GotFunnyPictures Editorials

News, research, and dispatches from our editorial staff.

MEMEFIGHT: Final Round

MEMEFIGHT: Final Round

G4's final battle of teh memes is upon us! A few weeks ago, there were 32 internet memes going head-to-head. Now, it's down to Isaiah Mustafa vs Demotivational Posters!


MEMEFIGHT: Semifinal Round

MEMEFIGHT: Semifinal Round

G4's battle of teh memes continue! Few weeks ago, there were 32 internet memes going head-to-head. Now, here are the last four standing. Cast your vote now.


MEMEFIGHT: Round Three

MEMEFIGHT: Round Three

G4's Attack of the Show presents a month-long popularity contest for Internet memes! Browse the third round contestants and cast your votes now.


MemeFight: Round One

MemeFight: Round One

G4's Attack of the Show presents a month-long popularity contest for Internet memes! Browse the first round contestants and cast your votes now.


Monthly Review: July 2011

Monthly Review: July 2011

This month's highlights: Operation Antisec, First World Problems, Owling, Horrifying Houseguest, ABC Movie Cyberbully and more!


Monthly Review: June 2011

Monthly Review: June 2011

This month's highlights: Lulzsec goes on a month-long hacking streak and then retires; Vancouver Riot Kiss photo turns out to be not as romantic as it seemed, Ubisoft's frontman Mr. Caffeine drives the E3 audience crazy with his "doodly doodly doop," crazy cat lady's fake eHarmony bio video goes viral on YouTube; Nicklodeon cartoon character Nigel Thornberry gets remixed with pop music and more


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