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Nations RP: Further Beyond

Last posted Feb 21, 2019 at 05:24PM EST. Added Aug 18, 2017 at 08:07PM EDT
481 posts from 20 users


The empire also sends a full alliance and royal marriage to the kingdom of rexania to finally solidify the ties between our countries.

Rexania agrees to both a full alliance and a royal marriage. It has become very clear that they fully expect Swizterland III to aid them in their wars of aggression if they are to do the same for Swizerland III. A huge feast is thrown to celebrate the birth of the Birgerelm-Rexania-Swizerland III triple alliance.

we would like to give quijogiro the genereous offer of becoming our vassal, taking advantage of our mighty military to protect them and our great market of rare items.

Quijogiro seems content with how things are right now, and does not accept the vassalization offer.

Also, we offer pashimi and Oshire the chance to get closer relations with switzerland by aggreeing to an alliance and a royal marriage.

They would agree to a defensive pact, as they have no intention of joining Swizz wars or calling Switzerland into their wars. As for a royal marriage, the cultural differences prevent it from taking place in this case.

another alliance offer is sent to the union of the city states of sile, bertacci and cattirana and the city-state of Rassvet near blazing citadel

Rassvet is content with its current protection from the Blazing Citadel done by Whiteshack so it refuses. Sile, Bertacci and Cattirana would accept, but Rexania has heavy interest in their lands and therefore asks you not to do it. Whether you proceed with the alliance is up to you.

Lastly the kingdom of switzerland wants to offer the tribe of Lesalia to increase the quality of life by having access to our tecnological market by becoming a protectorate of our empire.

Almost all Lesalian tribes refuse, since they have no contact with Switzerland whatsoever.


Dear Neighboring Tribes

No major tribes or organized countries exist in your colonial area, but lesser tribes prove to be somewhat cooperative. This policy regarding natives slows down colonization a lot, but trade can be conducted with some unorganized tribes.

@switzerland We might strike a deal, but in exchange of some bread and circuses to tame our rebellious population who have been infected by a horrific disease known as "awareness". We ask that you help give the cure of ignorance to our citizens to tame them.

Also, some of the followers of the Pit are asking for more travelers to visit the Pit.

Kainereka wishes to bolster ties with the countries to the west of the mountains and Dergah.
In addition, we would like to enter a defensive military alliance with the Golden Empire or Kuzunoha. This is all in order to defend against any military aggression from Rexania.

The Clans grow increasingly concerned by the aggression to the south. It is only fair that we seek allies.


In addition, we would like to enter a defensive military alliance with the Golden Empire

Considering the newly formed alliance between Switzerland and Rexania, the Emperor agrees to a defensive alliance.

Kainereka wishes to bolster ties with the countries to the west of the mountains and Dergah.

Please specify what you have in mind exactly.

Shape wrote:


In addition, we would like to enter a defensive military alliance with the Golden Empire

Considering the newly formed alliance between Switzerland and Rexania, the Emperor agrees to a defensive alliance.

Kainereka wishes to bolster ties with the countries to the west of the mountains and Dergah.

Please specify what you have in mind exactly.

All of them in general, but a big focus is put into Tornero-Presillas and Cattinara-Bertacci-Sili in particular.

The members of the League has decided on a name for the continent we are situated upon, as well as it's surrounding isles/islands.

The great continent is to be known as:


And the many isles and islands encompass the continent is to be known as:

Aloha Islands

Please note, some nations that are not in the League may have territory located in the Aloha Islands. The above maps were based on the one provided by Mare here.

With the official naming of our realms, and with the discovery of the new world, we have revaluated our League's title as well. Seeing that the west has been expanded tenfold, our domains are no longer in the southwest, no, instead, we appear to be right in the center of the known world. And so, we have decided to rename our union to:

? ??? ? ? ?? ?? ? ???

or GOALS for short. We will continue our current existence and prosperity in all but name, as a new and more fitting title embraces our position and state in this rapidly evolving world.

Fearful for the safety of pure and youthful Imouto, Aoxia commits to discourage and keep fellow League members from breaching her unsullied straits. However, in order for SENPAI to finally notice Imouto, the nations of the world must join together for this righteous cause, and set down our differences for this simple burden.

Aoxia is not a colonial nation, we have no intentions to sail to the new world and establish distant colonies. Therefore, we also cannot lend our navy to aid in Imouto's defense, as we have to prioritize our own coasts. Aoxia will officially join SENPAI if more nations do, otherwise, we cannot pledge a full defense. Rest assured that Imouto has nothing to fear from us personally, for we have not the slightest hint of aggression towards her.

However, it has come to the unfortunate attention of our geographers… that a mapping oversight has caused… friction and division between Aoxian scholars, politicians, and deviants… over the proper labeling and terminology of the newly discovered continent.

Truly a national frenzy and outrage, may we endure through this 11th hour.


Aoxia installs an embargo on the Epsilon Federation, for it's unrelenting warmongering, and it's violent intention to breach internationally recognized protected lands. Imouto is a pure and virgin land, it must not be desecrated and touched by depredated hands.

Aoxia also imposes an embargo on Vesperia, for the public safety of Aoxian merchants and travelers to its troubled lands. Due to rebellious and uncontained lands, coupled by the mysterious and murderous nature of The Pit, we fear we cannot trade with the nation until it has sorted through its issues.

