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I Anonymous 07/22/17(Sat)07:43:18 No.54460875 ► >54461968 File: Mr Rommel building the lift.jpg (516 KB, 1200x800) >>54460120 Now as you know, back in the days when wireless radios were magical devices powered by crystals, there were no greater friends than Italy and Austro-Hungary, known as Aussie to his friends. Unfortunately for these two bestest friends, Aussie's house was at the top of a very high hill. This was a very bad thing, since both friends were very poor and couldn't afford good climbing shoes. Although Aussie could come and visit Italy by climbing down a rope ladder he had made, Italy couldn't climb the rope because he was very scared of heights. One day, Italy decided that he would be brave and climb the rope ladder to see his friend's house. Up, up, up went little Italy and Aussie sat at the top of his ladder, calling down encouragement to his friend. But them Italy did a very silly thing and looked down. Poor little Italy got so scared, that he had to climb all the way back down again. Down, down, down went little Italy and he had to have a cup of yummy hot chocolate to calm his nerves. But brave little Italy never gave up. Up, up, up went little Italy. Down, down, down came little Italy. Feeling bad about his courageous little friend, Aussie asked the village carpenter, Erwin Rommel, build a lift so that his friend could finally come visit him. Touched by the courage and determination of little Italy, Mr. Rommel agreed to help young Aussie. Now that Italy didn't have to climb the scary rope ladder anymore, he and Aussie could now visit each other whenever they wanted. The two went on many adventures together and are still bestest of friends, even to this very day. Source:
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Whimsical Warfare came about from a discussion on /tg/ on taking well known events in military history and subjecting them to disneyfication in order to make them as innocuous and cuddly as possible. Due to the more general nature of the content, and the lack of a /his/ entry, I felt they belonged here instead of being in the /tg/ entry.

The Battles of the Isonzo were a series of 12 battles along the Isonzo River in the Italian Front during World War 1; the battles take place between the period of 1915-1917. These battles are well-known among fans of military history as an almost complete catastrophe and has led Luigi Cadorna to have the reputation of being one of the worst generals in the entire war.

The idea, on paper, was sound. If they could breach through this section of the Alps; they would have only been a few days march away from Vienna, the capitol of Austro-Hungary. However, given that the Austro-Hungarians had fortified the mountains and pre-ranged the entire valley for artillery fire, there was no way for the Italians to make progress without suffering heavy casualties.

This culminated in the battle of Caporetto, which was a decisive Italian defeat and the following Austro-Hungarian counter attack almost broke the Italian army; which could of led into a break through into the Italian heartland and possible capture of Venice.

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