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Outcast Redeemer
Outcast Redeemer

Pacifica sat near the back wall away from everyone else. her eyes were glassed over as she kept repeating the same five words again and again "Mom… Dad… Sturges…Their all gone."

Stan couldn't keep his eyes on his own task. Not while that northwest girl was still sulking. With a heavy sigh he stood from his chair and walked over to where she was curled up. "Hey kid…You ok?"

She looked up at him with her vacant eyes. "I'll take that as a no…" He mumbled before kneeling down in front of her.

Pacifica pulled her limbs closer into her self trying to escape the man invading her space.

Stan took notice. "Look… " He racked his brain for her name. "…Pacifica. I know how you feel trust me… But you can't blame yourself. Jeez and crackers knows how long Blamed myself for my mistakes. My point is you could have done nothing to stop that three sided freak from doing what he did."

She looked up. "I-I never got the chance to tell them…"

Stan felt a tug on his heart. She looked like Mable mixed with Dipper when they both were up set. Gently he pulled her into a hug. She stiffened at his touch but soon relaxed into his embrace. With a soft whimper she began to let loose a torrent of tears.


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