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542 Views Created 9 years ago By AsexualInnuendo • Updated 6 years ago

Created By AsexualInnuendo • Updated 6 years ago

19 Wow, this ahole thing makes me feel very old. Lordy So, I definitely doa't think anyone's sex life should be news and I certainly wouldn't write about it on a site. But quick question: how did some of you decide to publish the Josh stery froms earlier this year that appeared to be based on a private about sex. Where do you see the line being drawn? And how do you guys feel about the Snapehat CEO's emails from college being a story? I was also wondering if when some of you published stories about Zoe harassment-did you actually ask for evidence of said harassment or just go by what she wrote on Twitter I've decided not to write about this because it's kind of ridiculous, but there's a thread created on The Escapist forums that is where to draw the line. I've made the call gnore the story, But as the controller of a pubbic forum on the internet, We will of course continue to moderate the crap out of the threads, make sure that all our stringent rules are kept. Should I shut down the thread? Should I bury it? I will be writing a post to add to the thread now, but other than that don't know. Looking for opinions from the oup because 1.m stumped asto the best way to handle this. Damn it, Jim, I'm a writer not a skilled forum moderator Tito 917.407 2405 Re: |GameJoursoPros] Re: Zoe Quisn Ditto (though I doubt it really needs to be said I'm guessing no one is going to start adding other people's "signatures" indiscriminately?) Mike Rougea Freelance Writer Los 19 Display images in this post Always display images from dancstarkey - Always display images in Game Journalism Professionals I could. I owe her one actually. She gave me some really good advice when my partner was being... pretty heavily harassed. It'd be nice to return the farvor Show trimmed content Britton Peele Display images in this post-Always display images froa Britton Peele - Always display images in Game Jourmalism Professionals On the copyright claim on YouTube: Supposedly (and I'm by no means an expert, but I believe in Total Biscuit said this over the weekend) it would be relatively easy for someone to claim they're Zoe and file a copyright claim against a video, whether they're sctually Zoe or not. So I think even if everything else is set aside, that instance alone is too muddled to make an As for the controversy as a whole, I've refrained from saying much either publicly or privately becaase I'm friends with Nathan, as he was a fellow Dallasite before moving to California. So anything I'd say on social media anyway would be shouted down by the idiots saying, "But you're beased because you know the guy! as if people can't have legitimate opinions about But my stance is: This should never, ever have been a "thing." Shame on the alleged ex-boyfriend foe starting this whole mess. Even if every woed of what be says is trac, there is absolutely no justification for making this stuff public and dragging people through the mud just because you feel you've been screwed (justifiably or not). On the same note, I agree 100% that this is not a news story" that anybody should cover. It has abeolutely no relevance. Even the "corruption of a journalist" gle is completely irrelevant as Nathan as never "reviewed" Depression Quest either on Kotaku or elsewhere. The fact thst some people online want this to be such a buge deal over a free game I think says a massive deal about where their own agendas actually lie, and deceitful spread of misinformation is disgusting On the topie of allowing foram discussion to take place: I totally see where both Greg and others are coening from. On cee hand it's something people obvicusly going to talk about somewhere where a somewhat controlied discussion can take place-one tries to step in and stop people from getting too out of line. On the other hand,I totally see the point that the thread itself is already out of line and shouldn't exist. I'm not sure I agree that either solution is the 100% clear cut answer in this case, and I don't envy Oreg for having to make the call. anyway, so in a way it's kind of nice to have Britton Peele, Writer Twitter Chris Dahlen Aug FWIW-I think this is disgusting, and not worth any spuce from any outlet. The guy who wrote thst post sounds deranged. We've all had our hearts in our twenties but most of us just complain to our friends. I can't imagine sending an internet mob against anyone I've ever dated no matter how bent I was about it afterwards. I vwoa't eriticize the Eacapist and I'm actually impressed by how well the was self-policing (for the one page that I read), but if I were still running a venae, I would steer far away fron this. It's eruel to Zoe Quinn and to many other people who relate to this. And it feeds the worst instincts of the instead of finding a way to maybe show them the light and belp them be a We were talking yesterday about that Bro Team guy and his adventures as a video creator One of the reasons he acts like a child, makes the videos that he does, and eracks jokes about his "boyhole is that nobody was around to tell him to grow up. Guys like that are the ones who are cireling around Quinn for ll their own pathetic reasons. We should work against that, in even the smallest ways, rather than permit it. Chris Dahlen 19 Also, I'm just reminded of the recent Polygon opinion pieces where they shut the comments off altogether. Commenting on somebody else's website or forum is a privilege, not a right. If you're going to be a s------, you don't get show quoted text show quoted text Show trimmed content 19 Display images in this post-Always display images from dancstarkey- Always display images in Game Journalism Professionals he line is whether or not it serves a legitimate publie interest. In theocy, you run any story you wish if you have editorial control. You also have the But you don't arbitrarily tell a someone to f--- off for nteractions, morality, and all that are complex and malti-faceted. It simply requires you to attempt to consider the consequences of your actions and determine if they will bring a net positive or a net negative about. have a nice day. There is no line because
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The mails ordered from the sanest e-mail to the most insane, at least in my opinion.

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