Iran Before the Islamic Revolution meme example

How Was 'Iran Before the Islamic Revolution'? The Viral Catchphrase And Memes About Pre-Revolution Iran Explained

Memes can often be associated with plain entertainment or brain rot, more recently, but this type of content can also be enriched by historical moments, such as the case for the memes about Iran before the Islamic Revolution in 1979.

The internet's obsession with re-revolution Iran dates back more than a decade ago, as curiosity over how women's freedom and behavior changed drastically in the country makes the pictures found online a powerful history lesson, while also being a perfect memetic opportunity for parodies and photoshopped edits.

Here's what we know about Iran before the Islamic Revolution and how the topic grew as a popular parody meme on social media.

How Was 'Iran Before the Islamic Revolution?'

In the decades before the Islamic Revolution of 1979, Iran was controlled by the Shah, who restricted political freedom and heavily introduced Western-oriented secular modernization, which resulted in a redistribution of wealth to Iran's working class, rapid urbanization and deconstruction of Iran's feudalist customs. However, the Shah's increasingly authoritarian measures set the stage for the January 1979 outrage against government extravagance.

Depictions of pre-Islamic Revolution Iran on the internet often focus on the absence of the veil or hijab in photographs of Iranian women before 1979. A June 2013, post by Redditor /u/Kamais_Ookin to the /r/HistoryPorn subreddit is an early example of such a post (seen below).

2210 ADE-E Iranian woman in the era before the Islamic revolution by Ayatollah Khomeini. Iran, 1960. [674 x 1040] ( submitted 9 years ago by Kamais_Ookin 249 comments share save hide give award report crosspost hide all child comments b *٤١ ٥٥٤٠٤ © 2011

Why Did 'Iran Before the Islamic Revolution' Became A Meme?

The striking difference between the way Iranian women dress today and before the Islamic Revolution of 1979 became an easy engagement topic on social media, as an unknown Redditor joked about the subject to /r/Izlam channel on June 25th, 2018. (seen below).

Iran from the 70s Reddit Shrinking Teton Glaciers Iranian girl without Hijab

In the early 2020s, the cliche grew popular, as many Reddit, X and Instagram pages started to post memetic content of Iran before the Islamic revolution. For example, on November 2021, X user @lawyerman_ktk posted a tweet that read, "*opens western history book* / Iran before the Islamic revolution." (seen below, left)

On June 2022, X user @ElectionLegal posted a still from the 2023 Barbie movie with the caption, "Iran before the Islamic Revolution." (seen below, right).

Lawyerman™ @lawyerman_ktk Nov 28, 2021 *opens western history book* "Iran before the Islamic revolution" 51 DE wille t 661 4,937 ılı REIM : Pericles 'Perry' Abbasi @Election Legal. Jun 28, 2022 Iran before the Islamic Revolution 354 t 6,932 Cow ARB SKATE 95.9K 3 اار ←] :

What Are Some Notable 'Iran Before the Islamic Revolution' Memes?

Mid 20th century wedding in Iran (before the Islamic Republic took over in 1979) SENCER @57SenCER Horses in iran before and after the islamic revolution. This is so sad 10:26 AM Dec 14, 2021 29 Retweets 2 Quotes 446 Likes 13 Bookmarks : keyv @still_oppressed • Apr 3 Found this old picture of my mom shopping in Iran before the 1979 revolution 16 t 109 2,402 PERSIAN CUISINE ستوران تهران PATIO DIN ₁77.5K (→

For the full history of Iran before the Islamic Revolution, be sure to check out GotFunnyPictures's encyclopedia entry for more information.

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