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330 Views Created 9 years ago By Wimbleflat • Updated 6 years ago

Created By Wimbleflat • Updated 6 years ago

http://socialjusticeviv.tumblr.com/post/98412304682/the-fine-young-capitalists-arent-actually-helping Social Justice Viv The Fine Young Capitalists aren't actually helping women get into the games industry Note: I get most of my info from here So, there's been a lot of back and forth about TFYC. Are they trustworthy? Are they feminist? Will this help women get into the industry? The way 4chan would talk about it, they donated to a charity to help women get into games. not a a for admitted such t The money raised doesn't go to charity. Absolutely none of it. It goes directly to TFYC and to Autobotika who they're hiring to make the winning game. Even if they get more money than they need to make the game. They still get to keep any excess. This is a very important detail. Matthew Rappard, the founder, says this is to show that games developed by women can be aki She is just the "idea person who hands off her idea to them to make. EDIT. He now says the winner, Danielle, will be in charge of a team I source TFYC's website because whenever they talk about it, they always do so as, These developers bringing the idea to life, and talk about the winner and the developers as separate entities. At no point does he seem to clarify what the winner's role will be in the process besides providing ideas. that you give will pay for the salary of professional video game developers that will take the creator vision ánd bring it to life The artists will be paid, the creator will receive royalties and you will have backed a roject created by a women because you believe that woman can succeed in If the game is profitable, the message sent is not that women can make profitable games. It is that Autobotika can make profitable games. So, how does this help women get into game Well, then Mathew would say that because the woman gets to have the game in her portfolio, it will help her get a job in the industry. There is a problem with this, too. The point of a portfolio is to show a potential employer work you have done. It is a resume of sorts, to convince them that you have the skil's they want for the job. An Autobotika developed game does not show the skills of the woman who came up with the original ideas. It shows the skills of Autobotika. What game development company is looking for an ideas person who has nothing in their portfolio to show that they can execute those ideas? I've seen many job listings at game development companies. deas Person has never been one of them. Perhaps I am wrong Perhaps this very moment Bioware or Platinum Games is looking for someone with 'good ideas" and is okay with that person having no experience with the work necessary to make those ideas a reality. I could be wrong, but I doubt it The other women don't even get that. They essentially have a way to show off their ideas but no game in their portfolio. 1 have good ideasl' they can say, but everyone thinks they have good ideas. At least, most people do. Well, at least the profit will go to helping women, nght? No, it will not Exactly 8% of the net profit will go to the ideas person I suppose this could be a decent amount of money if the game sells wel enough. But will it sell well? Autobotika is not a well-known name when it comes to game development. They don't have a pre-existing fanbase to buy a bunch of copies and to convince others to do so. Does TFYC intend to advertise the game when it's ready for release? What are their marketing strategies? Will those come from money already raised or wil they be deducted from the gross profit, thus lowering how much the 'idea person" gets? 74%goes to charities so, assuming it sells well (which is a pretty generous assumption), this will help chanties a decent amount. So yay, it can still hep women get into game development! Except that's not what Ni and 4chan want their chunk of the profits to go to. They want their ofits to go towards finding a cure for n cancer. To cure butthurt EDIT Apparently other considered options were male abuse shelters and prostate cancer.It sounds definitely like 4chan thought it'd be a laugh to give their profits from a feminist game jam contest about getting women into the industry to services specifically targeted towards men. So, just keep that in mind the next time 4chan tries to abuse that goodwill. STRAW POLL what hould we Colon Cancer Alliance votes (52%) L. Prostate Cancer Foundation 2 MANKIND Initiatwe (Charity Men) 37 votes ao%) Surviwors UK (Male R--- and Sexual Alouse support) 5. Jewish Internet Defense force (JIDF 14 votes t7%3 b. Friends of The IDE (FIDF 65 total votes So, not only does that not help women get into games, it isn't even women-focused at all So much for this alegedly feminist organization. I don't know if TFYC is intentionally scamming people or if their complete lack of experience with this sort of thing has resulted in the trainwreck we see today, but it's clear that the main benefactors of this are Matthew Rappard, TFYC, and Autobotika. Fun Fact Matthew Rappard is an executive director at Autobotika. Did you know that? Special effectart dietor oPlo the sow Aresting Desch be prodaned bis s f Tobster Ragtare wich ws a Bt where be aaged the beanding of sevecal ka incloding the etbork and Teletoo Frem there be erked a the Special Efects director aa the asinated show Des Hamihon nd as the Head of 1atative Developeonest at Loopedia in Toets.o3,ws melia geedt can Oge Syptbesis and alo becace Autoboika orth's eutive prodae to age our projets and eices in Canada him Perhaps you believe his explanation. I do not. I'm sorry for the folks who donated to TFYC. They're being taken advantage of in a big way, and they've committed themselves so completely to this on an ideological level that I don't think they can even convince themselves to pull out before it's too late. I simply hope that after this people will be a lttle less trusting of TFYC, and of certain websites that helped fund them. Addendum This week, Humble Bundle is donating to a charity to give scholarships to women. This would help women get into the industry Maybe pul your donation from TFYC if you can and give it to Humble Bundle instead? https://www.humblebundle.com/weekly EDIT The post originally said 92% went to charities This is incorrect as apparently 8% goes to TFYC and 10% to Autobotika So 74% to charities. The net profits are also "after royalties, which I am unsure as to what that would entail Source #autobotika #matthewrappard拊fyc he fine young capitalists #gamergate 46 notes Sep 25th, 2014



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