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WHO WATCHES THE CARTOONS? HANNA BARBERA'S WTCAMEN DR. SHAZZAN RORS-CHAN OzyQUEST DAPHNE THE MYSTERY SPECTRE NIGHT FALCON THE COMEDY DASTARDLY tJt ILLUSTRATED BY A FO TORINOPANTMARVELS) : INKED BY ADOLFO TORINO (PANTMARVELS: PAINTMARVELS is published by MARVEL COMICS GROUP, OFFICE OF PUBLICATION: 575 MADISON AVENUE NEW YORK, N. Y. 10022. SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT NEW YORK, N.. AND AT ADDITIONAL MAILING OFFICES, Published monthly. Copyright ©1975 by Mar- vel Comics Group. A Division of Codence Industries Corporation. All rights reserved. 575 Madiion Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022. Vol. 1, No. 139, Sept- ember, 1975 issue. Price 264 ser copy in the U.S. and Canado. Subsceiption rate $3.50 tor 12 isssues. Canada $4.25. Foreign $5.50. No similarity between any of the names, characters, persons, andior inztitutions in thia mayazine with those of any living or dead person or institution is intended, and any such similarity which may exist is purely coincidental, Printed in the United States of America. Sept. ny living or dead person oForeign s.s0. No
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