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Attack on Titan General

Last posted May 29, 2020 at 03:03PM EDT. Added Apr 26, 2013 at 08:30PM EDT
501 posts from 74 users

…You've led me to Paradise.

Glorious page get and glorious ass.

This is now my headcanon.

Anyway… any theories on the whole spoiler last ep those who haven't read the manga?

Last edited May 28, 2013 at 04:06PM EDT

Unfortunately I already read the Wiki page once to a certain extend, I already know a bit too much on why Eren can be a Titan, and small parts on how it'll continue. Luckily I stopped reading around there.

I'll jump on the Sasha love train too!


I was doing cosplay research (actually gonna get work on that done early this year for once) and I saw a complete Eren cosplay for sale that included the entire belt setup an-OHMYGODWHATISTHIS

This looks like it's show/manga accurate too, but I can't know for sure yet because I have not seen the full belt setup in the anime yet and I have not read the manga.

Either way, if I'm gonna be making this cosplay myself, I'll probably have my work ahead of me with that part. Well, at least that will be one of the last things I have to work on in the cosplay. I also bought this pattern today for the jacket, and I think with a little editing I can make it work. Although this whole cosplay makes me a little nervous because it will involve doing a lot of things that I haven't done before (sewing a jacket, making props, making belts, etc) But, hey, challenge is good.

Also another note about episode 8: when Sasha

almost freaking DIED HOLY CRAP
I just about lost it. This show makes me feel feels with gusto.

Speaking of which, I'm having a hard time putting my finger on exactly why this show is so dang awesome. I suppose it's the characters, but…I normally don't spring for vengeful, violent types (Eren) nor stoic superheroes (Mikasa) …I guess it could also be the action, but it's a bit darker than what I normally watch. I dunno. Either way, it rocks, and Sasha is still adorable.

I guess what I'm asking is, why, specifically, do you like the show?

Last edited May 28, 2013 at 09:54PM EDT

Somehow I wouldn't put it past the military to try using expertly-thrown potatoes as soldier substitutes. Given how well Eren's squad worked out, it wouldn't exactly be a downgrade.

Have some more Sasha. There can never be too much Sasha.

EDIT: @Mack: I guess the main reason I love the show is that it makes you care for the characters in almost record time (seriously, who didn't love Sasha by the end of Episode 4?), even though they're in a pretty dark story that can kill off almost anyone. Yet in spite of said looming mortality, the show still avoids Darkness Induced Audience Apathy.

Last edited May 28, 2013 at 09:57PM EDT

I will agree with Mack that I usually don't go for protagonists like Eren and Mikasa, and not many of the characters have had all that much development thus far. But this show has the magic of emoting their characters so well that you feel their fear, pain, joy, loss, victory, and so on. This show would have Darkness Induced Audience Apathy, as Jyron mentioned, if this show failed to show their characters with well read emotion. I think that's where this show really succeeds. This world feels like a world that would actually exist if humanity lived in fear of a daunting predator. That's what I think makes this show awesome.

Laser Pacer wrote:

The voice actors of Eren, Mikasa, and Connie sings the OP:

Oh god

You know what the most beautiful part of this video is? The fact that the comments section is having an argument about whether or not the first part is disrespectful to Germans.

Crimson Locks wrote:

You know what the most beautiful part of this video is? The fact that the comments section is having an argument about whether or not the first part is disrespectful to Germans.

What? What is supposedly disrespectful?

Dac wrote:

What? What is supposedly disrespectful?

Well I guess that fact that they spoke fake German/mumbled the words of the first line in the song (which is in German) could be found offensive (if you're like that), and then another guy went on a rant about how Japan is the most culturally ignorant country in the world because their written language and alphabet is tooootally not like the western world and that is just sooooo ignorant, they should all just start speaking western languages right now, because nobody else fucking understands their dumbass language!

Spidervance wrote:

This was apparently found in an official anime magazine:

It's canon now- Mikasa is ripped.

Well this is something indeed

Crimson Locks wrote:

Well I guess that fact that they spoke fake German/mumbled the words of the first line in the song (which is in German) could be found offensive (if you're like that), and then another guy went on a rant about how Japan is the most culturally ignorant country in the world because their written language and alphabet is tooootally not like the western world and that is just sooooo ignorant, they should all just start speaking western languages right now, because nobody else fucking understands their dumbass language!

You gotta be fucking kidding me….
Some people are just too easily offended.

Spidervance wrote:

This is now an Annie thread.

That's a funny way of saying Moe Titan thread.

This was the saddest moment of episode 8. I cry evry tiem.

Also out of curiosity, I have an entry drafted up for Attack on Titan already. When do you guys think I should finish adjusting it and post it?

Last edited May 29, 2013 at 03:09PM EDT

Twenty-One wrote:

That's a funny way of saying Moe Titan thread.

