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New Gen. Spoon design

Last posted Jan 26, 2010 at 05:51PM EST. Added Jan 21, 2010 at 07:18PM EST
13 posts from 9 users

The bottom part of the "pants" are actually boots I based off of pictures of real army boots just like the coat, the gun, and the character itself. I like being factual!

Though, I like this design. For future fan art, if I ever make any, I'm keeping this idea. Awesome!

What do you meen not this again? General Spoon is the heart of all disporval. so you disaporving him meens you like him too

The spork would have to be the greatest utensil ever invented by man. The pure ingeniousness of the item just perplexes me. Why had no one thought of this before this man? Genius.

Last edited Jan 24, 2010 at 06:09PM EST

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