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689 Views Created 9 years ago By Darkhanov • Updated 6 years ago

Created By Darkhanov • Updated 6 years ago

This doesnt have ansthing to do with journalism, fraud, ar transgender. It realy doein't. Furthermore, not ingle person at My company is also mat in any legal trouble reparding the transgender stuf I'm haldáng my tongue for ather Taday 022 A Caste a bad joumalist. That said http Do you really think we'd randomly fre à writer for "doing their job"? 【s-dong ,our job, not also equal to Do you really think me wane to fire a trained and talented writer right befare E3 o you really think Destructoid is afraid o There's .a much more that I'd really love to "r. but I think rve said more than·nough. Go watch the first 15 minutes of Star Trek 2. It's magicelly relevant The gwy uwss in the right wwming people of dingusting fraud. F--- Destructold the pethetc cowards why art some of rou under 탄 impression that "we would have never, ever publish囵dthis storysir Remember,蛳e had "snter WORKING on the story, t knew it me good one worth chasing we peroveda guy to sink countless hours into this. Hiomever, the story (nom famouly) went up in an undesirable state, and things quickly spiraled out of contral from there. Did you read the amaning pisce tht later went up on GamersAganstBigatry argt Compare the Saturday piece to what wet up Tuesday ad you could have prevented all afthie AND til pubished it AND nat had to firs anyona Ar n吠b. here 1 dant expect anyone to sympathige with a publisher's problems, but put yourset in my shoes, When you hire bunch of gutsy hat-bloaded writers to chase stories like this you begin to develop processes they dent o that it's OK to pul the oomboy stunt of bind-sighting your managing editor you would Why noddht Me want to publish infarmation about fraud? Shaulint you also be saging that we'd be dong it for gapeview cicks derp, eto? its kind of rice to not hear that for change, but for once [ kinda nash you be honest, you have been doing it right. Hold ng·story 산 watert git "nd you've gone through绕with your news edbors and your lega's extremely good practice that should be encouraged. The story wasn't going away and there w&S no tme frame here .rud hav손 dsappeared in thr lost whae.故was good and responsible editorihl practice tror change ths ndustry), you ghouldn't ready get mad ond keep dong what you ore doing because despite the reaction, You were righe about your aditorsal decisions and shoudnt gof cut up about it. 's Nstthat the foodgete, were opened uD, Decole a阤convinced of gat on tht word of smgle wtch bunng aren't going to oractly hrten·shen they are too busy cheoEng the atake they want. THANK YOU. That's Am I the onlv one who though that the whole "I have a metal sn my body due to a oar accident and s getting poisoned because o sounds Nke plot from Hollywood the moment E heard g? Iheve have happened had he taken the dme and affort to veriy the story before witing about t. Ha ha faved Ms job as a jouraa st and deserwed to be sacked froo the moment he heped so propagate the scam Mot any mat by waging for so ong to revesl the trum her is more or less sn sooomoWce 迈the fraud and he probably wouidn't have reverled anything d ter, was no suede) orterngt. Chice Sagw dserves to po to ja for her fraud then Aatar hounld be aocovepewrying har too s oidene has been a massive lure by everyone swowed, and nhe Go Go is absokdely rign to cancer the fundraising because of it turn ng mo。cherty project. Alistar did report te fraud to IndíeGopo immediately on Apnl 9.1t was octuabr Chlo. tat gave him the going to throw the reaty wisied the side much betore so not ke shey're going o lose ouch of amysing at a, noowg reedy but Ecertainly don't plar10 vis he plece now and hold it .n regard lower than Kotaku. And that's lo what PR gnef ar you talking about? Chlce PARDONED the guy. You've read nothing 08:04 4M cook, you inent fo do dwmege oontre, rou gott" goe er more thao-there', more to then that the atory? Why dd ou berd haro to 0W? And wen people were puticiy amacking h, wydd rou feef oompeied to order him take the wthout being able to detend m iing to daten; e morkad so neroom But yow cant be windicated by ut saying, "Thad's how the bussiess works. Tel us mhy the cas rou oade werent teriève eals, and wby s dsregard or hose decisions was egregious enough for iring. Evemone makes employment ternble that reganding there is the only thing reeronsble perron would db, and why s y you cant tewus, we get that, but you cant expect us to change our minds, you're worned sbout your site being dopcotted, better ignore the lewyer advice and open Mouldn t say that's how