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[Forum Games] Nations RP II

Last posted May 10, 2016 at 10:07AM EDT. Added Mar 17, 2016 at 11:49AM EDT
986 posts from 28 users

Shape wrote:

It's only ~9 km tall.

Falling towers do not work this way, you know.

Still don't want to see it come crashing down after all this time was spent on the creation of the tower.

Right. Let's all agree to treat it like the Eiffel tower, or the roman Colosseum, and just all agree not to touch thing. Official world policy.

Turn 12



The World

First World Tech: Combustion Engine, Electricity, Telephone, Radio, Metallurgy, Biology, Chemistry, Rocketry, Rifle, Howitzer, Machine Gun, Tank, Biplane, Atomic Bomb (Japan, Suiyektu), Modern Medicine, SPG, Computers, Modern Fleet, Ballistics, Monoplane (Japan, Ambrosia), Radar (Ambrosia), Adv. Biology (Japan, Syraus)

Second World Tech: Combustion, Electricity, Telegraph, Radio, Metallurgy, Biology, Chemistry, Rocketry, Rifle, Howitzer, Machine Gun, Ironclad, Tank, Modern Medicine, Solar Power (Divus), Laser (Divus)

Third World Tech: Telegraph, Metallurgy, Biology, Chemistry, Rifle, Howitzer, Ironclad

-Tank development has led to the natural offshoot of mobile artillery. Self Propelled Guns have made their way into the armies of all First World nations.

-The computer, an electrical device for storing data, has been developed and is rapidly changing the way the world's information is kept, organized, and shared. Some of the more advanced computers can even execute programs, relegating mundane tasks such as bookkeeping and calculating to the new device.

-Modern innovations in the navy are changing ocean warfare. Longer ranged guns, armored decks, air launched torpedoes, and a myriad of other developments have made battle on the seas more devastating than ever before.

-Advances in ballistic missile research has brought to the first world the strategic missile, capable of flying farther and more accurately than any previous missile. Rockets designed for greater ranges are even capable of breaking out of the upper atmosphere, leading some forward thinking individuals to believe that the next natural step in development of rocketry is space travel.

-Modern Medicine has been brought to the Second World through Hessarian medical developments, which are making drugs cheaper and more effective.

-Strides in aeronautics have led Japan to develop, as part of a secret engineering project, advanced warplanes capable of tighter maneuvers, higher flight, and increased carrying capacity. The results of this project are shared with Ambrosia, and both nations get to work phasing out their old air force with the newer models.

-In Japan and Syraus, advances in biology have led to a greater understanding of the building blocks of life. DNA structures and the other internal workings of cells are better understood thanks to the scientists of Syraus and Japan's Unit 731, but both countries have elected to keep these developments a secret.

-Radar, a method of remotely detecting distances which is exceptionally helpful in detecting enemy aircraft and ballistic missiles, has been developed in secret for use in the Ambrosian military.

-Suiyektu has successfully tested its first atomic bomb. Work immediately begins on producing an arsenal.

-An age old program involving light concentration has led to the development of powerful lasers in Divus. The invention is hushed up quickly, and kept a state secret.

-The machine gun and combustion engine are now commonly produced in Second World countries. The telegraph and ironclad warship have spread to the Third World as well.

-In what is being referred to as an economic miracle, Divus has soared ahead, out of its primitive status and into the First World as an industrialized nation in a very short time span. Orobostan, by opening trade with Ambrosia and investing heavily into developing a modern economy, ahs also advanced. Onvast has improved a lot lately as well thanks to hefty investments from Suiyektu.

Txabesco (KYFPMM)

Doctrines: Egalitarianism, Mandatory Service, Free Trade, Secularism, State Beer Monopoly, Chemical Warfare, Spies, Defensive Military, Worker's Welfare

Culture: Alcohol Aficionados, Fish Fanatics, Starlove (religion)

Tech: Third World

Issues: War Exhaustion (low)

-The despot, having studied the glorious past of Txabesco, has come to admire the pacifist nature of the ancient peoples of his land. To honor this feature of the old culture, he has called for retraining of the Defense Forces in purely defensive maneuvers, only concerning his generals in tactics which will help keep land, rather than take any.