This was the saddest moment of episode 8. I cry evry tiem.

Also out of curiosity, I have an entry drafted up for Attack on Titan already. When do you guys think I should finish adjusting it and post it?

Speaking of moe titans, does anyone find them creepier than the more monstrous looking titans? Seriously, the eyes and face coupled with the weird body create a very unsettling creature.

Crimson Locks wrote:

I will agree with Mack that I usually don't go for protagonists like Eren and Mikasa, and not many of the characters have had all that much development thus far. But this show has the magic of emoting their characters so well that you feel their fear, pain, joy, loss, victory, and so on. This show would have Darkness Induced Audience Apathy, as Jyron mentioned, if this show failed to show their characters with well read emotion. I think that's where this show really succeeds. This world feels like a world that would actually exist if humanity lived in fear of a daunting predator. That's what I think makes this show awesome.

Hmm…that's a good theory. I suppose the characters are more or less realistic as much as they can be in such a fantasy world. Their abilities and environment are entirely unrealistic, but their reactions are very much human.

Also Mikasa did sort of surprise me at the end of episode 8. I was glad to see her break down and cry like she did, to break her stoic demeanor. So I suppose that the show can still throw a curve here and there. Here's hoping they flesh out Mikasa's emotions some more; I liked seeing that side of her.

Also @ Advance: Well…at least that makes some small amount of sense. She'd have to be, wouldn't she?

Moar Sasha, because I love Sasha:

Mack TheUnoriginal wrote:

Hmm…that's a good theory. I suppose the characters are more or less realistic as much as they can be in such a fantasy world. Their abilities and environment are entirely unrealistic, but their reactions are very much human.

Also Mikasa did sort of surprise me at the end of episode 8. I was glad to see her break down and cry like she did, to break her stoic demeanor. So I suppose that the show can still throw a curve here and there. Here's hoping they flesh out Mikasa's emotions some more; I liked seeing that side of her.

Also @ Advance: Well…at least that makes some small amount of sense. She'd have to be, wouldn't she?

Moar Sasha, because I love Sasha:

your face when she stops showing up after this episode

Sasha disappears around chapter 9 (this episode) and reappears around chapter 34. Considering at the moment we're at around an episode a chapter (I question the slow pacing for a show 26 episodes long), it gonna be a looooooong time before we see Sasha again.

Twenty-One wrote:

Sasha disappears around chapter 9 (this episode) and reappears around chapter 34. Considering at the moment we're at around an episode a chapter (I question the slow pacing for a show 26 episodes long), it gonna be a looooooong time before we see Sasha again.

Twenty-One wrote:

Sasha disappears around chapter 9 (this episode) and reappears around chapter 34. Considering at the moment we're at around an episode a chapter (I question the slow pacing for a show 26 episodes long), it gonna be a looooooong time before we see Sasha again.

sasha….. dissapear……. for how many episodes?


Lich wrote:

Family photo time.

Let's lighten the mood a bit with the Attack on Titan general family photo:

As you can see, Bertholdt is my husbando. Oh, and none of you are Sasha. No one (Probably better that way).

Last edited May 30, 2013 at 07:22PM EDT

Twenty-One wrote:

Sasha disappears around chapter 9 (this episode) and reappears around chapter 34. Considering at the moment we're at around an episode a chapter (I question the slow pacing for a show 26 episodes long), it gonna be a looooooong time before we see Sasha again.

I guess Conny must've spanked her a bit too hard… :(

Anyway guys, before I start spamming Bertholdt everywhere, can I ask when a good time would be to post an Attack on Titan entry? I have it all written up, so I could even post it now, but I just want your input on when a good time would be.

Mack TheUnoriginal wrote:

Let's face it, dude, both of our waifus are being fapped to right now, and there's nothing we can do about it.

I'm just happy no one really cares for Bertholdt. That way I can have him all to myself.

Glad I've followed this thread.
This show really makes up for boring hot summer weekends.
I look forward to an actual entry, there's a lot of amazing fan art.

Because its worth it.

Also Chibi Sasha for all your chibi needs.

SweetAndDelicious wrote:

Glad I've followed this thread.
This show really makes up for boring hot summer weekends.
I look forward to an actual entry, there's a lot of amazing fan art.

Because its worth it.

Also Chibi Sasha for all your chibi needs.

In that case, I'll be posting the entry now. It might be a tad too early, but it has a substantial online following anyway so why not.

Dac wrote:


Excuse me, what are you doing? She's my waifu.

You should learn to share waifus. The 2D world hold many perfect specimen. You're always bound to meet other people who also love your "waifu". Maybe they love them more or maybe even less than you. But, remember, they're worth sharing and as you both love the same "waifu", friendship can even sprout from the love of the same character. Always remember that!

Last edited Jun 01, 2013 at 12:52AM EDT

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