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Post stuff that you like but are underrated/under-appreciated

Last posted Jul 30, 2014 at 07:52PM EDT. Added Jul 28, 2014 at 11:24AM EDT
20 posts from 19 users

I don't know which sub category this should go into because pretty much anything goes in this one. Post any book, film, cartoon, mostly anything you think that is under-appreciated or underrated. As the starter of this topic, I shall go first.
Oh boy, another Studio Ghibli film. The usual crap you'd expect from me.

Last edited Jul 28, 2014 at 11:25AM EDT

Will I get in trouble for putting up a video game here? It's practically moving images anyway.

After the big indie game boom of 2008, indie games have then since lost the attention of the mainstream, which is a shame. This game came out on 2011 and I'm really glad I found it. I made a blog post consisting nine paragraphs about the main character over here because it's really stunning in my opinion. It's like a 2D Devil May Cry. A port's coming to the PC soon, so that should get it more rep.

I wish you could post music here too, but alas moving images only.

Dragon Quest, at least in the West, because in Japan it's a national treasure of course.
In my opinion it beats Final Fantasy hands down, but the series just barely makes an impact here, to the point of DQX not even getting released outside of Japan.

Also, the feeling when you put a Q-tip in your ear. Everyone always talks about how bad it is, but so what? The pleasure of it is worth the health risks. I mean, people do all kinds of things that are bad for them, like drinking alcohol, or eating fast-food, so why give up on Q-tips?

I saw this in the theater when I was only 12 years old, and I loved it. I still love it to this day and is one of my favorite films of all time. I originally thought that this would be a sure-fire Oscar film, but it turns out it only has a 61% on RT. I'm surprised that there were people that didn't like it, what exactly would have people not like this film?

I'll never get tired of recommending this game. The story itself is captivating and mind-blowing. And the music, oh my god, the music. Within the mix, it adds absolute brilliance to the kind of experience that is 999.

This smexy motherfucker right here.

Its been 3 months since he was released. Total amount of fan art pictures? 20 or less so far. Like, how can you NOT like Big Band? Cool smartass personality, awesome voice actor, nasty combos and sick special moves and one of the most fluid animations in-game. Eliza isn't not even close to be released and she already has more fanart than him..
but oh wait, unlike the rest of the skullgirls' cast, Big Band doesn't have plot , the kind of plot we all love and want.
C'mon guys, let's give a big hand for Big Band.

Last edited Jul 28, 2014 at 08:16PM EDT

A manga i find under apreciated was iron knight.

Iron knight was an awesome manga but unfortunately it was so unpopular that shonen jump (the guys who published the manga) outright cancelled its production.

Natsuru Springfield wrote:

Biggest Big Budget Video Game Flop to ever exist, but is to this day my favorite video game of all time.

Okami was definitely one of the very best games I ever played on the PS2. I really loved it.

It's really a shame that it didn't do well commercially.

Personally, I have to name Gunstar Heroes for my own favourite underrated game.

It's not widely known, but it's often regarded as a hidden gem (ironically made by Treasure), and is by far one of the very best games on the Sega Genesis / Megadrive.

Whenever I'm asked my alltime favourite game, I'll always answer Chrono Trigger and Gunstar Heroes. But then on the other hand, Chrono Trigger is far from underrated.

As for other underrated stuff, I always love to bring up Serial Experiments Lain.

That's definitely a series that every self respecting fan of anime should at least have heard about.

Last edited Jul 30, 2014 at 07:14AM EDT

I absolutely love this movie because it's simplistic yet greatly effective in the way it scares its audiences. It went under the radar for lots of people and wasn't quite a huge hit with the critics, which is really a shame. It was a freaky and eerie ride that didn't reply on stupid teenagers or any other cliches to deliver its best parts.

I highly recommend The Strangers if you're looking for some true, classic scares.

Last edited Jul 30, 2014 at 07:27PM EDT

Used to popular back in the day, now not so much.
Hell, the reboot was pretty good but due to sales under-performing the DLC was cut short and the creators are now moving to iOS development.

Last edited Jul 30, 2014 at 07:54PM EDT

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