business works actusly. But lets lock at what a few days of polish can achieve (or s exist in the frst placa). ust compre the story posted on Saturder on GarnerswithoutBootry to te ra matenal on Twitlonger Both contain the sarme information, b泚nobody's flipping ears at me over the latter, what was posted on that the fraud cuprit is quoted, and is obviously free of lisblity. The Saturday piece was DASED on the why (which was deleted) that 3 Mas so agsinst posting on Tuesday Saturday had way more polist, it read better, an editor oversaw it before publishing it, it balanced in reported four the facts and the fraud stut was weeks before that n to rush into anybody the wrong way, rm oversimplrying what happened, but l thinkアou'l get me drift. (Taday 00 23 AM) Out the stony WaS watertight, Ws souce was Choe, Yotre ony responding to shose who sgree waiting on. Because the source was Chloe, so wasn't bo verfY the ingtrnacy ofthe story. Ta us the reason·lf you choose not to tel' us (yes, it's a choice, awyer or no), then you can expect nothing ese than the backlash you're geming The souroe-os olsoぁproven lisr ondきfraud. Thet was mode pubic "ONTH beforethi5 hsppened. Aside from that, there's 탠va matter of some of the info having been acquired in confidence. But lets say the source wasnt a froud and the info wasn't told in contidence You simply do nat post a story that controversial mthout proafing it b your managing editor, and you certainly don't handle things as ther were handed on Twitter. That 뷔ouldn't fly in any nens organization, period of spdates pe? The Na, I'm not bang sued. rm just deanng up·amt miamfrmabon, while also being careful not to get aued up said misinfomation;) From what Ive read shrough s, mort of she people upset at Destructoid are taking & kned jerk stance to assume tethe firing was de toサ汝content and pressurt from other groups, right? The way it's gane down with the rtory nt besng shoved on Tatlanger, s have no rearon to doube terner is w about sooops nd breakng news, but you dont Just shove a story on & comer of dhe was fred over nterner bacause you cant get clesrance to post a story that seoond. The ondy part thot gves me bed some iphe on tha pokey change d thanks for bringing that up. we edopted zero-tolerance tr ng policy for outngゥga Y/butrensgender person without their written them at high rnisk of murder This new policy is anly appicable only to future employees. This poicy ádidoes NOT ffect Alistair, as it did 08 51 4M Here's the story I wish we cold have run on Destructeid: http://gamersagainstbigotry org/ the GWD dfecuesion. Don't bodher oting a heardavt carafuly medated dcussion wwth an expod. There's also no chance tist the origne, article A ister ran-bャ5nd had been editd by you u ould If you we传going to publish (t eventuady Abstar eouleve wated. Ever, though ren putting words is mouerh o giing hm the benefx or e doubt sine he certaindy held or by Che's oun rou an the otber hand are govng to have to prove yoursaW ater the court case ia setied because That's a piven, but given that Allstair mould have stl been employed on Ssburday at Destructoid he could Here's Mhere it-郝proven that it Mas fraud and people got ther money back a month ogo. You con sort once·gain, thi. gDes to show how mier formed people faulting me for .Mthhaláng the truth-iart Meek surely didnt know the truth was already reported/doaumenbed long age. ince the updates to shar artiole are undated, we have no way of kmowng shat me whole uth known beck m Apr. r honestly find α h rd belevo th t this whole situation would even evist of Sare the oamrments back-ards. Those are dated. Leak for the ones on 4 regarding fraud and transgender. The Reddit screensthots dated on the Sth are what I beieve were forwarded to IndieGoGo the foloning meek Okay, than the guertion becomes why there are odwouny marching orders not to port anything regarding the matter at Destructoid. A&star was eertarly mvolved at that por坐and the truth was 1 give up. I'm clearly wasting my time here. Free tin fol hats for l did that post just disappear? Man, rou'ro ready getting off on this gay having harder tene making rene. TeRs me al need to That's out of oontext wthout that private PM hatmas just removed. For these that sow it they realy know lts actuelty me that's on the detemse, he ssked me to take my posts domn or he'd sresten legal action That's whry my earlier posts are not on GAF. If anyone woudd sue its him, nst me. The rest is just spin and nonsense. No 1099くfreelance temp) gets unemployment, hat's not me bragging. Re: the other thing,You'll see the updated story on Eurogamer either this week or mext
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