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What happened to Mr. Croat?

Last posted Sep 03, 2021 at 01:26PM EDT. Added Aug 02, 2021 at 08:32AM EDT
31 posts from 25 users

So he is banned why?

He seemed as a fine fellow and from what i personally know he never caused any trouble around here sk why did he get banned?

Last edited Aug 02, 2021 at 08:39AM EDT

Griff the Hoplite wrote:

So he is banned why?

He seemed as a fine fellow and from what i personally know he never caused any trouble around here sk why did he get banned?

I've been chatting with him on Deviant Art and he's showed me a couple of things he's said that have gotten him in trouble.

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Example 4

Example 5

Unfortunately, since he spends a lot of his time on 4chan and English is his second language; he predominantly talks in Chanspeak, which is not suitable for sensitive or personal topics, and, as he's just a kid, he didn't think through about a couple of questions he wanted to ask some people.

He realises he's mucked up and I advised him to just let things settle and then come back and apologise to the Mods for his mistakes.

He got a bit angry and flustered trying to argue his case to the mods, as teenagers do, which I think may have soured things; but there was no malice behind any of the things I've seen.

Anyone who's spent enough time on 4chan can see that; which, really, should be anyone over the age of 20, considering what the main purpose of this site is.

Soup King wrote:

I've been chatting with him on Deviant Art and he's showed me a couple of things he's said that have gotten him in trouble.

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Example 4

Example 5

Unfortunately, since he spends a lot of his time on 4chan and English is his second language; he predominantly talks in Chanspeak, which is not suitable for sensitive or personal topics, and, as he's just a kid, he didn't think through about a couple of questions he wanted to ask some people.

He realises he's mucked up and I advised him to just let things settle and then come back and apologise to the Mods for his mistakes.

He got a bit angry and flustered trying to argue his case to the mods, as teenagers do, which I think may have soured things; but there was no malice behind any of the things I've seen.

Anyone who's spent enough time on 4chan can see that; which, really, should be anyone over the age of 20, considering what the main purpose of this site is.

I see yeah he really messed up there

Still sad to see another frequent commenter go we've been losing those for some time now without getting any to replace them

Nigel the treasure hunter wrote:

What a shame. He was a good man… what a rotten way to get banned.

I didn't know him much, but yeah he was a good man. It's a shame he had to go downhill to banned city by shitposting with a side of transphobia like it's 4chan.

Square Memester wrote:

I didn't know him much, but yeah he was a good man. It's a shame he had to go downhill to banned city by shitposting with a side of transphobia like it's 4chan.

I agree, it's a shame he wasn't a bad poster

Was it just because English is his second language, though..? It is also my second language and I learned it mostly with videogames and sites like this, yet I am not constantly talking in gaming quotes/lingo or referencing a meme every 2 lines of text. His English reads well enough to call it fluent as well, so I doubt this is just him not understanding what he says or reads.

It sounds to me like this was just another 4chan teenager with thinly-veiled habits and values from that site, and people do not incorporate those on their own lives just by accident. He took the conscious choice of spending a lot of time there despite knowing full well how they are and what they talk about and nobody put a gun on his head to remain there. Teenager or not, he knew what he was doing and what those words mean.

I was a teenager once too (I know, shocker) surrounded by horrible influences IRL, and even then I knew better than to just blindly follow what they did and assimilate their habits. Yes, it made me a social outcast for a good few years, but I regret nothing about it given the other possible outcome. My parents also did a good job at teaching me not to just jump off the proverbial cliff just because my "friends" did too, so good parenting – or lack thereof – also comes to mind here.

I am not commenting on whether the ban was deserved or not since it is ultimately not my business, but saying "he's just a 4chan teenager, he doesn't know any better" to justify his commenting habits seems intellectually dishonest on purpose when all of us were on his position and given choice and agency on the matter, yet very few of us ended up the way he did. Also, as a non-native English speaker, I know that having it as your second language is no excuse for it. And if it is true that he was warned for it multiple times before, then all the less reason to fell sorry for him. Again, being a teenager does not fully exonerate you from responsibility and consequences if said teenager still understands what is happening and has free choice on the matter, and let us not pretend like being banned from a meme site is some third degree wound he will neve recover from or anything. Even just getting yelled at by your parents is worse than this and we all went through that, probably deserved in most cases.

Think of it this way. Since his age is the main point being observed here, then ask yourself this question: if this was your son, would you actually just go "oh well, he's just a kid, can't be helped" about it..? Or would you be a little disappointed that he is like this and feel at least partially responsible for it..? Does it still seem like a small, inevitable incidence after you think about it like that and you think nothing of it..? Because if you do, then I hope that said parenting scenario was really just an scenario and not your actual reality.

