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5267 Views Created 10 years ago By Γ Da Count Γ • Updated 4 years ago

Created By Γ Da Count Γ • Updated 4 years ago

PURPLE PRILES YesSiR, THaT SNeeRING SNeaK KNOWN as waLuiGi COULDNT SiMPLY LeT His COUNTeRPaRT WaRiO HO6 a PRiMe SPOT iN SuPeR MaRio 64 DS, NOT a cHaNce. He's useD aLL THe TRiCKS UP HiS PURPLe sLeeves TO PULL a caMeo FOR HiMSeLFI ONLY THe Best PLaYeRS wILL GeT TO see HiM THOUGH, as it seeMS He's set uP Quite THe scaveNGeR HUNT TO HiS LoCaTiON! we askeD THe DastaRDLY DOPPLeGaNGeR FOR aNY CLUeS ON FINDING HiM. AFTeRwaRDS, a secReT SWITCH WiLL ReveaL MY DOOR. ALL THat ReMaiNS iS a CHaLLeNGe FROM THe RaBBiT KING FOR ITS keyl 9236 150 9E318 wLuiGi LiTeRaLlY Has a WHeN WaLuiei PICKS UP SPRING IN HiS STep as He a PoWeR FLOweR, He BOUNCeS aROUND LL PUTS HiS LaNKY Lees to oveR The PLace. GOOD use HiS SPROiNGY SHoeS TRait WaRPSPeeD WaLuiGi wiLL MeaNS HiS LONG JUMPS, DaZZLe eNeMieS wiTH DiSTaNce wiTHiN SecONDS! THiS BOOST aLSO WORKS WHiLe SwiMMINGI BOUNDS aHeaD OF THe COMPenTION. WHat a cHeateR! Remember to watch for my special ending after setting me loose! Good luck finding me, everyone! Wah hah hah hah!
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