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2300 Views Created 10 years ago By ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ ‍ • Updated about a year ago

Created By ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ ‍ • Updated about a year ago

□ Anonymous (ID: pxiAfGrD) 06/22/13(Sat)16:24:55 No.488590143 File: 1371932695171.ipg-(146 KB, 570x742, Bob-ong jpg) >Feminists are sexual supremacists, pure and simple and should be looked at no differently than the Ku Klux Klan, Al Sharpton, or the Westboro Baptist Church. This isn't the 1800's. You got your equal rights, now shut the f--- up. >There's nothing inherently wrong with being gay, but I shouldn't be able to tell that you're a f-- or d--- just by looking at you. Gay "pride" parades should be outlawed. There's nothing to be proud of and no kid should be subjected to some f----- in a dress with a dildo strapped to his forehead dancing down the street. If I had a straight pride parade, I'd be labled a homophobic closet case >Anyone who uses the argument "Hurr durr u don't love gay pplz dat must mean ur secretly gay yourself" should be allowed to be legally killed on the spot. That is the most ignorant f------ backwards logic Ive ever heard. I hate pedophiles, does that mean I secretly enjoy f------ children? >The legal drinking age in America is fine right where it is (21). Most 21 year olds are too f------ stupid and immature to be drinking alcohol, let alone 18 year old high school kids. Christ Marijuana is moving towards the same acceptance as alcohol and tobacco, deal with it. People have the right to abstain from it just the same as anything else, but those who speak out against it do not deserve to be taken seriously about anything >The first two Pokemon generations were great, and the third was decent. Everything after that is a pile of s--- (except for the evolutions and pre-evolutions of the first 351). Make a f------ MMO with the first 351 and maintain it but cease all development of Pokemon games after that 95% of high school students are worthless n----- wannabe pieces of s--- and are going to end up being worthless n----- adults Kill them and use valuable resources on the kids hat actually have poen >People who militantly listen to only one genre of music (rap, metal, whatever) are f------ and shouldn't be taken seriously >Anyone who has their kids taken by the State should be mandatorily sterilized or face life in prison if they refuse. Who cares when they can just pop out a new one in 9 months? The salaries of celebrities and professional athletes should be no more than 100k a year and see how long they do it for "the love of the game". Why should some knuckle-dragging spear chucker be paid millions of dollars for throwing a rubber ball back and forth? Their "jobs" serve no purpose and do nothing to make our society better. F--- the NBA, NFL, and the Kardashians A woman who is proven (or admits) to falsely accusing a man of r----- her deserves the same sentence the man would have gotten. Watch false r--- accusation rates plummet overnight. The reason the sluts do it is because they know that even if they're proven to be liars, there will be no ramifications >Starting at age 70 you should be legally required to re-take the same drivers test you took at 16 to keep your license. This should be required every year until you die. 99.9% of people over 70 on the road are ten times more dangerous than a drunk driver. Yes, this statistic was pulled out of my ass but it's taken from personal experience I've been on /b/ since 2007 and with the exception of the trends that have came and gone (Boxoxy, Jessi Slaughter, etc.) it's about the same as it's always been. Lots of shitposting and trolling, and a few gem thread s every now and then >While Kim Kardashian is my example of the physically perfect woman (face, body, t---, ass, skin tone), her personality is ugly as f---. She is what happens when a beautiful person is told they're beautiful over and over and never expected to be anything more than that. Her and Kanye West are a match made in heaven and their baby is going to be a conceded, vapid p------------ just like her parents >Gang members (Crips, Bloods, Gangster Disciples, MS-13, La Eme, etc.) should be labled as domestic terrorists and subject to the same laws and treatment as the sandniggers >The first three Mortal Kombat games were god-tier. Every game after MK4 was s--- with the exception of Shaolin Monks and the reboot >Revenge of the Sith is the hands-down best Star Wars movie story and action-wise >Eminem's first four albums (Infinite through The Eminem Show) were amazingly good. Since then I feel like he's really fallen off. Recovery was decent though >Any woman that is not black that is a n----- lover is a disgusting joke and deserves to be treated as such. There's a reason that no self-respecting man will get with a mudshark. >D---- that try to pass for men are a joke as well. Your plaid shirt, buzz cut, can of Skoal, Doc Martens, and fake "deep" voice doesn't make you a man no matter how hard you wish it did. If you want to f--- chicks, then by all means, f--- chicks. But stop trying to be something you're not. You look and sound like a 12 year old boy, not a man >If Mexicans want to immigrate to the U.S. legally, that's fine by me. After all, we were all immigrants at some point in our bloodline. However, you need to learn to speak, read, and write FLUENT English. There's o reason why I should have to learn Spanish if I don't live in Spain or a Latin country. Are Mexicans expected to learn English in Mexico and label every product in their stores bi-lingually? I didn't think so. F------ spics >All of the people who are against saying the "n-word" unless you're a n-----, because n------ are the only ones that "can" say it and it's okay. Limiting who can and cannot use a f------ word solely because of the color of their skin is.. "gasp RACIST!
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