Aoxia also has lowered import taxes to Switzerland III and the members of the League. We look forward to continued trade with our allies and acquaintances.

Last edited Sep 10, 2017 at 08:13PM EDT

we would like to remind the nation of Kainereka that an alliance with the GE is a deliberate blow to the relations between our countries, it is recommended to end relations with the empire, but if they continue we will be forced to end our non-aggresion pact.


I'm sorry, but our nation is one of intellectuals and knowledge seekers, we sadly cannot help you in the task of eradicating awareness. we will restrict ourselves from the pit as we find it a heresy to our religion, but still nonetheless comply with our treaties and wish you luck on your recent conquers.

Last edited Sep 10, 2017 at 08:17PM EDT

Chrispy92 wrote:

All of them in general, but a big focus is put into Tornero-Presillas and Cattinara-Bertacci-Sili in particular.

Yes, but what do you need by your action. Is that an offer of alliance, defensive pact, or just a general declaration of friendship? This is important.

Shape wrote:

Yes, but what do you need by your action. Is that an offer of alliance, defensive pact, or just a general declaration of friendship? This is important.

Alliance. We wish for better ties in the years to come and greater cooperation.

trade request accepted.

@Switzerland III
Its quite clear that we have some tension built up between us, but I think it would be beneficial to both of us if we cut it. We propose an alliance or non aggression pact between:
Switzerland 3
Together we will reach our full potentials: Powerful, Peaceful nations.

Alliance. We wish for better ties in the years to come and greater cooperation.

Radjewik and Tornero-Cores-Presilias agree to the alliance offer. Rest prefers to stay under the pledge of protection.

Hey natives
We are cool and friendly and would love to see your place! Feel free to trade with us! We got wares from the east and many more things. Wish to live as prosperous as us? By swearing loyalty to our Lord Protector we can extend our hand to take you in voluntarily into our empire.

With respectful greeting, Lord Protector Rickydicky Pisschugger of Whiteshack.

We would prefer not to join S.E.N.P.A.I. as it feels like it would be too much of a restraint against ourselves. We promise not to go out of our way to agitate the natives or go on genocides. We will form a colony in the south and keep our stake small for now.

The King of Redline reiterates that diplomacy with the nation is currently and indefinitely closed until further notice. All national effort is being focused internally on the advancement of technologies and the pioneering of new forms of transport. The eyes of the King and council look towards the colleges and workshops.

Current diplomatic agreements, pacts and trade are still active. The championship is still alive.

Jellopy wrote:

Hey natives
We are cool and friendly and would love to see your place! Feel free to trade with us! We got wares from the east and many more things. Wish to live as prosperous as us? By swearing loyalty to our Lord Protector we can extend our hand to take you in voluntarily into our empire.

With respectful greeting, Lord Protector Rickydicky Pisschugger of Whiteshack.

We would prefer not to join S.E.N.P.A.I. as it feels like it would be too much of a restraint against ourselves. We promise not to go out of our way to agitate the natives or go on genocides. We will form a colony in the south and keep our stake small for now.

"for now."

For their vile steps towards colonialism, Birgerelm declares the defensive pact between the two countries ended. No further sanctions are taken against the nation, and no war is wished between the two, but the reigning Queen can no longer allow the strong bond the two nations have had.

Turn 5

Map Link

Map Legend

Age of Exploration (3/4)

World events

- Three Field System, Printing Press, Cross-staff and Matchlock firearms become widespread enough to be considered global technologies.
- Native populations in the New World are absolutely decimated by the sheer amount of foreign-born diseases. Several different types of sexually transmitted diseases and airborne ones spread to the Old World, too.
- Demilitarization of Epsilon and aftermath of the Forty Years War made piracy skyrocket – not on the shores of the nations, but rather in places unclaimed by them. Entire fleets are sailing the oceans, attacking various ships. Mercenary availability is at all-time high.
- Matthew Ruther, a theocrat from Hastin, posts theses on the door of the Cathedral before being swiftly exiled out of the county. However, his actions result in a snowball of different processes, ultimately leading to a creation of a separate set of beliefs, the Reformed religion. It rejects central authority of the Archanius, the Old Religion’s highest priest, and instead focuses back on the source holy book and decentralized, local churches. Countries such as Switzerland III gladly switch due to the opportunity of seizing church lands, or purely because of ruler’s convictions. Golden Empire, Emperor of which is trying to enforce the Old Religion, is torn in a religious conflict, which shortly after spirals into the…

Forty Years War

Overall Alliances

- Switzerland III, alongside Rexania and Whiteshack and the Reformed Union (A faction within the Golden Empire) declare war on the Emperor. Kuzunoha and Kainereka are called to the defense of the realm, as per defensive agreements. Rexania shortly after attacks the Kainereka-protected city states, which join the war on the side of the Golden Emperor. Sasmenids see the series of wars as opportunity to reclaim taken lands, and join the side of the Emperor too. Other nations choose their sides based on national interests.
- The war ends in favor of the Swizz side – land concessions are made towards them. Kingdom of Rexania’s army proves to be indispensable for Switzerland troops, being able to stall and counter-attack at enemies superior in numbers at various battles near Montigne. Kainerekan Star forts have stalled overwhelming Rexanian forces and inflicted huge damages upon them, but in the end Tornero and Presilias were taken. Sasmenids took the opportunity to regain lost land, and they did. War in colonies ends quickly as Kainerekan navy is decimated by the Swizz naval war machine. Reformed becomes the official religion of the Golden Empire, and the newly elected Emperor uses the momentum of change to centralize the Empire. Kuzunoha splits the neighboring country in half with Shoroko. Swizz trade hegemony over the region is solidified with the capture of three important ports, but it will take the North decades to recover from the long-term effects of the war, which took the lives of over 9 million people – not just soldiers, but also civilians, dying from plagues, looting and subsequent famines, the result of “the War will feed itself” doctrines readily adopted by many nations.

