
Trap - My lord, someone actually did it.

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The fact he's name "little Jimmy" really adds to the punchline.

Also, I'm still saddened that femMEN are very rare compared to femBOYS, and even then femDADS were practically a myth mostly spoken of as a concept.

The only other example I know of is that Gar-dad-evoir by Drunk Oak.


in reply to SparkStar1991

You shouldn't be getting downvoted. Clinics and activists are pushing that exact idea as a way of identifying "transness". It's blatantly regressive but we're supposed to ignore that.

1962: Trucks are for boys, dolls are for girls.
1992: Dolls and trucks can be for anybody, don't pigeonhole kids into gender stereotypes.
2022: Trucks are for boys, dolls are for girls.


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