-High volume printing has caused significant inflation, although it is coupled with significant government spending in welfare projects and subsidized lotteries, keeping it from significantly damaging the domestic economy. This has, however, destroyed the value of cash reserves, reducing foreign investment significantly and cutting down on trade with the rest of the world.

-Minimum wage and maximum hours are set to prevent exploitation of the workers. A retirement age and relevant retirement savings accounts have also been set up to guarantee the welfare of the hard working elderly. To keep business owners from panicking, the despot has guaranteed them the right to fire workers over any issue they deem problematic, and no requirement is made on raising wages above the minimum.

-Large scale, experimental greenhouses are built in the coldest reaches of the country which would, theoretically, supplement food imports with locally grown winter crops.

-Ice Hockey is invented and quickly becomes a popular national sport. A state regulated league is created to keep track of teams and tournaments.

-Having come out of the closet recently the despot has launched a homoerotic political campaign, encouraging others to be more accepting of him and his kind. Many members of the old government have challenged his authority in light of this development, but their protests are shut down by an emergency election in which the dictator wins 70% of the popular vote.

-Suiyektu declares war and their armies surge across the border, dealing terrible defeats to every defending army. The fleets are marginally more successful in defense, somehow preventing their destruction against a foe that is significantly advanced technologically in comparison.

Syraus (Stalemate)

Doctrines: Egalitarianism, Inquisition, Spies, Welfare, Mandatory Service, Religious Missions, National Bank, State Capitalism, Veteran Benefits, Universal Healthcare

Culture: Teachers, Entertainers, Xenophobia, Zeist (religion), Krav Maga, Racism

Tech: First World

Issues: War Exhaustion (low)

-First Fleet escorts the First and Second Armies as they sail to Kathian, assisted by Onvast and Cuba as well to land troops at Silam. Unfortunately, the multitudinous Ambrosian fleets with assistance from Japan drive off the coalition's fleets, which all retreat to the closest friendly ports, in Zaris. The armies return home, not having managed to land.

-The Unitology rebels are finally crushed, their soldiers deserting their arms and joining the refugees in flooding across the border to Orobostan. The massacres continue in Seahurst, which is almost empty of Unitologists now. Millions lay dead in the streets and many of the more conscientious soldiers stationed in the garrison there frequently request reassignment.

-The army is reformed to be the best that it can be with the technology available.

-Japan and Ambrosia are attacked in a propaganda campaign, smearing their name by dismissing them as greedy imperialists. Both countries are declared mortal enemies of the Syrausian state.

-A universal healthcare bill is passed, guaranteeing free medicine and treatment to everybody who needs it, excluding Unitologists. State funding is given to universities that provide graduates in the medical field as an effort to get more doctors into the recently nationalized industry.

-The government organizes a council for managing the provinces, taking in complains and opinions made by governors for consideration.

-The telecommunications network, including everything from telegraph stations to radio towers, is nationalized, now owned by the state.

-A new national anthem is written. In general, the people like it.

Orobostan (ProfessorRivers)

Doctrines: Egalitarianism, Meritocracy, Spies, Welfare, Draft, Isolationism, Secularism

Culture: Militant Patriotism, Unitology (religion)

Tech: First World

Issues: None

-Kathian territory is annexed upon the collapse of that state. The war is over.

-Foreign technology is imported, particularly that from Ambrosia, to modernize the economy. To get the funds for this, exporters are encouraged to trade with Ambrosian companies through lowered tariffs.

-A limit is set upon refugee intakes, and many are forced to move on to other neighboring countries such as Carim and Striate.

Onvast (Roarshack)

Doctrines: Suiyekharti Viceroyalty

Culture: Merchants, Starlove (religion)

Tech: Second World

Issues: None

-The fleets are sent to Kathian to assist in landing operations, but ultimately fail to win the battle. First fleet is destroyed in the battle and Second retreats with Onvast's allies to resupply in Zaris.

-Litme is invaded and the city is successfully captured.

-Foreign specialists, specifically Suiyekharti engineers, are brought in at the behest of the despot to modernize the country. They get to work primarily in providing electricity to the cities, helping to build power plants and power lines.

-Several elites gather together a fund for the purchasing of a great ship for dual use in luxury cruising and whale hunting.