Mir (Taryn)

Government Type: Elective Monarchy
Economy: Decent
Military: Strong
Navy: Feeble
Units: Pike-and-shot, Musketeers, Cuirassiers, Bombards, Galleasses
Doctrines: Mercenary Employment, Banking, Military Academies, Forced Labor, REP, Slavery Ban, Basic Education, Universities, Tax Reform
Culture: Militarists
Individual Technology:
Alliance: Birgerelm, McDonalds™, Switzerland III
Mir Confederation Secession, War Exhaustion (Medium)

- Military science, the study of warfare both historical and present is expanded upon in the military academies across the country. A number of new tactics emerge, including the reformed Pike-and-Shot.
- The first submarine is invented in Mir. Powered by twelve set of oars, it is able to achieve full submersion for a short amount of time, limited by the air available in the cabin. Military tests with the weapon start immediately, but even as it rams into enemy warships it cannot back out, making it a one-use vehicle. Considering its costs and manpower required, it remains more of a piece of military trivia than actual boon to the navy.
- Evidence of a series of violent manslaughters and massacres made by the Swizerland III emerges near Chengelsk. The feud between two colonies enters a self-perpetuating cycle, where both sides are distrustful from one another.
- More attention is put into banking and finance, and economy becomes an university field. Overall, it improves the projected economic condition of the country.
- Rapid Expansion Plan is put into place for the New World, and is largely successful.
- Mir’s troops are deployed to aid Birgerelm in their assault on Epsilon Federation.
- The dissent among the ambitious new nobility, composed primarily of ex-merchants who bought lands in the new world, was failed to be addressed. Majority of land transactions happened in the colonies, and as the land gained value due to either becoming cleared for farmlands or the establishment of excavation sites and small towns, the 3% property tax became more and more burdensome. Dissent turned into outrage, and outrage into outright rebellion. Two entities seceded – Tuar Confederation to the South and Novyy Mir in the New World. They argue that due to nature of the land purchases they never really belonged to Mir and their claim on the lands is feeble to say at least – that the colonies were more akin to vassals and protectorates.
- A civil war has broken out right after, with the majority of the nation’s fleet joining the secessionist side, alongside privately funded ships from the new nobility. Only a small of part of the nation’s army joined the secessionists, but relatively rich new nobility has extensively used mercenary support. After a series of naval defeats and the destruction of Mir fleet, the dream of re-conquering their southern lands and colonies was all but lost – Tuar Confederation’s goods were allowed to flow freely to Swizz and Alohan ports, giving them the funding they needed to continue a proxy war with privateers and mercenaries almost indefinitely. After fifteen years of war and a minor victory of reconquering Novozan, Mir had to concede defeat and grant the secessionists de jure independence. The situation is still an impasse, since despite formal recognition from multiple foreign countries conducting trade and diplomacy with them Mir has never formally recognized the newborn countries. Overall, the secession was debilitating to nation’s navy and a smaller hit to nation’s economy. Tuar Confederation permits slavery and both catches Lesalians and sells them to Switzerland III. Triangle Trade is born between those two countries and the New World colonies.

Birgerelm (Stoffe)

Government Type: Elective Monarchy
Economy: Decent
Military: Decent
Navy: Robust
Units: Arquebusiers, Men-at-Arms, Galleons, Flutes, Kochs, Star Forts
Doctrines: Harma Copper Mines, Artes Liberales Academy, Emancipation of Slaves
Culture: Seafarers, Reneissance
Individual Technology:
Alliance: Mir, McDonalds™, Switzerland III, Rexania
Defensive Pact: Kainereka
War Exhaustion (Very Low)

- A naval expansion plan is underway, using Birgerelm’s naval supplies, lumber, and newest ship designs. A large part of the fleet is stationed near the new world.
- Several successful expeditions are sent north and return with descriptions of safe passageways through the floating ice sheets. The new routes greatly reduce the effective distance of travel from old to new world.
- A concert house is built in Styrke, and word is sent across the world, inviting those who can afford it to come see the creations of the Academy alumni. Applications are also opened for foreigners, giving them the option of a high admission fee.
- Slavery is slowly gotten rid of, first with declaration that children of slaves are not slaves themselves, which combined with no longer taking slaves from raids results in slow abolition of the chattel system.
- A largely successful invasion is launched upon Epsilon Federation, with the goals being a demilitarization of the country and forcing them into a non-aggression pact with Rassvet. Mir, Whiteshack and Birgerelm combined forces proved to be more than enough to completely defeat Epsilon army in battle.

