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1222 Views Created 9 years ago By statue345 • Updated 4 years ago

Created By statue345 • Updated 4 years ago

Anonymous 07/29/10(Thu)13:08 No. 11425859 A high fntasy type Pirates game; I'm playing an Ex-fisherman turned BIG DAMN HERO in a world which could, at best, be described as cynical, and at worst, be described as 'GM hates idealist and heroes' so my character ended up as a long suffering 'No good deed goes unpunished type; if someone asked me for help with their sister wo was getting mugged, it was a hook to mug me, the rest of the party took use of my good nature and used me as a meat shield, all the time, my character didn't care, well, didn't mind. And he wasn't that smart either, he was infact, rather stupid. But nice and kind, and good Anonymous 07/29/10(Thu)13:10 No. 11425881 >11425859 Eventually, we hit the BBEG whos plan is to become god, ect, ect, using an ancient crystal, that was te last tear of adead God, THE dead god. Only problem is, it corrupts whoever it touches Now, this game has 2 major individual features, Corruption points, representing how open your soul is to twisting by others and magic, and a sort of Limit Break/Trace' thing, which activated when you were under serious emotional stress; or had a chance to. Causing you to change form and become a living avatar of your soul/mind, due to a series of bad rolls, my chaacter had never used his trance mode The BBEG stands before us, crystal in hand, gloating about how evil wins and he will destroy our village first, then Smacks down the entire group in one hit; while ascending to his godly form; his human form had a corruption rating of about 750, where something like r---, long, drawn out torture, or genocide, had a rating of about 50. This multiplies by 100, due to the influence of the crystal and how twisted and insane his god form is is based off this number...think Eldrich abomination so horiffic that Hastur would look at it and go F--- me! What's that?! All the PCs are down, the world is doomed, we were meant to get there and stop him before he managed this as a group I have a ew skills and feats that have automatic effects, one of which is called Risen determination", roll a D100 each time a PC is downed, 5% chance of you getting back up if you are down, or healing to full if you're up Anonymous 07/29/10(Thu)13:11 No. 11425901 P> I ask to be allowd to roll. GM thinks Sure, why not' and lets me.l roll 4 times, 2, 3, 98, 1 Back up; full health. I then ask the GM if I can roll for trance, as this...creature, stands against everything I belive in...and I need to kill it to save everything I love Sure, why not? Critical; Trance. Cool. Still no chance of beating it, as this thing is a literal walking God, and I just happen to be an angry fisherman. I describe my trance form; half way between liquid and man, Davey Jones from Pirates of the Carribian style cross between the pure heart of the ocean and a man who tames it, wearing a owing coat of seaweed, hair made of the wildest storm wracked water, with eyes like a storm to come and glowing lightest blue. The colour of purity I rally to face the monster before me and its on me in moments, wanting us all gone for good. so it can focus on destroying all life I take the blow, taking me down to about a quarter health in one as it disintergrates half my body, which reforms quickly. The other PCs watch my futile atempts to fell this...this monster, as I roar defiance against the darkness of the world I live in, tired of good people getting hurt because no one cares. My last act At which point, I return the favour, with my own unique trance ability. The one I'd been itching to use throughout the capaign; the first and most simple of my trace abilities. I place my rod down charge and, in an apparently, final, desperate act, grab the beast by the horns with a roar that crosses from human noise, into the thunder of acoming storm Anonymous 07/29/10(Thu)13:13 No. 11425923 >11425901 Thoom; a blinding white flash; as my flesh rips and tears, becoming an equally eldrich abomination, a huge serpent made from flesh, the oceans and the weather, the size of small worlds, and, with the bellowing roars of the terrible malstrom to come, as the living god screams in terror at the sight of me and what I am becoming and as I tear him limb from limb The Serpent, Transformation ability, gain for 1D4+1 rounds, a combat multiplier equal to the highest corruption creatures corruptionX1.5. A X112500 combat multiplier on my power God never stood a chance I then landed again, as the storm I had became abated, the creature gone, and the crystal landed in my hand I looked at it and nodded. Then held it to my heart for a moment and then became a god GM said Right, looks like we have a new BBEG... "Nope. I'm fine." Anonymous 07/29/10 (Thu)1 0 11425923 o, you just took the crystal, your corruption is through the roof, I'm not letting you play that. You've been driven insan- "No pe 0 Times anything What? 0 Corruption The world became better than it was slowly and over the next few years, lessgrimdark, less..uncaring, it became a better place. The Malestrom Serpent willed it; and it was so. And his will was so strong that could change the world. Even before the crystal gave him the power to actually change the world with his will Some say you can meet him on lonely nights, fishing out under the moon in the form of a young fisherman with eyes the colour of the coming storm We're doing a new game in the same world, 100 years on, starting ext week. Where the Iron will of a hero has changed the world for the better and the Malestrom Serpent is now a living God still around We're playing a group of fishermen
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