-A mad scientist, going by the name of Black Hand Cratchet, has been arrested for human experimentation. His projects varied, from replacing limbs with weapons to implanting modified organs, but always involved kidnapped, involuntary subjects. Rumor has it he now works for the government, although the official party line is that he was executed.

Elysium (Triangle Mare)

Doctrines: Mandatory Service, Structured Military, Egalitarianism, Meritocracy, Spies, Religious Tolerance, Compulsory Education, Central Bank, Secularism, Grand Army Reforms, Vetting

Culture: Seafarers, Militarists, Diplomats, Reformed Christianity (religion), Manufactories, Enlightenment

Tech: First World

Issues: War Exhaustion (low)

-The fleets converge on Kathian's southern coast and engage the enemy and their allies in the largest naval battle ever fought. The combined forces of Ambrosia and Japan win the day, losing huge numbers of ships, but inflicting even heavier losses upon the enemy. This success prevents enemy troops from landing in Kathian and gives Ambrosia total control over the coastline.

-The armies not abroad in Kathian are sent to deal with the Cuban insurrection and, as Cuba has declared war, Cuba itself as well. The country is quickly occupied and their armies are either destroyed or forced into a full retreat.

-A bureau is made for vetting and oversight, to prevent any government organization from self supervising investigations of corruption. This has resulted in the outing of several top officials who, as it turns out, were part of a spy ring loyal to foreign interests. Most have succeeded in fleeing the country or committing suicide, and very little can be gathered from those who remain. It seems that among their most heinous plans was an operation that would detonate a Japanese atomic bomb in transit through an Ambrosian city. Fortunately, with this information, the bureau has managed to thwart their plan.

-A central stock exchange is established, allowing all companies in Ambrosia to pool their stocks for sale in one place. Investments go towards Orobostan in particular, due to their heightened trade interest in Ambrosia in recent times.

-The military industrial complex expands in both power and size as government funding goes towards it more consistently. Military buildup and the fine tuning of weapons and vehicle designs are incessant.

-With the multitude of cultures in Ambrosia's borders, the state has taken an interest in integrating them more fully into the nation. Cross cultural language studies are provided in all public schools, promoting unity and understanding between people of various nationalities by improving communication.

-A new political movement centered upon universal inclusion and equality among all people, called Pan-Elysianism, is born out of the cultural mixing in Ambrosia and globalization of the world. The Elysians have formed a party and, making their case to the government, have succeeded in convincing the emperor to end Ambrosian preference. To symbolize the first step in this change, he has officially renamed the country to Elysium.

-To keep casualties low in assaulting the heavily fortified mountain capital of Silam, the Japanese dropped an atomic bomb on the city from one of their new bomber planes, destroying the defenders' fortifications and their will to resist. Ambrosian troops quickly occupied the burning city and what remained of the garrison has scattered. The war is over, and Kathian's occupied lands are annexed.

-Nationalist rebel groups in Egypt and Fittaland have been discovered by local police to be organizing themselves into units. Caches of weapons have been found here and there, mostly consisting of Suiyektu and Kathian arms. Thus far, these rebel groups have not committed to any attacks.

-Although Ambrosian forces have succeeded in ending the Kathian state and the Korean rebellion, communist rebels inspired by the DPRK have continued rising up in and around cities following Kruztatlism, forcing constant fighting to pacify them. The guerrillas have resorted to tactics involving frequent use of traps and ambushes, making the fight treacherous and damaging to morale. Near constant urban combat continues to cause severe damage to Kathian and Korean cities, some of which have been almost completely reduced to rubble.

Suiyektu (You Are Reading This)

Doctrines: Mercantilism, Meritocracy, Spies, Draft, Eugenics

Culture: Free Enterprise, Horse Husbandry, Tengrism (religion)

Tech: First World

Issues: War Exhaustion (low)

-The hordes are mobilized to the Txabesco border. After an intense bombardment by rocket artillery they storm the defenders' positions, overwhelming them with superior firepower and combined operations by tanks and planes. They continue pushing deep into enemy territory, shattering every defensive force that is thrown against them.

-The Third and Fifth fleets are sent up against Txabesco in the battle of East Conshen. Deft maneuvers by the enemy prevent a victory here, but Txabesco's fleets are unable to inflict any decisive blows upon the Suiyekharti fleet.

