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Wonder Woman confirmed Bisexual, to the shock of no one.

Last posted Oct 03, 2016 at 12:08AM EDT. Added Sep 30, 2016 at 09:27PM EDT
13 posts from 9 users

So apparently, we needed confirmation that a woman who grew up on an island of nothing but women might be into women. At the very least, I haven't seen people bitch about it yet.

Ryumaru Borike wrote:

So apparently, we needed confirmation that a woman who grew up on an island of nothing but women might be into women. At the very least, I haven't seen people bitch about it yet.

Trust me, you will. Any day now there will be cries of "pandering". Either that, or comic book fans don't really care about Wonder Woman that much.

The fact that comics are getting news coverage because of a character's gender or sexual orientation rather than if the story is good or not is just lame.

Last edited Sep 30, 2016 at 09:51PM EDT

Is the Amazonians always have been Lesbians/Bisexual from the beginning of time? I don't know much about Wonder Woman in general but how does her kind reproduce like the Asari race from the Mass Effect Universe?

Dick Crosby - ウエむバーコホーム wrote:

Is the Amazonians always have been Lesbians/Bisexual from the beginning of time? I don't know much about Wonder Woman in general but how does her kind reproduce like the Asari race from the Mass Effect Universe?

Amazonians are made from clay and turned human by the gods if i remember correctly.

Comics continue to put gender and sexuality ahead of good writing and continuity, to the shock of no one.

Hey, whatever sells, right? They're just trying to survive like anyone else.

Black Graphic T wrote:

Comics continue to put gender and sexuality ahead of good writing and continuity, to the shock of no one.

Hey, whatever sells, right? They're just trying to survive like anyone else.

Did you read the article? They didn't change Wonder Woman's sexuality, they just confirmed what was already shown, and what the logical conclusion to her being an Amazon is. I'm not a comic book guy and couldn't really care less about Wonder Woman, and even I knew she had to be Bi.

Slutty Sam wrote:

Who gives a shit about her sexuality look at this abomination:

Comics are in a sad, sad state.

I don't want to read comics anymore.

Last edited Oct 01, 2016 at 04:12AM EDT

The funny thing is that she was bi-sexual in Wonder Woman: Earth One. Articles like these have been the same for ages:

People who don't read comics talking about things happening in comics to get a rise/praise out of people who don't read comics.

Ryumaru Borike wrote:

Did you read the article? They didn't change Wonder Woman's sexuality, they just confirmed what was already shown, and what the logical conclusion to her being an Amazon is. I'm not a comic book guy and couldn't really care less about Wonder Woman, and even I knew she had to be Bi.

Does it really matter what sexuality a character is, though? What exactly does one get out of confirming wonder woman as bisexual exactly? It gets word of mouth for the super left who care more about that stuff then the story in the comic pages. And everyone else is just getting the same shit as every other comic announcement out there, that blank character is blank orientation and look how diverse and progressive we are.

Meanwhile they can't stop wiping out every story they make every year or two, thus eliminating any investment in these characters at all, or any potential storylines that don't resolve in a month or so. And bar any of the big changes actually meaning anything. Which means all it does is fuel internet drama and makes comics and the internet worse for it, for nothing else but profit.

So tell me why I shouldn't complain about that again, when its literally taking throwing fuel onto the internet drama fire for literally no meaningful reason but a cheap buck?

Slutty Sam wrote:

Who gives a shit about her sexuality look at this abomination:

Comics are in a sad, sad state.

Comics died in the 90s, then were brought back to life in the 2000s, only to be killed again in the 2010s.


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