Last edited Sep 13, 2017 at 09:10PM EDT

Vesperia (Deblod100)

Government Type: Psychotic Despotism
Economy: Meagre
Military: Robust
Navy: Decent
Units: Arquebusiers, Mortars, Bombard Galleon
Doctrines: The Pit, The Pit (Governments Go-To “Mind Plague” Disposal Site), War-Time Conscription, Spies, Canal Building, Observatory, History Revisionism, Mind Plague Cleansing
Culture: The Pit (Religion), The Pit (Culture), The Pit (Quicksand Location), Blissful Ignorance
Individual Technology:
Early Modern Astronomy, Telescopes
Embargoed by: Aoxia
War Exhaustion (High), Manpower Depletion

- Vesperia scrapes the barrel of its service-able population, going to war with Altheria. New “willing” recruits from Jafa and Areza compose the bulk of the army that enters Altherian territory in a two-year war, ending with complete Vesperian victory. There has been a minor famine due to the conscription, and the country cannot physically take any more warring until a new generation of fresh cannon fodder is bred. Minor rebellions occasionally happen in the conquered territories, but Vesperian spies and military are quick to snuffle them.
- Colonization effort to the north and southeast is launched with a decent success.
- To help control the population, the Ministries have doctors diagnose rebellious citizens as having a “mind plague” that makes an affected hostile. Vesperia uses this excuse to “cleanse” the illness from the rebellious citizens and dump their remains in the ocean to attract fish, such as sharks for fishermen to collect to make into food. Some, with more colorful histories disappear in The Pit, as do the traces of their existence.
- A floatation system for ships is devised, giving the crew additional time to evacuate after the ship is sunk or capsized.
- At The Pit, more bizarre events occur. While the miner that ceased to exist was forgotten, the identifies of those who entered the pit and evidence of their existence have started to do the same.
- Switzerland III begins to export goods to Vesperia at a low price, but seeing as it would make the country financially dependent, the Leader closes the nation’s ports to Swizz merchants completely.

Free Kingdoms (Black Graphic T)

Government Type: Federal Monarchy
Economy: Decent
Military: Robust
Navy: Moderate
Units: Pike-and-Shot, Cuirassiers, Gendarmes, Falconets, Frigates
Doctrines: Cartography, Basic Education, Graffiti, Military Academy, Messenger Pigeons, Military Open to Serfs
Culture: Innovative, Creative, Renaissance, Artistic, National Epics
Individual Technology:
Flare Signals
Member of the G.O.A.L.S.
Member of the High Council

- A sense of national identity is born in the Free Kingdoms as national epics and epopees start being written, beginning a slight wave of nationalism.
- There is an attempt to give more authority to the council, acting above national levels of legislation, but such proposition is struck down by Broken Spire and Bhainsara, which is somewhat alienated with the rising nationalism among the Free-cultured kingdoms.
- Messenger pigeons begin to be more widely utilized, reaching places further away much faster. It adds to the overall levels of communication already in use, giving the armies strategic advantage and a way of quickly passing information to the general population.
- Theater arrives at and is expanded upon in the Free Kingdoms, with various plays being written in the national spirit.
- Military life becomes a viable option for lower class citizens as enlistment booths pop up near taverns across the country. Volunteers, usually young serfs, attend an accelerated military training course to serve as foot soldiers in the army.

Al Amarjan Commonwealth (CrowTheMagician)

Government Type: Noble Democracy
Economy: Wealthy, Growing
Military: Robust
Navy: Strong
Units: Pike-and-Shot, Reiters, Howitzers, Caravels, Carracks, Flutes
Doctrines: Legal Code, Meritocracy, Social Welfare, Universities, Naval Academy, Early Stock Exchange, Basic Education, Modernization of Cities, Religious Freedoms
Culture: Xenophiles, Scholars, Cosmicism (Religion), Traders, Gender Equality, Racial Tolerance
Individual Technology:
Early Fertilizers, Sawmills, Drydocks, Flintlock
Member of the G.O.A.L.S.
Vassals: Carim, Carcosa
Non-Aggression Pact: Redline Islands
War Exhaustion (Very Low)

- Colonization effort emphasizing trade with the natives succeeds in the new world.
- Flintlock firing system is invented in Arkham, vastly superior over its predecessor. New military tactics are adopted from Aoxia, heavily emphasizing on mobility and strategic cohesiveness.
- The Khalkhan tribes are conquered in a combined effort with Harena and Aoxia without much problems.
- Al Amarja begins to construct relatively high rise apartment complexes inspired by the native Gothic and Baroque style that is quickly growing. The buildings are built with murals, statues depicting Cosmicism entities, and stained and normal glass windows. Some have garden roofs and stores, restaurants, and storage on the lower levels. Many roads, canals, and bridges are made to connect the cities with each other and a sewage system along with water supply systems for the cities, each building having their own private toilets, baths, and wells.
- A new constitution based on the political doctrine of the “Golden Liberty” sees families of nobles and merchant form a bicameral parliament who can elect the Sultan/Sultana to the throne, form a contract on agreements with certain matters (yet possess the power to veto any orders they disagree with), can legally rebel against the ruler if they feel they are breaking the constitution, and enjoy plenty of legal freedoms and protection along with privileges. Some freedoms such as religious freedom, gender equality, and racial tolerance reach down to the peasant and the constitution also insures that the federation is intact. Many call the birth of the Al Amarjan Commonwealth the birth of a “Noble Democracy”.

