the Atlesian Military founded. The kingdoms drops the religion of dieties and super natural beings, instead science becomes the new religion. Atlas' level of technology rapidly increases, the Cross Continental Transmit System has been created the Towers are being built.

c. 50 BCE: The kingdoms try to confine Faunus to a small island under Mistral: Menagerie. This results in the Faunus Rights Revolution which lasts 3 years and ends in Faunus victory, although somewhat Pyrrhic as humans still abuse faunus. Many soldiers who are still alive, still suffering from a severe PTSD known as Menagerie Flashbacks.

c. 40 BCE: A peaceful organisation the White Fang founded. They achieve some rights to Faunus but not much.

c. 10 BCE: The White Fang's leadership changes, they became more aggressive, using Guerilla Warfare (or should I say Gorilla warfare? Cause y'know, they are Faunus. HAH!), sabotages, stealing, and even assassinations.

c. 1 BCE: Cinder gathers allies then assaults the Fall Maiden, but Qrow intervenes. Sometime later appears in Vale with a Bullhead and saves Roman, thus leading to the start of Volume 1.

Right, sorry. Just thought it was funny that he replied to that post with "Exactly!"

Although I'm not sure about whether the White Fang changed leaders ten years ago. It was switched to Adam, wasn't it? Wouldn't that mean that he's at least twenty five now (and that's being generous)? Although I guess that no one ever said that they didn't switch leaders again…

On a side note, does anyone else hope that we'll get to see some non-mammalian Faunus next Volume? So far we've pretty much only seen canines, felines and bunnies (Plus that one bear Faunus in the news story in Episode 2). I'm pretty sure that it was said that there were other types of Faunus around.

QuarteredPen wrote:

Um… I think you replied to the wrong comment I made. That particular comment was on the effectiveness of Penny's wires combined with vibrators…

(head desk) This is what happens when you post late at night. I've been making way too many mistakes. I'm sorry everyone.

Team Arkos wrote:

(head desk) This is what happens when you post late at night. I've been making way too many mistakes. I'm sorry everyone.

Hey, don't worry about it. Nobody really cares about these little mistakes you make, and to be honest, I'm being a massive bitch by constantly bringing them up, even if it is for jokes. Sorry about that, by the way.

QuarteredPen wrote:

Hey, don't worry about it. Nobody really cares about these little mistakes you make, and to be honest, I'm being a massive bitch by constantly bringing them up, even if it is for jokes. Sorry about that, by the way.

You have not been bad to me Miss Weiss. Any slights you think you have made so far, I have forgiven you long ago. Besides, I can attempt to learn from all of this, so it's not a waste.

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