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4128 Views Created 9 years ago By $200 • Updated 2 years ago

Created By $200 • Updated 2 years ago

3110 2074) Sweet Sundae Ramen Recipe Anonymous 03/05/14(Tue/14:54 ZI No 5664981トーau峚ー 쓰 Halla lck I see that there's a lst af difent necipes for ramen on here, and that there's a lst af cha that know their stu Tm not eally a professional chef, bur rd lsa to share my recipe I call it sert sundaa ramen frst, you start uf with any flavar of amen, as leng aa ifs the maruchas brand Anonymous oaos 14(Tuen4 55 50 Na 5664934トofessa Sweet Sundae Ramen Recipe rm踺the edge of my 5831 OP 06/06/14(Tse)16 00 15 No 5664999 Ok of course step one of all ramen. add w ter doesn't have to be fancy wa er or at temperature Just plan room temperatur"ap Anonymous 03/05/14(Tue/15 01 59 No 5668000 Fie MO 22aig(805 KB, 3110x2074 Stap twa, put ramas in micrewane an high for 4 mins Wde youre wating grab the ether ingrathants and throw out tha packaging INCLUDING THE SPICE PACKET (This is why wa used manchan because they han·th. space pacot an sido abt6/14(Tue)15 08 34 No S665015ト nitin 785 KB. 310 2074 ok here's the nynderts' anyone the tread? water aut completely magic shell chocalate shomemade fudge m here. you dsgusting excuse for ahumon Anonymous 08OS/14(Tu 12. 59 № 6065034 semetresi would consider this shiposting, bat thi"non緡ㅲ no way ncorrect OP·s pg dsgmng oaas/14(Tue/15 13 22 Na 5666025 ら12.25 No 5665023 -stem: Im glad to hear at least are persan is reading this First, IN stat of with the pappermint naveing You 6,5 16 No 5055034 849 KB, 3110 2074 got this might not be everyone's cup of ea. butI premise its great, and overyone I make R far Next step. 1 adted biue foad colering You can add any coler but Ited yellow useless, and grean 6 52 No 566503688 827 KB 31102074) what the f--- is happening in thi threae? Why am I hangy Sht I meant AM Should I repost a Anyury, nest step is add honey weuld you do this gives it TONs of TONs of flavor Fle IMG20 1673 KB 311000074) hikit诌the hermannade bdge I dont realy have 1herecipe for tablespoon and add it in rig naw, but you take Fl MG 2183 i9 1806 KB 3110 0074) Stir the meted fudge then add yaur seconds so the fudge mets 46 KB, 1866 1244 Some people don't ldoe this, so thisi" ton려 but "ke adán9ぁpoptat tot tor th t eot73 5weetness 3nd a poptart Thank youl Im glad to hear some pesnive feedback. Its realy delicisus tbe l 3dd the pudting because t's gettng·itle tick so the puding makes the noodles skp araund easier 543 36 № 5666110 s 08/05/14(Tue)5:37 20 No 5665095 28310 55A 03(BST KB, 31102174) Next I paelad the banana. its best to have the banana blanded, but I dont want to dity any mere dishes, so I mash t inside the boul with t VER THE LINVE File L K iu : 377 KB 1966x1244) Then you add the marshmallows OPTIONAL C--- ㅲ microwave on high for 30 seconds 10 met the mashmasaws SE KB 500x370) Hou mrony 5mes can ypu mcwae a bewl of cqmen befere it starts to begin Anonymous 0805/14(Ti 15 43 07 № 5666108 -witti Did the thead de Add a busch of mini at egular sized chacolata chips. I don't profar crowaving thase because than you wont have File reli-anup 3110x2074) used what Next a the hastry Any uaks,リ have blue aspbey Fle sopma( KB, 2100a0 51 32 No 5665148 Fle:NG 200(900 KB, 31102074) Mint is gros with chocaae 55207 N. 5615160 le: 1342095706595 (35 KB, 720720 225001142 YOURE WORRIED ABOUT THE TASTE Add a dolep of whipped cream Anonymous 08/05/14(Tue)5 5 Fla: padf (702 KB. 320x240) OT No 5666165 Like any sundse, add spinkles! This is any kids faoe pert The chidien are 55 KB. 3110x2074] Anomymous 08/05/14(Tu)15:57.08 No 5565172 № 5666175 Fle 132283 1344 KB 413s376) Anonym ous 0a05/14(Tue 115 57 2S № 5666173 2548510 Now is the part you CAN YOU FEEL IT MR OVER
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