-Iljigin Khatun is pregnant, diverting her attention from the war effort but bringing her great joy. to keep her safe and her affairs in order, the Kheshig's power is inflated with new responsibilities and troops.

-Ulluriia is renamed to Myushyin, finally ending all pretensions of Narthurian control in the city.

Divus (Taryn)

Doctrines: Harbor Mirrors

Culture: Crab Cruelty, Stellar Surveyors, Tower of Babel (under construction), Sunnism (religion)

Tech: First World

Issues: None

-Peace is accepted with Ambrosia. The country is demilitarized, reducing its army to half its former size. Excess arms are sold abroad to bring in funding for science projects. Government funds are also thrown into science, as the military budget is no longer a significant factor in finances.

-Science teams are established, with levels indicating the importance of their project and the intelligence of their members. Class 1 scientists working on secret projects are followed constantly to ensure their loyalty to the regime.

-Workers continue to nonchalantly build onto the tower, whistling and shifting their gazes supiciously all the while.

Striate (Owen, The Communist Tree)

Doctrines: Mandatory Service, Religious Tolerance, Resource Subsidies, Elite Forces, Vetting

Culture: Militant Patriotism, Unitology (religion)

Tech: Second World

Issues: None

-Modern arms factories open in Striate as The General commands that the most important industry, that of war, must be the first to fully modernize.

-Oil is deemed as the most important resource and, thus, oil refineries have become a critically emphasized component of the economy. The General has personally seen to it that crude oil imports rise to meet the growing demand of refineries, which work faster than domestic oil wells can supply them.

-It is found that the mysterious element, Striatite, has a magnetic charge. Nobody really knows what to make of it.

Democratic People’s Republic of Kruztatl (Twisty)

Doctrines: Missionary Warriors, Mercantilism, Code of Conduct, Field Promotions, Inquisition, Draft, Spies, Public Education, Veteran Benefits

Culture: Perfectionists, Xenophobia, Kruztatlism (religion), Janissaries, Racism

Tech: First World

Issues: War Exhaustion (medium)

-In a pitched naval battle, a combined force of Kathian, Onvast, Cuba, and Syraus attempt to open a beachhead near Silam for the transfer of reinforcements to the capital. Ambrosian and Japanese ships arrive to fend off the attempt, and a massive battle ensues with both sides suffering heavy casualties. Ultimately Kathian's armada and the allied fleets are defeated, forcing a retreat to Zaris.

-An atomic bomb is dropped on Silam, destroying the city's defenses and allowing a follow up attack by Japan and Ambrosia to take the city with ease. Most of Kathian is annexed by Ambrosia, formally ending the war.

-Kathian is no more. The clergy which ran the old state has been either killed off by communists and Ambrosians or gone into hiding. In Vilanoa, the worlds first Communist International, also called the Comintern, has met to determine the future of the revolution in Kathian. During the meeting it was decided that the greatest binding factor in the provinces where communist rebels have been successful is religion; abandoning their old core ethos stating that religion is the opiate of the masses and must be done away with, the First Comintern decides instead to merge the ideology of communism with that of the old religious dogma to prevent the alienation of reactionaries and conservatives. Thus, they have proclaimed the establishment of a new state: the Democratic People's Republic of Kruztatl, or DPRK, named after the one true god of all mankind.

-The Korean branch of the revolution is crushed by Ambrosian invaders, placing the guidance of global communism solely in the hands of the DPRK.

-A desperate guerrilla war is fought in the occupied territories of Kathian. Cities are littered with mines and other traps and buildings along major streets are turned into ambush staging grounds. The rebels use every bit of their creativity in their trap crafting, from hiding venomous snakes in supply caches to setting up ball and chain mace traps in stairwells. Pitched battles are a thing of the past, and organized armies are few and far between. Instead, soldiers hide among their own communities, fighting only when the opportunity for a hit and run attack presents itself.

-The leader of the DPRK sends out a global call for insurrection in all Kruztatlist provinces, saying that the reunification of the faithful is at hand. He has succeeded in inspiring revolt around the world, but has greatly alienated other communist groups, which view the DPRK's attachment to Kruztatlism as detrimental to their cause.