Aoxia (Xia)

Government Type: Federal Monarchy
Economy: Decent
Military: Strong
Navy: Decent
Units: Pike-and-Shot, Banner Infantry, Banner Cavalry, Turtle Ships, Treasure Ships
Doctrines: Food Stockpiling, Meritocracy, Grand Library, Universities, Selective livestock breeding, Jinyiwei, Agricultural Reform, National Census, Basic Education, Visitor Controls
Culture: Militarists, Scholars, Xenophobia
Individual Technology:
Early Fertilizers
Member of the G.O.A.L.S.
War Exhaustion (Very Low)

- Agricultural Reform based on Simmerian agricultural achievements is put into place; granaries are moved to the colder northern regions, allowing for longer storage of grain at the cost of moving it back and forth.
- The language is simplified to a featural writing system rather than logographical one, and taught over time in schools. Over nearly half a century, it became the dominant system of writing.
- The invasion of steppe tribes is successful, and conquered peoples are forced learning Aoxian language in both verbal and written form.
- Compulsory education starts in Aoxia for children from the age of 6 to 16, outside of the harvesting season. Language, agriculture, simple mathematics and finance are taught at the earlier stages. Later on, discipline and basic military training is given, as well as lessons in literature important to the Aoxian nation and the national mindset.
- National census and identification system starts in Aoxia. Citizens and visitors are required to submit their identity, date of birth, residence and such. Foreign visitors are branded with a special necklaces and if they are from the League, they have to be accompanied by Jinyiwei at all times when outside of ports. Non-League members are completely forbidden access to anything but the ports. Tariffs on League are lowered considerably, and on Switzerland slightly.

Last edited Sep 13, 2017 at 09:16PM EDT

Switzerland III (Twisty)

Government Type: Administrative Monarchy
Economy: Wealthy, Flourishing
Military: Decent
Navy: Terrifying
Units: Tercio, Falconets, Flutes, Frigates, Ship of the Line
Doctrines: Banking, Universities, Workshop subsidization, Slavery, Spies, Chartered Companies, Maritime Law, Processing Focus, Banknotes
Culture: Traders, Seafarers, Craftsmen, Reneissance
Individual Technology:
Early Modern Mechanical Engineering, Drydocks, Sawmills, Early Fertilizers
Alliance: Whiteshack, Birgerelm, Mir, Rexania
Defensive Pact: Quijogiro, Pashimi, Oshire
Protectorate: Malu
Royal Marriage: Whiteshack, Birgerelm, Quijogiro, Rexania
Non-Aggression Pact: Kainereka, Rexania, G.O.A.L.S.
Embargoed by: Vesperia
War Exhaustion (High)

- Exports are greatly subsidized towards Grimmoria, Redline Islands, Epsilon Federation and Vesperia. Grimmoria and Epsilon become economically dependent on Switzerland as their national industries are unable to compete with ridiculously low prices Swizz traders offer. In turn, their economies are stimulated. Roads are subsidized across the Swizz mainland, primarily for transporting raw materials from Rexania and Golden Empire.
- Using Printing Press, Ruther’s book is spread throughout the Golden Empire, facilitating religious conflict.
- Colonization effort in the New World goes okay. The large distance hinders to operation massively, but the naval capacity and traditions of Switzerland III make up for it. A special no harm policy is instituted for the colonials who settle in the area, as no natives will be taken hostage nor threatened or even will lands be stolen.
- Drydocks, sawmills and harbor cranes are built throughout the nation, greatly lowering the costs of navy upkeep, as well as production costs. Finally the nation’s naval capacity can rival that of Simmer’s.
- Reformed becomes the official religion in the country, and church property is seized by the state. Intelligentsia, an organization of educated people that engage in the complex mental labors that critique, guide, and lead in shaping the culture and politics of their society, which leads to the creation of libraries and a school system to supply the demand for educated people and the introduction of the studies of the humanities.

Harena (Olors64)

Government Type: Federal Monarchy
Economy: Moderate
Military: Decent
Navy: Moderate
Units: Musketeers, Reiters, Mortars, Galleons
Doctrines: Universities, Mining Effort, Census, Food stockpiling, Basic Education, Religious Tolerance
Culture: Traders
Individual Technology:
Early Fertilizers, Four-Field System
Member of the G.O.A.L.S.
Non-Aggression Pact: Epsilon Federation, Bhainsara, Breakspear, Broken Spire, Fellberg
Pledge of Protection: Petat
War Exhaustion (Very Low)

- Four-Field System, first discovered in Simmer, is swiftly adopted across Harena further increasing agricultural productivity.
- A system similar to Simmerian coupons is put in place, and a small part of the nation’s currency now consists of free floating banknotes.
- Invasion of the steppe tribes goes smoothly and ends with minor territorial concessions for Harena.
- A law passing religious tolerance is adopted, allowing for practice of any religion without government persecution. It helps greatly to ease border tensions with neighboring different-cultured states, such as Ket or Kun-de-Lain.
- Mainland is further colonized with an amazing success.

