The Broken Bloomer | Bloomer | GotFunnyPictures
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12864 Views Created 5 years ago By KingHarlaus • Updated 16 days ago

Created By KingHarlaus • Updated 16 days ago

The Broken Bloomer continues being a supporter for his frens has been betrayed so many times has serious trust issues Fakes being happy so he doesn't worry his family/friends had a taste of love and never recovered has friends but doesn't believe they actually like him 0 notifications wants to do things, but makes excuses not to is afraid now Has hopes for a brighter future but has a hard time believing it gf constantly cancels plans used to have a proper eating schedule now doesn't know when to eat doesn't understand why people lie he just wants to be surrounded by frens would die for people who couldnt care less "it's no biggie, we can just hang out next hasn't hung out with friends in weeks weekend or whenever you'd like to :
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