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It looks like a "concern trolling" campaign is on going on certain YouTube videos covering the subject of Mr. Beast's friend Chris coming out as trans

Last posted Apr 15, 2023 at 02:23AM EDT. Added Apr 13, 2023 at 11:01AM EDT
9 posts from 7 users

Like seriously look at the comments of this SunnyV2 video and see how many comments that focus on just Mr. Beast/Jimmy and legitimately transphobic comments are getting heavily upvoted:

Sunny does have over 3 million subscribers but the fact very specific comments are getting targeted for heavy upvoting, namely comments where people are more concerned about Mr. Beast specifically, or comments that are legitimately bigoted against trans or even LGBT folk in general, makes me believe there is absolutely some kind of "concern trolling" campaign that seems to be active on YouTube right now. It seems like bigoted people are trying to use this situation with Chris as a way to further their reach given Mr. Beast is arguably the most famous YouTuber and for some fucking reason want Mr. Beast and his fanbase to join them in their bigotry despite the fact Mr. Beast's entire brand is focused heavily on helping "underprivileged people."

This kind of shit happens every time any vaguely famous person comes out as trans and every time any trans person gets any significant amount of media attention, right? Assholes come out en masse to whine about the fact that they have recently been reminded of the existence of trans people.

Bit of an update:

Mr. Beast himself called Sunny's video bullshit and said Chris being trans doesn't bother him at all, especially since they're life long friends

It's also been noted Sunny has a bit of a history of being "subtly transphobic" in an older video so now I'm starting to suspect maybe it's not anti-LGBT trolling after all, Sunny likely has just legitimately attracted actual bigots to his channel already. Plus I reevaluated the video and actually yeah some of the stuff Sunny said feels very off to me.

Last edited Apr 14, 2023 at 10:16AM EDT

Another update, it looks like any video calling out Sunny for his video has brought out a bunch of people in THOSE comment sections to go "nah uh, Sunny is 100% right!" and those are getting the "strangely high amount of upvotes" treatment, while things have shifted in terms of the ratio on Sunny's own video.

Also I'm looking at the ratio's on this thread but still small amount of comments and it's making me go "these people I speculated about in my OP are totally here in the forums and are trying to run some kind of silent damage control aren't they?"

That really is nasty and fucked up. Literally minding your own business not bugging anyone not getting in anyones way and you get some crazy dick head making a creepy ass para social video about you.

I have a friend that's lightly transitioned and if some shit face made a video like this and saying that they are gonna cause problems for me and I should stop talkin to them id be fucking furious. Like who the fuck are you to tell a grown ass man who to hang with?

The unboxing part pissed me off really badly. Yeah its weird when someone you've known for years starts dressing like a girl. There's no getting around that. Framing it in a way that makes it look like all of them were secretly sickened by that persons presents is so fucked. You have no idea whats going on off camera. Its probably awkward because they dont wanna say something fucked up by mistake, maybe they are nerviness that this is the first video where they are openly cross dressing and the crew knew people are gonna be shitty in the comments about it so it made the filming way more tense. Who knows.

Sometimes this stuff can get muddy but this is pretty cut and dry case of mind your own fucking business and don't worry about what someones doing to their own body.

Last edited Apr 14, 2023 at 06:09PM EDT

Ah yes, I love youtubers that stirs their own shit in a desperate attempt to gain clout, disguised as 'helping' them.

It reminds me of the time when Dingdong from Oneyplays left the internet because some rando wanted to capitalize of their conflict with game grumps.

I could only find one comment above 1k upvotes that fit the description at time of writing, though that doesn't really mean much considering YouTube's sort by top comments function has been basically useless for years now.


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