Epsilon Federation (Knife 2.0)

Government Type: Oligarchical Republic
Economy: Moderate
Military: Feeble, Force-Demilitarized
Navy: Feeble, Force-Demilitarized
Units: Condottieri, Musketeers, Falconets, Frigates
Doctrines: Agriculture and mining subsidies
Culture: Warriors
Individual Technology:
Paper Cartridges
Non-aggression Pact: Redline Islands, Harena, Kuzunoha, Simmer Isles
Embargoed by: Aoxia
Forceful Demilitarization, War Exhaustion (Low), Economic Dependency (Switzerland III)

- Matchlock revolvers are designed in Epsilon, but these weapons are difficult to use, complicated, unreliable and prohibitively expensive to make, and as such they are not widely distributed.
- Frigates, fast class of ships are adopted by the Epsilon navy.
- Blunderbuss weapons enter widespread use.
- Paper cartridges are invented, greatly reducing loading time.
- Wool and cotton farms are expanded upon, and an unsuccessful attempt is made to introduce silk production to the nation.
- The nation is invaded by a combined force of Birgerelm, Whiteshack and Mir. With the nation’s armies completely destroyed, it takes less than a month for the country to unconditionally surrender. Birgerelm pushes for a forced demilitarization of the country, due to its threats of attacking allied states and Birgerelm itself, and Whiteshack annexes southern part of the country. Rassvet and Bolshaya are additionally given land as spoils of war.
- Due to high quantity and low price of imports from Switzerland III, Epsilon Federation becomes dependent economically on that nation, with large branches of national industries regressing to nothing due to them simply not being profitable. In turn, the nation’s economy is greatly improved.

Grimmoria (Grimmore)

Government Type: Feudal Monarchy
Economy: Moderate
Military: Moderate
Navy: Small
Units: Pikemen, Caracole Cavalry, Falconets, Galleys
Doctrines: Salt Extraction
Culture: Warriors, Rabbit Lovers
Individual Technology:
Embargoed by: Birgerelm, Whiteshack, Kainereka
Economic Dependency (Switzerland III)

- Rabbits are introduced to Grimmorian lands and domesticated. Over the years, they are selectively bred to have soft and white fur, becoming nation’s signature animal.
- Bird feeders become the new cultural item that can be seen about anywhere in the land, from the houses of nobles to peasant huts. An attempt is made to make a reaper machine to trim lawns and harvest grain, but it fails.
- Due to high quantity and low price of imports from Switzerland III, Grimmoria becomes dependent economically on that nation, with large branches of national industries regressing to nothing due to them simply not being profitable. In turn, the nation’s economy is greatly improved.

Whiteshack (Jellopy)

Government Type: Monarchy
Economy: Moderate, Growing
Military: Robust
Navy: Moderate
Units: Pike-and-Shot, Lancers, Caravels
Doctrines: Culture Investment, Universities, Slavery, Trading Companies, Basic Education
Culture: Bizarre practices, Renaissance, National Epics
Individual Technology:
Early Modern Astronomy
Defensive Pact: Switzerland III, Tselinoyarsk-Rassvet
Trade Agreement: Switzerland III
Rebellious Province (Rokovoj Bereg), War Exhaustion (High)

- New World colonization proceeds poorly due to the distance. Slaves for the colonies are imported from the Confederation and Switzerland III.
- Opera as a medium of art is invented, adding a more musical side to the already existing theatre medium.
- The invention of telescope leads to many discoveries in the field of astronomy.
- National epics are extensively written in Whiteshack, to encourage people to enlist in the army with a meagre success so far.
- Epsilon Federation is successfully invaded and as a spoils of war, Rokovoj Bereg is taken. Due to the distance from mainland, cultural differences (including Whiteshack’s bizzare practices) and aggressive population, rebellions happen quite often in the province, although they are unorganized so far. If nothing is done, there is a possibility of it seceding to another country or declaring independence.

Kuzunoha (Anti-Guy)

Government Type: Divine Empire
Economy: Decent, Growing
Military: Moderate
Navy: Moderate
Units: Zealot Regiments, Musketeers, Culverin, Galleons, Galiots
Doctrines: Caste System, Universities, Library construction, Grand Temple, Psychological Warfare, Spies, Banks
Culture: Divine Mandate
Individual Technology:
Defensive Pact: Golden Empire
Non-Aggression Pact: Epsilon Federation, Simmer Isles
War Exhaustion (Medium)

- Army tactics start including various demoralization methods, such as cutting supplies, poisoning water wells, night attacks and guerilla tactics.
- Naval units are updated to the newest designs, prioritizing Galiots, especially effective near the nation’s shores.
- Spy network, the Empire’s Eyes, is established and begins operating.
- Banking system akin to the Swizz system is put in place, and slowly starts to gain local relevance.
- Matchlock is brought to Kuzunoha and muskets become the standard piece of army equipment.

