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999 Views Created 9 years ago By TehDoh • Updated 6 years ago

Created By TehDoh • Updated 6 years ago

CHRISTINA HOFF SOMMERS WEGHS IN ON GAMERGATE, IS etegory News D2nd reddt DDOS Artackx alect Single ayer, Simple Fi 8-1 Christina Hoft Sommers is the feminist that feminists love to hate thanics to her fact-based criticsms of what the movement has become she's regularty attacked 500al meda by peope who dsapee with har generaly reasionabke viewa. Har latsat controversy? Daring to suggist that gamers just might be people something Gawoer jounalist Adam Weinsten seems to strongly disagree with It aa began with a sing. Twwthom a few days ag エ Christinan H. Sommers Most gamers are not political. They have no desire to hurt anyone They just love their games. So don't confuse hem with vicious trolls. 600 PM , 28 Aug 2014 12 RETWEETS 38 fair stabement and one that necived wery little in the way of bacdash. In fact, mest pecple seamed so be supportive of the ides that milions of gamers anenll potentil rapists and internes trols something that some individuas find ditfiouit to bef eve. Finding new support Sommers posted more about Camergate and the eminist reaction surmounding it Buying Games Was Never Easier! => Click To Buy 139 Christina H. Sommers Gender police in gamer world are going to freak out when they see @rbutaly frank takedown. 43AM-1 Sep 21 8-1 59 RETWEETS 1 Fellow Nero has received death treats for his exposé of cronyism &twisted gender politics in game industry Has no plans for video about threats. Christinan H. Sommers Do video games b Economist defends games from hysterical reed evil? Smart 2005 article from the 1023 AM-1Sep 2014 Most gamers seem to support equality feminism. What they reject is today's male-bashing, propaganda-driven, fernale chauvinism. GamerGate 8-1 222 RETWEETS .33 AWORITES It's that last one that caused a bit of a stink with Gawor joumalist Adam Wi Gosh when you put it that way, harassing a journalist and driving her out of her home seems STILL F------ BONKERS OK 13PM-35 203 Sarkeesian has always been a controversial Spure-that's what you have to espet when you eport on in the gaming industry in the way she doem Some forgive her for the averal message, which is a poshive one but those that need convinding arent being taught anything. The videos she releases are n edho chambar for those unhappy with the gaming industry. and they den t need to look ay deser than that. Wish that said nobody should ee threats of arrything wiolent, and I've yat so see a singe person actally suggest that t's okay-ept for people saying shat there ane people saying that its okay ammers prabably could have leh it therw, but decided to write back to Weinstein Adam WeinateinAda Gath whan you put ie hat way harassing a journaliet and diving har out o Christina H.Sommers AdamWeinstein Is it your view that male gamers ane collectively guilty because of a few crazies? .@CHSommers No, it's my view that 1》 your caling it collective guilt" is a fallacious, emotional either-or. And 2 S17pM . 1 Sep 2004 CHSommers. You exploited (wyo condemning) her public ardeal to make your non-sequitur political argument about a fictional war on men Adam Weinstein @CHSommers But clearly, being the white knight you dlaim men need seems to be profitable, so don't let me impede. Carry on. 19PM-1 Sep 2034 Ae thia point several of the Gawloer editor's followwrs chime in moding the "MRA supporter. Thare's to and tro between Weinsten and Sommers discussing where she gets her information trom @AdamWeinstein I reviewed a lot of disoussions, looked at lots of data, and then determined that gamers are normal human beings. S RETWEETS 43 mǐ絼erjoyed by people ofàcertain mentality, who callfor her to dte her reseach. tf you've made this far, wlcome so The Twilight Zone: eminist i sying that gamers are human bings and people ae dsagreeing with her and anking her to prove t, as though it's not fairly obvious in the fist instane These are the same people no doubt who rushed to Zoe Quinn's aid when she daimed to be attacked by the denicens of Wizardchan How marry of tham asloed for proof then? How maty are asking for it Adam Weinstein Adarmn doen The only person climing to speak for Christina H. Sommers GAdamWeinstein Adam, I have said some kind words about mean I speak for them.What is your point? 8PM-3 Sep 2014 t gamers. But speaking about a group does not That's not the end of Sommers thoughts on the isue though, and she1 be releasing a video in the coming days
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