GamerGate - Comments


Shame is that if you weren't bashing gamers and culture, or weren't alt-right and instead really cared about the horrible state in video game journalism and then journalism in general, then your voice and side of the story was largely forgotten or even buried.


Kinda wierd to think about that it's been long enough that there are people who have no memory of gaming journalism's credibility being anything other than a pile of ashes in a bomb crater.

Sunsoft Bass
Sunsoft Bass

HBO Max Brazil proved again that in the end, christians, conservatives, church Karens and preachers, were replaced with liberals, feminists, college students and identitarians, this is why gamers nowadays can't stand progressive politics, female characters, minorities and "wokeness", and the old moral guardians didn't really vanish completely.

They made a documentary about the Realengo school shooting, where 12 kids died, 10 were girls, and they claimed it was a femicide, the documentary is clearly made by left-wingers and feminists, but the controversy happened in Episode 3, where they blamed violent videogames, internet, chans and YouTubers for enticing kids into becoming radicals, and a conservative anti-LGBT educational consultant and psychologist was still invited, he blamed a YouTuber named Core, who makes videos about mascot horror games like FNAF, he made many grave factual errors, like saying FNAF was inspired by a real shooting in a snack bar.

Core is a nice guy, and who insists his channel isn't for kids, thankfully his supporters managed to protect him, but imagine this documentary being shown on free TV to millions, Core would not be able to leave his house.

And to make things worse, instead of asking for an apology, the guy doubled down, made more errors, claimed Core is victimizing himself, that he doesn't care if Core kills himself, and menaced him about continuing to fight against him and find dirt on him, it was a personal vendetta.


in reply to Sunsoft Bass

Pretty sure this all started cause some journalists got pissy when Kotaku told them no to accepting bribes/sexual advances from rogue devs that want their shitty games to get good reviews.

Unless I’m missing something, that’s pretty much what I got from reading this entry.

Sunsoft Bass
Sunsoft Bass

in reply to Pokejoseph64

This is another reason, leftists and feminists became just like the classic christians and conservatives that said violent videogames are turning children into murderers and Pokémon is satanic, they also went after other mediums, like removing Apu from The Simpsons.

This is a big reason why back in the days, gamers didn't care about women and black people in their games, gay options and progressive themes, but now they don't like those.

And now, the HBO Max documentary showed that both kinds of moral guardians can join forces to attack videogames.


in reply to Steve

That's not surprising, and for completely unrelated reasons:
game development has a very high turnover rate. Triple-A studios are, well, they're a bunch of dicks, and are very likely to fire you after a SUCCESSFUL launch just to please shareholders. Staying employed all the way from 2014 is just flat-out unlikely, even without the pandemic.

Nox Lucis
Nox Lucis

Well, as long as this is already at the top of trending…
2013-2015 were some very difficult years for me IRL, such that I eventually had to mostly withdraw from the internet, only really coming fully back online in 2016. Consequently, I missed most of this as it happened, only hearing whispers of it and learning most of what happened retroactively.
I always struggle to find words for it. This site has a crazy couple years while I was away.


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