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831 Views Created 9 years ago By ipurin • Updated 6 years ago

Created By ipurin • Updated 6 years ago

Extremes I'm a nobody. I don't know how many tweets you get coming at you, especially now, I can only imagine how much you have to sort through. I'm just one voice, and sadly, I'm sure it will get drowned out by louder and more numerous voices. This is an issue that bothers me though, and it needs to be said. I just hope I don't get ignored and my message is heard. If not by you, Zoe, by someone Extremes. If you listen to the media, it seems to be all that exists anymore. You're either on one end of the spectrum or the other. There is no in between. You're either with us, or against us, and if you're against us, then you have all the traits we associate with the other side. There are no exceptions, no matter how you present yourself There are a lot of people upset about all this, and what it has uncovered. I think it's extremely juvenile to simply brush off anyone with criticism involved with this as "against women in gaming." While I'm positive there are some among us who feel that strongly about it, MANY of us do not feel that way. At the end of the day, we love games, regardless of where they come from or who made them. A lot of us understand the part women not only play in the current industry, but in the history of the entire culture Case in point, when The Fine Young Capitalists wanted to thank 4chan's N/ board for their donations to their project, they asked N/ for suggestions on their video series regarding women in gaming, the response was clear They wanted them to do videos on great females who work in the industry. N/ even supplied TFYC with a picture that's been passed around N/ for ages, of prominent women who have contributed significantly to the industry. I want to make that clear, this picture has been around for a long time, it wasn't created for the sole purpose of sending this to TFYC. When TFYC askedi, many users requested someone post that picture, as it's a perfect example of many of the women who work in the industry You can find that picture here:http://i.imgur.com/6Crriga.png" class-"linkifyplus >http://i.imgur.com/6Crriga.png Nl donated to TFYC not because of spite, or because of pity. I'm sure some anons did, because the extreme DOES exist, but the response was so strong because n/ believed in the message TFYC was trying to deliver They believed not enough women got into gaming because they were told they couldn't, and they wanted to prove that women CAN design and make great games. Many anons didn't even care about the message, but liked the games being presented and voted because they wanted to see the game get made This message again is very clear in the character N/ came together and designed for TFYC because of their donation level. Vivian James. "Let's just play already." It's a message that should resonates with what I'm trying to say. The majority of us, again ignoring the extremes, just love great games and will support those great games A lot of us are annoyed at those threatening your life. It's not helping our message, it's not helping our cause Your biggest defense is that you're being harassed you, doxed, insulted, and threatened. Instead of actually addressing the concerns, it becomes about you being attacked. I think I speak for a lot of us when I say that's despicable of those doing that to you. I know I don't speak for everyone, because again, those on the extreme ends of the spectrum DO exist, but they are not the majority of the people talking about this We're getting grouped with those people however, and anything we try to bring to light gets discredited, not by the merit of its claim, but by your automatic association with those who are actually doing you harm. I do not know if it's intentional or not, but it seems hypocritical to judge someone based on your assumption of them, rather tharn what they are actually trying to say I also want to make it very, VERY clear that the extremes are on BOTH ends of the spectrum. I have seen some absolutely disgusting things being said from people who support you. Everything you're allegedly going through, I have seen done to people in YOUR name. One in particular that stands out to me, is comparing anyone on this "side" to ISIS. That should sicken you And so, we come to this. The actual issue we have. As I've mentioned in my earlier tweets, which I am assuming you paid little attention to, we have been tired of the corruption rampant in the industry for some time. It's obvious what's going on, but rarely do we have evidence. We only see what's on the surface, and can only guess what's going on behind the scenes. Sometimes we get glimpses, but very rarely do we get anything concrete Then Eron comes along with his "manifesto." First thing I want to address is this, stop trying to simply write it off as a jilted ex-boyfriend. He provides CREDIBLE sources for his claims. i.e. directly from you, Zoe. He proves the chat logs are not doctored, but seeing how you're the one that wrote to him, you very well know this. People have been put under the bus with MUCH less evidence I want to stress this next part, as it is one of the more common deflections made. The fact that you slept with several individuals is NOT the issue. I can not stress this enough. What is important is who you slept with, and some will argue infidelity as it speaks to your character. They believe that you can not be trusted, and plays a large part as to why many people are so willing to believe you'd false-flag your doxs, and that you did them yourself. They believe that if you can be that manipulative to someone you claim you care about, how far are you willing to go to prove your point to people you don't even know. Having an active sexual life is one thing, cheating is something else all together, and will always paint someone in a different light to many people afterwards The infidelity, while an issue for some, is not the resounding problem though. The issue is journalistic integrity and just how close and familiar developers are getting with their journalists reporting on them. Most of us know Nathan Grayson never wrote a review for your game. While it's not clear the exact conditions of your relationship with Nathan at the time of the posted article concerning the failed Game Jam relationship, he did not make the ethical decision to report the relationship, and recuse himself from possible future situations r you two engaged in a sexual The fact that he did not do that bothers many. It seems to indicate that it's not instilled into journalists that it's the ethical thing to do. Many developers and journalists form close bonds, but when a journalist reports on something, we have no transparency of the connection and bond those two entities share. When a journalist gets close to a developer, that creates a conflict of interest as they may be more or sometimes even less favorable of the content the developer creates because of their connection they share. Whether or not they are more favorable or less critical, it is still a clear and present conflict of interest. It has manipulated their motivation, as they might expect more of them, or are more willing to let something slide, because of their bond. It does not matter if Nathan never reported on anything you've done since you had sexual encounters. He should have known what the ethical thing to do was, and he did not take that step At the time of me writing this, Kotaku has admitted they should be more transparent to this exact kind of thing Stephen Totilo has not only said they will make sure that articles will make sure to mention personal connections between the journalist and news source, but that any of their journalists aren't allowed to directly fund individual developers through Patreon. Why do you think this is? It's true, it wasn't JUST the Nathan Grayson stuff that brought it to this, but how can you continue to claim this is just about you as a woman, when we're already gotten Kotaku to admit they might have been wrong? And it all comes back to extremes. I hope someone took the time to read this and can see that I'm not a sexist pig sending r--- threats, but rather someone who is upset at something they are passionate about, and finally getting the concrete evidence needed to demand some change. If you see the constant threads on Ni, the overwhelming call is to NOT harass, as that will accomplish nothing. You're focusing just on the extremists, and I fully agree that what they are doing is juvenile and reprehensible. They are just the loudest though. That majority believe it or not, are right there with you thinking they are terrible people. But you need to stop grouping everyone who isn't in support of you into that category. I hope I reach out to even just one person, and at the end of this they understand that we're not all extremists
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Zoë Quinn


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