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1002 Views Created 9 years ago By The greater aerie • Updated about a year ago

Created By The greater aerie • Updated about a year ago

File 1304534779.ipg-(760 KB, 1680x1050, tyrael final.jpg) Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)14:46 No. 14812285 There's been all sorts of talk about making Paladins fall. In my campaign, I was no stranger to attempts □ Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)14:47 No.14812295 14812285 Go on Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)14:47 No. 14812299 What happened when there was a choice of letting an innocent man accused of murder (via possession) die or let the victim's family never get their justice? I took a third option and hunted down that f------ demon haunting his dreams, brought it back and manifested it into reality, and brought IT to court What happened when there was a choice between slaying an entire barbarian clan for "vengeance" or leaving a corrupt captain pretending to be a martyr of goodygoody beliefs in charge of a fort? took a third option and Smite Evild the captain's ass in public, letting everyone in public see he wasn't the pure good bastion he pretended to be, leaving him to the machinations of the people who now realized they'd been decieved Several other times...I think five, total. Five times, I was shoehorned into a situation to choose between what's semi-right, and every time I picked a third option. The BBEG's second-in-command was a Blackguard, and every time we met she would always talk about how I was going to fall, like he did, and it was an inevitablility-and every time, I told her that there is never an inevitability of evil There is only justice If I'm pushed into a situation where I need to choose between the lesser of two evils, I refuse those conditions and I refuse to even consider them. You do not tear things apart, spread your own misery across the land, and then ask me to abide by your rules and your options. No, that is not how l play your f------ game □ Anonymous 05/04/11 (Wed)14:48 No.14812306 So what happens when we finally meet the BBEG? The second-in-command does her usual "darkness is inevitable, everyone is doomed, etc etc" rant, and I shut her off right there. Despite all of the temptations, despite all of the problems, I never once fell. Never once. Despite all of the problems the BBEG had spread across the land and despite all his forces, we never once failed. Never once Darkness was never inevitable, and no amount of dismissing even the tiniest problem would keep it from staring them in the f------ face. He wanted to talk about how he expected us and how we were amusing and other such condenscending b-------, but despite all of his smugness never once did he incorporate any prevention for this "amusing problem" into his plan And you know what? Instead of the usual torrents of You fool!" or This is true powe or You struggle against the inevitable!", the Blackguard believed it. She f------ believed it She went down on her f------ knees, right in front of her master, and said she wanted no longer to be against us. That I had demonstrated that honor existed, even in darkness, and that even in a world of corruption and grey morality, there can still be heroism. Never once did I fall, and what did the GM do? Rather than continue, he just gave up and rewarded me. Instead of continuing to try and shoehorn me into situations, the GM converted one of the biggest lieutenants of evil to our side and put me in charge of guiding her along the path of redemption Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)14:49 No. 14812315 File 1304534959 gif-(168 KB, 300x300, light-pelvic-thrust.gif) tl:dr: MY PALADIN JUST REDEEMED A BLACKGUARD THROUGH SHEER FORCE OF WILL AN ENTIRE CAMPAIGN OF SUFFERING, JUSTIFIED RIGHT NOW ALL YALL CAN JUST TAKE IT
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Seriously, I love this.

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