Sprawl (Sergeant Arch Dornan)

Doctrines: Egalitarianism, Literacy Program, National Bank, Corporatism, Social Security

Culture: Alien Admiration, Unitology (religion), Knights of Unity

Tech: Second World

Issues: War Exhaustion (low)

-With the great war finally over, the government pulls a majority of military funding to return to its reconstruction projects. Rebuilding is now the top priority of the administration, which is funneling huge amounts of money into import subsidies, steel production, machine shops, and other industries.

-Infrastructure is also improved under the new reconstruction program. The nation's highways are repaved and steadily maintained, and electrical lines are set up across the country.

-Trisha Philips has made a grand tour of the country, especially the reclaimed territories, giving speeches and working alongside builders to give credence to her pledge to rebuild the country herself if she has to. During her campaign she has also worked to spread good will towards the new marker, which is now being called the Red Marker, which she openly admits was constructed by the government under Hans Tiedmann to inspire national unity during those trying times. Most understand this reasoning, and instead of worshiping the relic as they had with the old marker, merely respect it as a manmade monument to keep the nation's faith alive and honoring what has been lost.

-Social Security is created to keep workers from fearing a loss of their livelihood. The reduction of this stress has helped the economy as well, turning the unemployed and retired into consumers.

-An air force is established, both for military purposes and civilian transport, giving the state full control over all aircraft. Domestically constructed planes are being used exclusively, reducing imports but putting even more people back to work in factories.

Monarchy of the Roses (Tchefuncte Bonaparte)

Doctrines: Egalitarianism, Public Education, Samurai

Culture: Tulip Traffickers, Rose Retailers, Pyramids, Mechanarianism (religion), Egalitarianism, Jazz

Tech: Third World

Issues: None

-Nothing happened.

Cuba (Major Bummer)

Doctrines: Spies, Public Education, Modern Military Reforms, The Gun Proliferation Act

Culture: Fish Fanatics, Christianity (religion)

Tech: Third World

Issues: War Exhaustion (high)

-The fleet is sent to Kathian, taking part in the largest naval battle in human history. The primitive ships of Cuba are not able to contribute much to the fight, but do what they can to help. In the end the battle was a loss, and the fleet has since retreated with Cuba's allies to Zaris.

-With the money made on taxing cocaine exports, several shipments of rifles are bought from overseas and delivered to Cuban and Oriental rebels.

-A nationalist revolution has been declared by the recently elected president, Fidel Picasso, who's firey revanchism has inspired the country to follow him to war. He has called for a reclamation of the old country by force, sending an army to assist the rebels in San Cristobol and a fleet to aid Kathian's war effort. Teachers have been commanded to alter their curriculum, teaching firearm use and Cuban history instead of their regular classes.

“In old history, Japan used biological weapons on the continent, with an intent to conquer all within its path. This was only stopped due to the bravery of the Cuba’s and Orientale’s armies. Meanwhile the Ambrosians talked in their chairs of alliances to the very people who our soldiers died for in droves to protect them from! And how do they repay us? They take our lands, and send Cubans to foreign wars over their insatiable need to feed their empire more land! Then they ally themselves with a serpent which only seeks to devour them, like it had tried to so many years ago! It is only a matter of time until Ambrosia takes all of what you have and until Japan purges what national identity you have left out of you! Are you going to sit around and wait until that happens, or are you going to take a stand and fight for what is right? For know that God is on our side!” -Fidel Picasso

((Above speech was written by Major Bummer, not by me))

-Unfortunately for Fidel, when the Ambrosian reaction to the rebellion arrived they quickly overcame Cuban forces and captured Gaspar, Varadero, and La Palma, smashing through the Third Army with ease. All that remains of his ill fated revolution is the Fourth Army and a rebel contingent in San Cristobol.

Zaris (Tyranid Warrior)

Doctrines: Inquisition

Culture: Engineer Exaltation, Nature Negation, Mechanarianism (religion)

Tech: First World

Issues: None

-First and Third armies board transports and follow the coalition's fleet to Kathian, but are turned back by the timely arrival of the Ambrosian armada which, after a terrible battle, succeeds in driving the invaders away from Kathian's coast. The Zarisian armies are forceed to return home.