Redline Islands (Laika)

Government Type: Federal Monarchy
Economy: Wealthy
Military: Weak
Navy: Decent
Units: Arquebusiers, Men-at-Arms, Culverin, Early Brigs, Frigates
Doctrines: Scribe Order, International Racing Championships, Auctions, Universities
Culture: Racers, Inventors, Innovators, Seafarers
Individual Technology:
Non-Agression Pact: Aoxia, Epsilon Federation, Al Amarja, Simmer Isles
Partial Economic Dependency (Switzerland III)

- Electricus gains the attention of scholars, who determine that indeed magnifying the components of the phenomenon magnifies the effect slightly. Large, five to ten kilogram pieces of amber are imported to the nation and ultimately land in hands of electricus fans or professors. Nothing productive comes out of the whole ordeal.
- Allegedly, a man who has built a glider has flown several kilometers from a mountain before breaking both of his legs. Nothing comes out of the whole ordeal, besides a set of broken legs and a niche group interested in gliders.
- A huge slingshot is built near Turbo. The first test launch with a rock ends in a fatal accident due to improper scaling, so the whole launcher takes a more ballista-like appearance. Then, a glider enthusiast is asked to partake in the first launch of a man. His glider falls apart due to air resistance the moment the launcher fires; that would be the least of his problems though, since the load factor at the very moment of the launch is large enough to turn his entire body into a mush, killing him instantly. Proud and persistent Redline scholars don’t let this little accident get in the way, and after over 30 launches they declare keeping the dead pilots bodies in one piece a milestone success. Nothing comes out of the whole ordeal, besides an useless launcher and over thirty casualties.
- A construction of a large, over 150 meter tall tower begins in Turbo – it is a marvel of architectural engineering in itself. All in all, it becomes the main sign of the city and a place where glider enthusiasts visit to break their legs.
- Iron-cased black gunpowder rockets are invented and attempted to be applied for military use. They prove to be nothing short of a gimmick, with smaller range (up to 1 km), worse reliability and less destructive power than cannons.
- Switzerland III begins to export goods to Redline at a low price, but Redline’s economy is developed enough to resist the economic influence it poses upon the nation. While some sectors regress, such as weapon manufacturing and raw metal extraction, others prosper just as well with competing prices to the Swizz ones. If the nation closed off its ports to Swizz traders, country’s economy would return to normal without much reprecussions.

Kainereka (Chrispy92)

Government Type: Tribal Federation
Economy: Decent
Military: Robust
Navy: Decent
Units: Early Modern Skirmishers, Arquebusiers, Falconets, Frigates, Bastion Forts
Doctrines: Universities, Infrastructure Expansion, Army Reform, Spies, Circle Theater of Manahat, Banks, Basic Education
Culture: Industrious, Merchants, Renaissance
Individual Technology:
Medicine (Anatomy), Flintlock
Alliance: Radjewik, Tornero-Cores-Presilias
Pledge of Protection: Dergah, Kuskogee-Sokhan, Hees, Cainthara-Sili-Bertacci
Defensive Pact: Birgerelm, Golden Empire
Non-Aggression Pact: Switzerland III
War Exhaustion (High)

- Another integration attempt of Kuskogee succeeds, due to regional instability and large set of alliances leaving the nation defenseless.
- Colonization begins in the new world, using methods of relative respect and study of the natives.
- Short, compulsory education is put into effect. Children of all backgrounds learn basic arithmetic and to read and write. More moderately-rich Kainerekans begin to read.
- Flintlock firing mechanism is pioneered in Kainereka, and as such both the reliability and accuracy of firearms used up in the army is vastly improved. Those muskets are able to fire even under harsher conditions, such as rain or wind.
- The navy is expanded upon, with regular patrols done both across the coastline and of the mainland and to provide security for the colonies themselves. This protection is also extended to nations under the Federation’s protection.

Simmer Isles (Pon3)

Government Type: Administrative Republic
Economy: Spectacular, Booming
Military: Moderate
Navy: Terrifying
Units: Arquebusiers, Demi-Cannon, Short Barreled Cannon, Flute, Ship of the Line, Star Forts
Doctrines: Census, Basic Education, Woodblock Printing Subsidies, Universities, Agricultural Overhaul, Newspapers, “Sword and Shield”, Colonial Ambitions, Chartered Companies, Military Academy
Culture: Seafarers, Explorers, Egalitarians, Traders, Renaissance
Individual Technology:
Sawmills, Early Fertilizers, Early Modern Mechanical Engineering
Member of the G.O.A.L.S.
Pledge of Protection: Bolshaya, Rassvet-Tselinoyarsk
Non-aggression Pact: Kuzunoha, Redline Islands, Epsilon Federation

- Due to extensive colonization, the prices of coffee and cocoa slowly go down, as do coupon values for them.
- An Academy of Artillery and Equestrian Academy are opened in Jasmine, greatly improving respective officer quality in the nation. The artillery academy is focused on developing new types of cannons and ammunition, as well as thinking of strategies that would go with them.
- Four-Field System is pioneered and adopted in Simmer, and subsequently the technology is shared with Harena. Coffee houses are opened in major cities, making richer citizens enjoy the goods coming from the colonies and the East and entrenching the coffee drinking culture.
- Already existing colonies in the New World are further expanded upon, pursuing precious trade good such as silver, sugar, cocoa and coffee. Native integration becomes the standard procedure and official national stance. Tariffs are slightly lowered. Treasure fleets sail back from the New World loaded to the brim with silver and gold.
- The country’s sights set on the New World, and a plethora of actions are taken in order to expand the colonial efforts, including colony subsidization.
- Chemistry sluggishly takes off as a field of science in a newly constructed University at Pu-erh. Findings of the new species and ecosystems in the New World are published in the University-backed newspaper, but do not have a field of science assigned to them. Humanities and rationalist philosophy become popularized at the respective university.

The Commonwealth has decided after many meetings in parliament has decided to imposes an embargo on Vesperia, for the public safety of Al Amarjian merchants and travelers to its troubled lands. Due to rebellious and uncontained lands, coupled by the cruel behavior towards it's citizens and tyrannical and quite frankly insane rule of dictator, we feel that we can not trade with such an unstable nation.

