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A new Internet Scientist appears

Last posted Jul 12, 2011 at 03:27PM EDT. Added Jul 01, 2011 at 09:02PM EDT
68 posts from 43 users

Greetings KYM Forums. My name is Forest, and I am the lead researcher at the GotFunnyPictures Institute for Internet Studies: West Coast Office. The last few weeks have been exciting, what with release of my very first publicly facing KYM episode. Up until this point, I have been locked away researching the internet's deepest and darkest secrets. Now, my clearance lever has finally been dropped down low enough for me to have contact with the outside world. Feel free to ask me anything.

Last edited Jul 01, 2011 at 09:03PM EDT

Heya there Forest! Glad to have you with us at our humble forums.

Quick question:
How was it like filming your first episode of GotFunnyPictures?

Also, what would you do for a Klondike bar?

Last edited Jul 01, 2011 at 09:16PM EDT

Welcome to the website, I'm sure you'll have a fun time kicking back and researching memes with everyone else. But, as you asked for questions, here's a few.

Favorite website(s) to browse?

Communities you have an interest in researching in? (Like NND, Reddit, 4chan)

Favorite meme?

And finally… Can you walk the dinosaur?

The quoted post has been deleted.

According to this Google Cached Page, the picture was taken by Jeff Vanuga, copyright CORBIS.

Using that copyright information, further proof can be found here, and seems to have been taken in Montana.

There is no date attached to the picture, but there is a similar picture that is probably the same wolf, and that page indicates the picture was taken circa 1990-2000 (unfortunately a fairly broad range).

Welcome to the team!
Do you like anime?

Last edited Jul 01, 2011 at 09:40PM EDT

Derpy Hooves wrote:

Heya there Forest! Glad to have you with us at our humble forums.

Quick question:
How was it like filming your first episode of GotFunnyPictures?

Also, what would you do for a Klondike bar?

The filming was a lot of fun. The script was only code complete a few hours before the shoot. I tried to memorize as much of it as possible, but for every good take, there are about 30 outtakes.

I would kill a man for a Klondike bar… but only if he deserved it.

Chris wrote:

Welcome to the website, I'm sure you'll have a fun time kicking back and researching memes with everyone else. But, as you asked for questions, here's a few.

Favorite website(s) to browse?

Communities you have an interest in researching in? (Like NND, Reddit, 4chan)

Favorite meme?

And finally… Can you walk the dinosaur?

My websites:
GotFunnyPictures, Gizmodo, Engadget, Boing Boing, Pop Sci, The Daily What, Penny-Arcade, XKCD.

Reddit, 4Chan, Ex Digger

Birds with arms have a special place in my heart

I usually can walk the dinosaur but the last time I felt a little tired… So I watched Miami Vice.

Last edited Jul 01, 2011 at 09:51PM EDT

Frozenpwn The Prince of Indifference wrote:

Internet Scientist?


You Win an Internet

and an advice don't go to the pony side(they are evil )

One must venture into the darkness of ponies to come out the other side. Only then, can you be truly free.

Forest Gibson wrote:

One must venture into the darkness of ponies to come out the other side. Only then, can you be truly free.

Anyway, nice to meet you, Forest!
This feels strange to say, because it's my name, too (though spelled differently).

@Tomberry We just shot the next video last night. This time we macgyvered together a teleprompter so I didn't have to suck as much on my lines (at least that was the hope… we will have to wait to see the final product).

@Nintendork64 Two Rs I am guessing… if not.. I really want to know how you spell it.

@Rei_12 You get a point for being the first person to make that joke on this forum… ANYONE ELSE WHO MAKES THAT JOKE WILL BE SMITED

So I am new around these forums… someone tell me where to go, what to see, and who to talk to.

@Forest, Yeah, two R's.
Also, there really isn't any one person to talk to. It's not like there's anybody in charge, socially.
The forms tend to be pretty nice, I can't recall anything erupting into a flame war. People on this forum don't take kindly to trolls or "newfags", though (a "newfag" is this forum's term for a newcomer who doesn't fit in; see N00B).
Before posting or creating new thread, make sure you've read this:
Most of the rules are pretty obvious. As long as yo don't break them, you'll do fine.

Forest Gibson wrote:

@Tomberry We just shot the next video last night. This time we macgyvered together a teleprompter so I didn't have to suck as much on my lines (at least that was the hope… we will have to wait to see the final product).

@Nintendork64 Two Rs I am guessing… if not.. I really want to know how you spell it.

