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Does Rain World count as a meme?

Last posted Mar 14, 2023 at 10:50AM EDT. Added Mar 08, 2023 at 07:45AM EST
6 posts from 4 users

Astroturfing is when someone advertises something while making that advertisement look like a normal person recommending said thing
But in the case of rainworld, its pretty niche, but i've seen more than enough people making stuff about it that it would be great to have an entry on it.
And i'd say it would be a subculture

Rain World is a game that has a dedicated fan base with a strong meme community. While the game itself is not inherently a meme, the fan base has created and shared a variety of memes related to the game. These memes have become a part of the subculture surrounding the game and have contributed to the game's popularity and longevity.

Therefore, it is more accurate to say that Rain World is a game with a meme community, rather than a meme or a subculture in and of itself.

Last edited Mar 14, 2023 at 06:05AM EDT

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