Carim (CrowTheMagician)

Doctrines: Meritocracy, Spies, Free Trade, Welfare, Mandatory Education, Natural Rights, Central Bank, Religious Tolerance, Structured Military, Laissez Faire, Grand Army Reforms, Vetting, Chemical Warfare, Blitzkrieg, Veteran Benefits

Culture: Gothic, Olympians, Egalitarianism, Occult Studies, Empire of Bliss, Carimite Heathenry (religion), Unitology (religion), Individualism, Valkyrie Order, Warrior Poets, Spies

Tech: First World

Issues: Anti War Movement

-The armies are reorganized under a new structure, called the Bundeswehr. The first air force independent of the navy and the army is also created, called the Luftwaffe.

-Coastal fortifications are built across the country, with the once picturesque beaches being littered now with tank traps, bunkers, chain fences, barbed wire, and other static defenses. Tourists and locals alike are appalled by the change, and some are wondering if Carim is losing its cultural heritage to follow the global trend towards militarization. A minority defend the decisions, saying that with all of the great wars being fought it is only a matter of time that Carim is invaded as well.

-The El Dorado purchase is sold to Japan.

-Sanitation and electrical services reach the colonies.

-Veteran Benefits are doled out to those who served in the war as a token of thanks from the state.

-Cécile Meitner, a prominent doctor, travels to the Hessarian isles to help rehabilitate adicts and provide aid to those affected by the war. He works closely with the national spy corps to find Cuban importers and black market dealers for termination.

-Reconstruction aid is also sent to Sprawl, helping that country get back on its feet and recover from the grievous injuries it has recently sustained.

-The draft is abandoned, appeasing the antiwar protesters somewhat.

Hessaria (Black Graphic T)

Doctrines: Mandatory Service, Religious Tolerance, Military Retirement & Citizenship, Warrior Poets, Chemical Warfare, National Bank, Mandatory Education, Spies, Meritocracy, Secularism, Stormtroopers, Drug Conduct Laws

Culture: Dragon Detractors, Seafarers, Unitology (religion), Muay Thai

Tech: Second World

Issues: War Exhaustion (medium)

-The Health Council is established and placed in charge of national hygiene. They launch an ad campaign targeting youths, encouraging them to brush their teeth regularly, take daily showers, and eat less junk food.

-Recreational drugs of all kinds are legalized. Rather than treat addiction as a crime, the state has taken to treating it like a disease. Rehabilitation centers are set up to help adicts recover from their addictions and stay clean.

-A "code of conduct" law is passed, forbidding the use of recreational drugs while at work or while serving in the military. This law, combined with rehabilitation efforts and the fact that Cuban imports have been reduced due to war, has helped cut down on cocaine use dramatically.

-A literal underground railroad is built in many cities, connecting the various parts of dense cities without taking any valuable land above ground. This new railway system, called a 'subway,' has inspired city planners from around the world to make such transit systems for their cities as well.

-Japan declares war, their armies landing in the south as the First Army was digging trenches along the coast near Sage. The defenders quickly rushed to their positions and made a valiant fight of it, but were ultimately forced to retreat to the mountains as Japanese troops marched in from the east and west, threatening to surround them. A naval battle in the Gulf also occurs, being won only marginally by Japan.

-The world's first full motion film has been produced. Originally intended to be a documentary of construction workers in Basura, the film transformed over development due to the Japanese invasion into a reality drama about refugees fleeing the front of war. The film crew's epic journey from Basura to Wismeer makes a beautiful piece of propaganda and an excellent newspiece, bringing the war straight to the big screens.

Japan (ShiJo)

Doctrines: Mandatory Schooling, Meritocracy, Biological Warfare, Religious Tolerance, Immigrant Restrictions, Ninjas, Fortified Harbors, Police State

Culture: Swordmakers, Closed Society, Christianity (religion), Egalitarianism

Tech: First World

Issues: War Exhaustion (medium)

-The Doonish language is now something of a rarity, and those who do speak it are either bilingual or very old. Doonish history is largely forgotten, relegated to minor snippets in Japanese history textbooks and commemorative plaques, and most people in the formerly Doonish provinces consider themselves Japanese. Doonish culture is now lying on its death bed.

-Migration and continual rule by Japan has changed the city of Lutten's demographics, which are now heavily slated towards Japanese ethnicity rather than Ambrosian. The citizens have petitioned to rename the city, which is now officially known by its Japanese name: Gensokyo.