@Rei_12 You get a point for being the first person to make that joke on this forum… ANYONE ELSE WHO MAKES THAT JOKE WILL BE SMITED

So I am new around these forums… someone tell me where to go, what to see, and who to talk to.

All I can say is watch out for this one…

Nice to meet you Forest, it's good to see a new Internet Scientist. I have two questions for you.

How did you come across GotFunnyPictures?

What's your favorite Movie and/or Game?

Hello Forest! Nice to meet you!

Two questions:
Who is your favorite Super Smash Bros character?
If you couled have one superpower, what wouled it be?

Frozenpwn The Prince of Indifference wrote:

Internet Scientist?


You Win an Internet

and an advice don't go to the pony side(they are evil )

Honestly, it's not good to adopt the view "bronys are evil" since there is a 3:1 ratio of brony to nonbrony on this site. The bronys are actually fairly nice, and I wouldn't try to avoid them

Oh hello.

My question is, were you forest to have that name?

(that isn't a legitimate question I was just making manny jokes.)

So Forest, do you hope to spend time connecting with the users on the site?

Also, I'm not too far from Cheezburger, would it be ok if I came up and saw the doodz sometime?

@Nintendork64 Thanks for the heads up. Major respect points for being another For/r/est

@Olivia G. I am pro "anime bath scenes" and am both surprised… and not at all surprised that there is an entire wiki about the subject. The internet and its many wonders.

@FrozenpwnThePrinceofIndifference Yes… it was a trap. a soapy, sudsy trap.

@Vlad I have been following GotFunnyPictures for quite some time now. I have always followed internet culture closely and grew up right alongside the internet. I am a major movie buff, and enjoy many a film. Off the top of my head, I can easily say that "Serenity" ranks as one of my all time favorite films.

@NatsuruSpringfeild MewTwo or Lucario for the newer Smash Bros, I liked Fox from the original. FUN FACT: I played so much Smash Bros, that I learned how to play with my feet! I got good enough with my feet to beat a level 3-4 computer… and that is saying something. My super power would be being able to create portals to other dimensions.

@KatieStarshine My goal/plan is to try to be active in the community. I want to get more involved in not only the KYM community but the greater Youtube community as well. I'd love to get a chance to hang out IRL. Let me know.

As one of the more serious members of the site (quiet in the peanut gallery!) I'm curious about your credentials. After all,


Where did you go to college, what was your degree (if any) and have you published any significant research papers in peer-reviewed Internet science journals?

I mean, sheesh, you don't just throw a lab coat on a guy and call him a "scientist", am I right?


@Ching-chong = I♥U As one of my internet credentials, I can tell you that I am friends with Jimmy Wong, and not only have I turned him into a vampire in my "What would Buffy do?" music video, but he was at my New Years eve party and we celebrated this last new year together. #Namedroppingbasedonyourprofile. For the rest of my credentials, I will put my resume in the mail for you ;)

@CjayS Neutral Good: This is an under appreciated alignment. People so often like to play to extremes. Being extreme or chaotic is easy, life is white and black to someone of that alignment. Lawful anything is also easier as all you need to do is follow the law to the T. One who is neutral good, must strive for goodness while navigating the nuances of the law, and carefully choosing their battles. I don't mean to be an alignment snob, but feel strongly that there is value in moderation and avoid extremes.


I'm Mellow. Of course, you should already know who I am.
Because… I know who you are.
I've been watching you.

In my dreams.

KAY THEN. Welcome to the forums! As to where to go, I suggest you…

Get to know the mods and East Coast admins. Party hard with researchers. I think researchers is a pretty cool guy. eh studys meams and doesn’t afraid of sppamers…

Also, great work on the new video! Looking forward to the next one :3
You should give me your HQ address so I could stalk you guys form KnowYourMellow: West Coast send you nice things.

Last edited Jul 03, 2011 at 02:51AM EDT


Well, tell Mr. Wong that I have his song on my mp3 player, and tell yourself that I've now found your YouTube channel and will be stalking you (but in a non-threatening way, since I think Mellow is taking that role).

Do you consider yourself a brony?
Also, what do you know about Pokemon?
And welcome, we hope you enjoy your stay. You can check out anytime you want, but you can never leave.

@Mellow I am glad you have been watching me… at least that means someone has been. Thanks for the insight. I am really excited to dive into the boards.

@jbmotter Yes, and no. Seriously though, let me ponder that one and get back to you.


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