Last edited Aug 02, 2021 at 06:03PM EDT

I saw that comment he posted on my wall (the first example posted by Soup King) and just took a complete "I'm not even going to respond to that" approach. Didn't quite realize it went further than that.

The ban is justified, but I hope he's able to grow out of that phase as he gets older. We've all said dumb things that we didn't completely understand as teenagers.

F for that poor croatian, I legit didn't knew he was just an edgy teenager, if I had known maybe I could have tell him something, sucks to see him get this but hopefully, he will be allowed to return as long as he cleans up his actt and stops writing as if we were in 4chan.
The things he said were pretty hardcore, while I can personally forgive the slurs, I can not so easily forgive the fact that he was probably warned of his behaviour and he did nothing to change it. It dissapoints me, but hopefully this will be a lesson for him, the type of things that you type in 4chan, stay in 4chan.

Nedhitis wrote:

Was it just because English is his second language, though..? It is also my second language and I learned it mostly with videogames and sites like this, yet I am not constantly talking in gaming quotes/lingo or referencing a meme every 2 lines of text. His English reads well enough to call it fluent as well, so I doubt this is just him not understanding what he says or reads.

It sounds to me like this was just another 4chan teenager with thinly-veiled habits and values from that site, and people do not incorporate those on their own lives just by accident. He took the conscious choice of spending a lot of time there despite knowing full well how they are and what they talk about and nobody put a gun on his head to remain there. Teenager or not, he knew what he was doing and what those words mean.

I was a teenager once too (I know, shocker) surrounded by horrible influences IRL, and even then I knew better than to just blindly follow what they did and assimilate their habits. Yes, it made me a social outcast for a good few years, but I regret nothing about it given the other possible outcome. My parents also did a good job at teaching me not to just jump off the proverbial cliff just because my "friends" did too, so good parenting – or lack thereof – also comes to mind here.

I am not commenting on whether the ban was deserved or not since it is ultimately not my business, but saying "he's just a 4chan teenager, he doesn't know any better" to justify his commenting habits seems intellectually dishonest on purpose when all of us were on his position and given choice and agency on the matter, yet very few of us ended up the way he did. Also, as a non-native English speaker, I know that having it as your second language is no excuse for it. And if it is true that he was warned for it multiple times before, then all the less reason to fell sorry for him. Again, being a teenager does not fully exonerate you from responsibility and consequences if said teenager still understands what is happening and has free choice on the matter, and let us not pretend like being banned from a meme site is some third degree wound he will neve recover from or anything. Even just getting yelled at by your parents is worse than this and we all went through that, probably deserved in most cases.

Think of it this way. Since his age is the main point being observed here, then ask yourself this question: if this was your son, would you actually just go "oh well, he's just a kid, can't be helped" about it..? Or would you be a little disappointed that he is like this and feel at least partially responsible for it..? Does it still seem like a small, inevitable incidence after you think about it like that and you think nothing of it..? Because if you do, then I hope that said parenting scenario was really just an scenario and not your actual reality.

This may stem from my own ignorance of your background, and with what little perspective I have, I would advise everyone to take what I say here with a grain of salt, but you're Latin American, right? I don't know exactly from what country you are from, but from my experience in Puerto Rico, the Dominican republic, and Argentina, a lot of Latin America is very well exposed to North American pop culture, and to an extent, its particular brand of social theory and orthodoxy. The latter of which, you and I are familiar with in that we're aware of the conflict that arises therefrom, i.e.; the #ShutUpGringo hashtag. The former is a matter I've commented on before. Like you said, a lot of people from central and South America learn English through Vidya. I've seen it firsthand in many cases. The bottom line is that the southern Hemisphere has a lot of exposure to the mentalities of the north, and the question I want to raise is "How familiar is Southeast Europe in comparison?" Croatia is not as well steeped in western values or pop culture, and many peoples in the Balkans openly refuse to participate in it, for better or for worse. You mention having "Horrible Influences IRL." Judging by the context of the thread, I imagine this means something along the lines of people being at odds with some of the values of egalitarianism many in the west now espouse, which includes abhorring words like "tranny." I've observed that mentality among many Latinos, ranging from justified annoyance at such useless neologisms like "latinX" to flat out homophobia. Croat comes from a place where those attitudes are far, far more combative. Him using those words without internally attaching as much of a stigma to them may take root in that background. Ask any of the Balkan users of this site, or in general if the opportunity ever presents itself. I imagine they would be a lot less open to the line of thought that offensive words ought to be banned, perhaps even less so than the people in the IRL influences you brought up. I could be wrong there. I don't know enough about you to say for sure, but we'll just call it an educated guess for now.

