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Satoru Iwatclaw @DeadwingDuck な 塩Follow Anita I mean this sincerely. From the bottom of my heart. Kill yourself, c---. Feminist Frequency@femfreq 10m Satoru Iwata was the pinpoint for most of the misogyny in this industry, although we are not glad he's dead, we're glad he's gone. £7117 ★187 -... Feminist Frequency @femfreq 3m With his death, perhaps Nintendo will finally be able to break from the male supremacy narrative it has been forcing on it's fanbase for so long わ£732 ★75 +-... RETWEET FAVORITE :14 PM-12 Jul 2015 わ ★
Origin Entry:

Satoru Iwata


This is proven false but in all seriousness, Anita is not much better since she used the backlash to victimize herself.

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