-War is declared on Hessaria. Their navy engage's Japan's, and in the resulting battle Japan only barely carries the victory. It is enough to open up a landing opportunity, and soldiers storm into Basura and Sage, seizing the city and surrounding countryside.

-A cultural festival is held across the country. The use of Kimonos during this festival has been highly insulting to some Orientals, who feel that the clothing insults their heritage and illuminates the growing disruption of their society by Japanese settlers. A race riot has broken out in Yasaka as a result of the festival and, although it was quickly put down by the police, it has inspired vandalism in other cities with prominent Oriental minorities, and as a result crime is on the rise across Orientale.

-The Ninja Corps is directed towards national security, becoming something of a federal police bureau, patrolling the cities silently and keeping a watchful eye on suspicious activities everywhere.

-Grants are being handed out to citizens who create groundbreaking inventions or form a hypothesis that eventually becomes an accepted scientific theory.

-The Ninjas, cooperating with Ambrosia's espionage unit, have uncovered a plot to destroy several of Japan's atomic weapons by detonating them in their holding stations. After investigating this plot, the Ninjas were able to hunt down the mole responsible for delivering information regarding the nuclear program to Japan's enemies: a noblewoman from Silam. After much torture but no results, Shivijo decided to take matters into his own hands and brought her to the edge of Silam, threatening to destroy her home if she did not cooperate. She swore that Suiyektu was behind the security breach; Shivijo called for the city to be razed nonetheless. The first atomic bomb to be dropped on a city has destroyed Silam. Shortly after this incident, a covert attack on the aircraft carrier this noblewoman was being held captive on resulted in her escape on a bomber plane with several assailants, one of which is suspected to be a samurai.

-Third Fleet participates in the greatest naval battle in history, coming out victorious over Kathian and her allies.

-The invasion of Kathian goes along well. Sixth and Third Armies assist Ambrosia's forces in taking Silam; after dropping an atomic bomb on the city as a show of force and to destroy any defenders present, the infantry advanced into the smoldering embers of the capital, ending the war. Japanese soldiers affected by radiation are taken to unit 731 for testing and studies, enhancing Japan's knowledge of how the bomb affects human bodies.

Last edited Apr 22, 2016 at 12:11AM EDT

Elreigh wrote:

Jesus Christ, you magnificient bastard

Japan and Ambrosia are attacked in a propaganda campaign, smearing their name by dismissing them as greedy imperialists. Both countries are declared mortal enemies of the Syrausian state.

And I was just trying to be nice…

Cuba is no more, uti possidetis.

Japanese land in Kathian is traded for the Ambrosian colonies.

Suiyektu, Syraus, Onvast, we will not forget your involvement in this war, nor your treacherous spy actions.

Are you fucking kidding me? I diverted 2 of my 3 armies to aid in a war I give no shits about in order to get one tyrannical nation out, and another one comes right back in?
Fuck it, I'm done. Unless they actively threaten me you all are on your own in this one. I've fallen behind of everyone thanks to these pointless wars.

And I was just trying to be nice…

>invade nation that has done nothing to harm anyone under the excuse of bettering the world
>three times
>allow the use of nukes because its your allies

Last edited Apr 22, 2016 at 01:12AM EDT

Carim is going to be Switzerland when it comes to wars now. If you all want economic, diplomatic, cultural and technological projects with me I'm fine, but I think my days of declaring war is over since my people seem to be against the concept of war itself.

CrowTheMagician wrote:

Carim is going to be Switzerland when it comes to wars now. If you all want economic, diplomatic, cultural and technological projects with me I'm fine, but I think my days of declaring war is over since my people seem to be against the concept of war itself.

