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THIC FAIL-SHADY GAMES JOURNALISM #GAMERGATE UNFAIR ADVANTAGE Coverage from game outlets is often the difference between success and obscurity for indie developers. But the endorsement of many journalists seems to be based not on merit, but on con- nections -granting privileged industry access to those in their clique One journalist that has come to symbolize the incestuous relationship between the gaming press and its subjects is Patricia Hernandez. Hernandez has written at least ten articles on developers who were her room mates, or even in a romantic relationship with her, such as Christine Love, offering glowing endorse- ment and lots of links encouraging purchase but no trace of disclosure until the scandal's unearthing forced her employers at Kotaku to edit them, and admit this was a "screw up" Many of the journalists accused of using their position unfairly were members of the secret mailing list,★GamejoumoPros , which saw the participation of many elite game journalists - for example, 2 Nathan Grayson, Hernandez's colleague, focus of scandals concerning critical distance, or the face of Gamasutra, their con- troversial editor-at-large ) Leigh Alexander . Alexander is one of the most polarizing people in game journalism, peppering her Twitter feed with controversial content through her career- even outright threats and doxxing - and spear- heading the notorious "Gamers are dead arti- cles of August 2014with an inflammatory piece calling gamers "obtuse shitslingers, "wailing hyper-consumers", "childish internet-arguers" accusing them of not knowing "how to dress or to behave" and encouraging the industry to UTRA shun them as customers. Subjects Alexander covered that she had a confirmed personal, non-professional relationship with include Anna Anthrophy, Christine Love, Robin Arnott (who also had similar friends-with-coverage benefits with Nathan Grayson) Ramiro Corbetta and Naomi Clark Alexander also founded and co-owns the game developers consulting firm "Agency for Games", and directly promotes its customers through social media and her per Alexander has not replied to these allegations, but has hidden her Facebook and 4 n- ed many debates when it came out in 2013, and its average scores on re- view aggregator Metacritic show a huge gap between the very positive 53% (86%) and much harsher criticism First to review the game was Poly gon's O Danielle Riendeau , whose lavish 10/10 evaluation contained no mention of Gone Home's most often noted flaws-such as the short no disclosure of her belonging to the ldle Thumbs pocast team, to- gether with two of the game's small team of developers, one o she admitted to being a long-time good friend" to when she partici- pated in the podcast one week be- fore the review. This "good friend only one who commented on these suspicions, confirming his friend- ship with Riendeau but doubting that it had influenced her score Among other positive cover ge for Gone 95/100 from Marty Sliva, at least an acquaintance of Idle Thumbs, and praise from Leigh Alexander, a friend of the game's voice actress. we find IGN'S Slow-selling Facebook-in-space received fairly polarized reviews, averaging at 62 on Metacritic despite some very positive coverage on certain simulator Redshirt was praised on both PC by Cara Ellison , who was re- ceiving money on Patreon from Redshirt's author Mitu Khandak er-Kokoris, as well as on Kotaku by Khandakers friend Kirk Hamilton. ng positive coverage to Kokoris was Gamasutra's Kris Lig man, who started receiving mon- ey from Khandaker on his Patreon four days before the article was published and was also a judge at the Indiecade awards, where Red Riendeau and Hernandez also praised the game, although no sol- id connection has yet been discov- re i though, with another endorser of the game, Khandakers Facebook friend since 2009 - Leigh Alexander Khandaker did reply to these sus- picions, but only commented on the connection with Ellison, which she claims only received small amounts. She also states that every claim of unfair advantage due to friendship made thus far, such as those listed here, is a conspiracy t ■ILI ITH 1S.GD/GGINFO ELFillMAIS.GD/ETHICFAILI
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