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14681 Views Created 8 years ago By Big Sky • Updated 2 years ago

Created By Big Sky • Updated 2 years ago

31 す·ス スライム族/スライム亜種 slime subspecies . スライム亜種 グリーンスライムgreen毒素をもづているスラ イム·毒の成分のためか発泡しており、周囲にはシャボン玉のような もつ生物の多い森林地帯に生息 しているためと言われてい る。ちょくちょく会話に無 自覚な毒舌がまじる。水溶 性の毒の成分が含まれている ためか形の維持が苦手で、完 monmusu collection 泡が漂う。毒草や毒を 女の子の形をしたスライム。 最近発見された新種のモン 娘。社会性をもたず種と しての文化や歴史も 無いため物を知ら ないが、学習能力 は非常に高い水 のように純粋無 垢で、何色にでも染 まり、どんな形にも変 形する。水分量で体の大き さが変化するが、極度に多い 全な人型にはなれない。 花畑などに生息す る希少なスライ ム。花の蜜や柔 らかい蕾を食べ 生息地域が廃棄物など で汚染されてしまったた めに真っ黒に染まってし まったスライム。元が何 ったのかはもう誰 slime 水分を一度に摂取してしまう Girl-shaped slimes. A recently discovered monster girl species. They lack social awareness and are ignorant due to their species' lack of culture and history, but they ar They are as pure as water and capable of taking on any color and form. Though their body size changes with the amount of water they absorb, when they absorb too much water at once, they become らない。社会 diluted and lose their ability to maintain their form before dissolving entirely. They are technically omnivores, but they can consume anything by absorbing it into their bodies and dissolving it.凰 めいたブ ツ e exceptionally fast learners. な発言をよくする が、実際のところ適 当に言っている だけで自分の 発言の内容は よくわかって いない。非常 に凶暴で人間を 日1 .ている。 Red Slime 内に取り込んで消化 Compared to normal slimes, red slimes are more acidic and volatile, and their bodies contain more digestive juices. They are smaller than standard slimes with aggressive personalities, and are known for their acrid behavior and remarks. It is believed that they developed acidic bodies capable of dissolving just about anything to adapt to life in environments with little edible matter Green slime A poisonous slime. Due to the toxins in their body, green slimes bubble, and they are always surrounded by floating bubbles. It is believed that they are poisonous because they live in forests with many other poisonous animals and plants. They subconsciously sprinkle their conversations with venomous remarks. Perhaps due to the water-soluble poison in their bodies, they have trouble holding their form and are incapable of maintaining a complete human form. 北尝ー线 气で㖗 ˇ 直結するものを摂取してい Pink Slime 11にフニノ/. red slime A rare slime that lives in flower fields. They consume nectar and soft flower buds, making them give off a sweet nectar-like scent. It is unknown what they do when flowers are not blooming. Because they are able to effortlessly acquire nutrients, they are very upbeat and optimistic. Their diet of flowers, which plants use to create offspring, makes their own thinking lewd as well, and they are in heat year-round. k slime Black Slime slimes that have turned black because their homes were polluted by toxic waste. It is impossible to determine their original color. Though they often make dark and satirical comments on society, they are not careful with their word choice and do not generally understand what they are saying. They are extremely violent and hostile towards humans. 性格は攻撃的で言動に酸っぱい発言が目立つ。食べられる物の少ない土地に適



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