Same here.

the DPRK takes back ilem peacefully, as its annexation with carim was a simple mistake (resolved in PM).

we would also like to trade greyshore valley and ishavalazar for alakora and ramailea with carim to connect our land

Last edited Apr 22, 2016 at 01:24AM EDT

James Blunt wrote:

And I was just trying to be nice…

>invade nation that has done nothing to harm anyone under the excuse of bettering the world
>three times
>allow the use of nukes because its your allies

>attack a childlike crusader state that was absolutely jingoist
>attack a nation plotting to crash the earth into the sun


Shape wrote:

>attack a childlike crusader state that was absolutely jingoist
>attack a nation plotting to crash the earth into the sun


>implying divus ever had plans to crash anything anywhere

yeah sure whatever makes you think the revolution is right and gives you a casus belli

Last edited Apr 22, 2016 at 01:23AM EDT

James Blunt wrote:

unitology, simple as that

>implying syraus was going to use the marker
you sure whathever gives you a casus belli

Last edited Apr 22, 2016 at 01:27AM EDT

James Blunt wrote:

the DPRK takes back ilem peacefully, as its annexation with carim was a simple mistake (resolved in PM).

we would also like to trade greyshore valley and ishavalazar for alakora and ramailea with carim to connect our land

I will take them since those are far closer to my nation than those two.

Shape wrote:

>implying syraus was going to use the marker
you sure whathever gives you a casus belli

nah i admit that was for fun.

unlike a certain someone hiding under "Muh interventionism"

Last edited Apr 22, 2016 at 01:27AM EDT

Shape wrote:

>attack a childlike crusader state that was absolutely jingoist
>attack a nation plotting to crash the earth into the sun


You had no reason to assume I would do that aside from me (accidentally) destroying the planet last game. You threatened to attack me on blind suspicion. Even after I agreed to not destroy the planet, you attacked me anyway. How do you justify that?

Also, as we are in some form of alliance now, I would like to know why you are allowing Japan to create weapons that threaten all of humanity. I asked you before and you didn't answer me.

Last edited Apr 22, 2016 at 01:39AM EDT

ShiJo wrote:

Jesus Christ, you magnificient bastard

Japan and Ambrosia are attacked in a propaganda campaign, smearing their name by dismissing them as greedy imperialists. Both countries are declared mortal enemies of the Syrausian state.

d-delete this

@Triangle Mare
On post-war stuff I'm ready to talk if you want to sort things out. Same goes for ShiJo, even if you two are dirty imperialist bullies dogs.

We take no interest in your region, so I suppose that we could forget this little incident if you remove that Anti-Japanese and Anti-Elysian propaganda.

Because as history proves, the problem is not with the nukes themselves, it's with their responsible usage. Someone was bound to invent them anyways; the fact is that Japan has them, and I trust them to use the arsenal responsibly.

And as for the tower, you did share the plan on the IRC :^)

But yeah, I won't bother you now if you don't attack me, like Cuba. I'll explain why I wanted this particular bunch of land later, too.

Last edited Apr 22, 2016 at 01:56AM EDT

You're going to see salt next turn. Just fucking wait.

And if we're all together talking about which country deserved or didn't deserve things, Hessaria never invaded anyone. Hessaria never declared genocide against anyone. Hessaria never discriminated against anyone. Every action my country took was either in self-defense, or defense of a large mass of people, and never with the use of aggressive or inhumane tactics.

Doesn't matter. One more turn. 13 is a good number to die at anyway.

Shape wrote:

>nukes can be used for good, guys
>its not like everytime they appear they fuck shit up
>you are just a salty crusader

respond with arguments, not memes.

Last edited Apr 22, 2016 at 02:01AM EDT

>Talk about how Japan is probably going to be the next person to go to war with
>"I trust them to use this arsenal responsibly"
Am I the only one here who remembers that Japan released the plague and tried taking over the entire continent

and its going around attacking countries for no reason and genociding their culture

oh jeez just like me, i wonder why im the only bad guy and why japan can use weapons of mass destruction responsibly

Last edited Apr 22, 2016 at 02:08AM EDT

Seriously though, I could respond with merithorical arguments, but you are just s a l t y and don't want an actual discussion or debate. I guess that Taryn could, tbh, as he is reasonably angry.

if you keep repeating everyone is mad, it proves that you are not mad, because if you believe everyone else is mad then how can you be mad? it just doesn't make sense

t. triangle mare

Last edited Apr 22, 2016 at 02:15AM EDT

You Are Reading This wrote:

>mfw salt, destroyer of worlds
>mfw no secretive plotting in silence and gentlemanly congratulating your enemy on winning when they do

Well, in retrospect the covert action plan with the bomb detonation was pretty brilliant.

Last edited Apr 22, 2016 at 06:15AM EDT

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