I'm Getting Excited | GotFunnyPictures
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I'm Getting Excited

Added • Updated about a year ago

Added by mona_jpn • Updated about a year ago by Brad
Added by mona_jpn • Updated about a year ago by Brad

I'm Getting Excited
Category: Meme Status: Submission Year: 2006 Origin: Futaba Channel (2chan) Region:
Tags: japan, non-english, ichiro suzuki, pixiv, illustration, baseball, sports, post-game interview,
I'm Getting Excited


I'm Getting Excited (Japanese: テンション上がってきた, Tension Agatte Kita) refers to a blurry photo taken from a TV interview with Ichiro Suzuki. Since 2006, this quote with a blurry head has been one of the popular expressions for Japanese internet users' excitement.


This meme originated from an interview with Ichiro at Safeco Field, the home stadium of the Seattle Mariners that he was belonging to. A screenshot of Ichiro coincidentally shaking his head was taken by a Japanese internet user. And, the caption in this screenshot is his answer to interviewer "I'm getting excited".

チ リ ナ; ズ .ラソジョン上がってきた
"I'm getting excited"

In the Japanese language, "Tension" (テンション) is a loanword from English which means degrees of excitement or motivation, and it has no negative nuance. For example, Hi-tension (テンションが高い, Tenshyon ga takai) is meaning of "Excited", and Low-tension (テンションが低い,Tenshyon ga hikui) is meaning of "Not excited" or "Unmotivated". However, it's a casual expression which is seldom heard in interviews with middle-aged athletes like Ichiro even in those days.


It's unclear when this interview was aired. But this photo began circulating on the Japanese web in the late of July 2006. The most well-known host of this screenshot is a Japanese image uploader pya! which posted it on 23rd of that month[1], and it was reprinted to many 2channel related blogs' posts via funny picture threads in that textboard community. Peoples were soon fascinated by surrealistic lulz of this photo, that was caused by the contrast of Ichiro's quite normal facial expression in strange blurry photo and that catchy remark. Then, a photo collage fad inspired by ichiro's blurry head started in the Japanese imageboard community Futaba Channel (2chan). "Getting Excited" picture generators were also released in the following years.[2][3]

Before / After

In addition, Ichiro's blurred headshaking photo became to one of the formulae of expressing excitement in online parodies throughout sharing of his picture and collaged photos. Japanese illustrators community pixiv has over a hundred of illustration tagged under this catchphrase[4], and many of them utilize headshaking to express characters' extraordinary excitement.

Notable Examples

天 海 侯 楽 部 雄 山 氏 テンション上がってきた 西行寺 幽々子選d+4) タグ レ テンション上がってきた
クリプトソ はちゅねさん 765 6 テンション让がってきた

Search Interest

External References

[1] pya! – キタ━━━━━(゚(゚∀(゚∀゚(☆∀☆)゚∀゚)∀゚)゚)━━━━━!! 旧作品No.30524 / Posted on 07-23-2006 (Japanese)

[2] 工学ナビの中の人の研究と周辺 – イチローの「テンション上がってきた」を再現するソフト / Posted on 06-08-2007 (Japanese)

[3] 黒羊工房 – テンション上がってきたジェネレーターβ版 / Launched in 2007

[4] pixiv – Search results for the tag テンション上がってきた

Tags: japan, non-english, ichiro suzuki, pixiv, illustration, baseball, sports, post-game interview,

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