The more important thing however may be his awkwardness, and yes, probable autism. Once again, I have to tread on eggshells here because I only know so much about the guy for sure, but I'm not stupid either. I've seen what the spectrum does to people's ability to articulate, in myself and in others. You mention ESL not being an excuse, as English is not your first language and you speak it well and understand what stigma certain words have, asserting that he speaks it well enough that he ought to know too. What I would like to point out is that maybe language isn't necessarily the issue here. It's social tact. When I read your comments, I notice that you have a very good hold on how to string words together. You are very eloquent in English, even though it's not your first language, but it's not the English itself that tells me you're socially aware. Even if every sentence you wrote was in Spanish, it would be apparent to any reader that you have your head screwed on right. With that said, I'm raising the question as to whether or not Mr. Croat would sound as eloquent in Croatian. Read some of his comments, and not just the ones posted here. It's a bit more qualitative than quantitative, so forgive me if I sound vague, but his sentences give off an air of awkwardness. He doesn't display exemplary prose as you and other ESL users do. No, I'm not saying he's Dry Ice levels of "how do I English guise" as, like you said, he seems to have a good enough grasp on the language. I'm saying that maybe in his head, those words weren't as hurtful as we know them to be. You bring up a point about him making the conscious decision to hang around the nu-4chan crowd, and that is indeed on him, but what may not be on him is his possibly hamstringed ability to discern what's acceptable in certain circles and what is not. He spent a lot of time with that crowd, and to someone whose social skills may not be up to snuff, it may have imprinted on him enough to normalize it. You and me know what words to use around certain people, and that being around different crowds lends itself to adapting and changing to suit our audience. I don't think Mr. Croat had the best grasp on that. He hung out with all these other 4chan teens, and coming back to KYM, may not have gotten the memo that the lingo he had adopted may not be 100% compatible with the environment he had moved to. I don't believe he's a Nazi. I don't believe he's "a transphobe and a bigot" like Individual recited straight from a west coast campus Marxist playbook. What I think is that maybe, he just doesn't have the social equipment to judge different environments and adapt accordingly.

Am I saying he's an innocent widdle bean who dindu nuffin? No. Am I saying he's not responsible for his actions because of a probable mental disability? No. In fact, the reason I'm trying this hard to dig into the situation is because I'm on the spectrum myself, and all my life, I've been working on identifying my strengths and weaknesses, resolving to never fall back on my disability as an excuse for a mistake or failure. He's fully responsible for his actions and his words. All I'm saying is that, while his agency is intact, his judgement skills may not be, and while what he said isn't okay, I don't think it's fair to say he's a deliberate asshole.

Last edited Aug 03, 2021 at 12:56AM EDT
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>Transphobia is okay, but I draw the line at not listening to mods warnings
never change KYMcore's, see you guys in the next "why was this guy banned?" thread

Steve wrote:

>Transphobia is okay, but I draw the line at not listening to mods warnings
never change KYMcore's, see you guys in the next "why was this guy banned?" thread

Starting to think you really are poochy

GameBoyXEpic wrote:

Speaking of which, I saw Poochyena was spamming porn on comment section.

The porn spammer sometimes impersonates poochy and others for,,, presumably the same brand of mental illness that drives them to flood KYM to begin with.

It's not actually him, and that makes it sadder.

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whats 9+10 wrote:

>actively posts hate comments on other users walls
>gets banned

he was so misunderstood guys…

All he wanted to do was type funny memes and occasionally harrass some of the members on their wall, calling them fag and trannies. How could the left create a world where these injustice keep happening! If only toxic egalitarianism wasn't thing in the west and the left didn't force people into pretending their equals!

See I typed that in not 3 paragraphs.

I remember when he registered he started complaining about Serbian politics and how things were worse than in Belarus and Ukraine. I'm surprised he wasn't banned back then.
Assuming that was him, he changed his nick at least 3 times and it got confusing really quick.

Either way pour one out for the Serbian guy.

netbutterz505 wrote:

All he wanted to do was type funny memes and occasionally harrass some of the members on their wall, calling them fag and trannies. How could the left create a world where these injustice keep happening! If only toxic egalitarianism wasn't thing in the west and the left didn't force people into pretending their equals!

See I typed that in not 3 paragraphs.

You're not supposed to make the bait this obvious.


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