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What should be my costume for this Halloween?

Last posted Nov 17, 2022 at 06:16AM EST. Added Oct 30, 2022 at 07:20AM EDT
6 posts from 5 users

I'm thinking about these TBH:
-Batman (Lame)
-Demon (Meh)
-Ghost (So cliché)
-Weeaboo (ok it's getting spooky now)
-Furry (Very scary)
-Brony (Even more scary)

What do you think I should be for Halloween?

Batman has been done to deth, but probably easy to buy a pre-made costume.

Is the demon a sexy succubus, sexy succubus (male), or just generic red sweats and red cap with horns? if it's the last on, it's okay but you aren't going to scare anyone. -At least with the others you going out like that might be scary for you with people trying to take you home a a treat.-

I would strongly recommend not donning white sheets and go walking around town unless you're okay with getting attacked because people think you're part of the Klan.

-Weeaboo is the equivalent of going as yourself-

If you have a $500 fursuit, that is definitely the scariest thing you could go out as. But if you're just going to put on a small tail and cat ears that's lame. Basically the same thing with brony.

Budget costume is probably Batman. But lyou can go as other stuff too if you want.


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