We have not yet decided on how to handle the matter related to the Confederacy that was formed above our Southeast colonies.

Last edited Sep 13, 2017 at 11:19PM EDT


We advise that you lift the embargo that you just placed on our nation. We're working to make Vesperia a dependent place for merchants. All they need to do is pass some honor tests and what not and we will be pacifist towards them.

Also, we see no need to take more land.


We may recant our embargo if only you allow our merchants freedom in your nation to trade their goods and return home safely and they are not forced to go through unnecessary honor tests and other procedures just to sell simple goods in your land. My merchants have no reason to be a threat to your nation as all they want to do is their jobs.

the switzerland empire has decided to participate in the embargo against the nation of vesperia and closes all diplomatic talks with the country.

seeing as the natives of imouto are being destroyed by foreign presence we want to offer nisha and the southern tribes a protectorate offer, this will include the trade of advanced medicine in order to avoid the unnecesary erradication of the new world's native culture.

We are willing to protect the independencee of our new Epsilon state friend as it would be a negative for us if it got fully annex.

Last edited Sep 14, 2017 at 02:34AM EDT

Birgerelm publicly denounce the colonization efforts of Rexania. They ask that they cease their expansion into Imouto, and that they do the natives no more harm. The king warns that, should Rexania expand on their tyrranical deeds, the alliance is to be ended.

Protection is continued to be sworn to the natives of Imouto, and perhaps this time the protection will actually be given the option of taking place if they were to be attacked.

Dear Ex-Mir Confederacies,
Your treason against our longstanding Trade Partner, and your Nation, Mir, leads us to uncomfortable standings with the Territories you Govern, therefore to the Southern Ex-Mir Colonies, a full Embargo is placed, and a Weapons Embargo placed on Ex-Mir New World Colonies. Your claims for independence are irrational and unjust, therefore we hold little respect for your upstarts.

Chrispy92 wrote:

Ah, I take it Rexania has taken some of my colonies.
Revanchism Intensifies.

Yes indeed – Rexania did in fact make territorial gains in the colonies.

Rexanian (France), Swizz (England) and Whiteshack (Sweden) diplomats meet to negotiate the post-war borders in The Rim.

Shape wrote:

Yes indeed – Rexania did in fact make territorial gains in the colonies.

Rexanian (France), Swizz (England) and Whiteshack (Sweden) diplomats meet to negotiate the post-war borders in The Rim.

They shall rue the day they did that… Rue indeed… Time to see what screws can be turned under the table.

BTW who was Luxembourg?

Redline considers its economy second place in it's priorities and views the inception of this mild trade dependency as a violation of its neutrality and it's core values.

The King enacts the "Speed Above Greed" law resulting in a restriction of any trade link that etch away at the autonomy of Redline, as such, trade with Switzerland III is restricted. The noblemen traders who disagree with this law are clearly delusional and have forgotten the true values of Redline, achieve speed not greed.

we would like to invite the quijogiro city-state to go under the protection wing of the switzerland kingdom by accepting our vassalization offer.

Last edited Sep 14, 2017 at 03:04PM EDT

Aoxia profusely apologizes to Kun-De-Lain, Sikong, and other Ohana npc nations about its increased security measures and closing of access. The tightened restrictions were not targeted towards them, they were raised as a matter of precaution from hostile foreign travelers and pirates.

We promise to exempt all Ohana nations from this port-only travel restriction, as well as lower tariffs as a gesture of apology and goodwill.

Aoxia and the rest of the League is also interested in renewing the non-aggression pacts made with Sikong and Kun-De-Lain. We may lower tariffs for both if they are interested in renewal.

Last edited Sep 14, 2017 at 05:13PM EDT

The Al Amarjian Commonwealth also requests the reinstatement of the non-aggression pact made with Kun-De-Lain and Sikong.

The Commonwealth has finally decided to place an embargo on the break away colonies known as the Ex-Mir Confederacy.

On the matter of Epsilon Rebels

Whiteshack sees the problems in Epsilon and decides to retaliate against the rebels. The populace (exceptions granted by Whiteshack officials) will have their weapons confiscated (with financial compensation) and those found stockpiling or otherwise planning to undermine Whiteshack and it's values will be punished harshly. Children of such criminals will be confiscated and sent to proper homes, free from the potential turmoil their parents might bring. We do not believe in punishing children for the crimes of their parents.
These children will be raised properly and with respect. They will learn etiquette and the values of culture. Whiteshack shall make sure that the adoptive families of these rebel-children will be a good fit. Normal children will be taught too, as Whiteshack is a nation of great charity. We shall bring public education to Epsilon.
But we believe it is better to cut off their toxic parents than to have them poison their young minds. These schools for rebel-children will not be situated in Epsilon,
they need to be distanced from it. They will learn of their homeland, of course,
but we will also inform them to not idealize them. Their society was flawed and not fit for a true nation.

With kind regards, Kaiser Ronkeldonkel of Whiteshack

On another note, Whiteshack will join in on the Embargo against Ex-Mir states.

They would also like to trade with the larger societies in Imouto. They could have interesting wares and in exchange Whiteshack will give them dogs, spices and other such things.

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