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535 Views Created 10 years ago By tdc898 • Updated 6 years ago

Created By tdc898 • Updated 6 years ago

● Amonsmous 01/08/14(Wed)17:56 36 No 29372514 I▼] deat25丑2229372612 222幻12551 20293zzrg Ignatius. Jammer othe Slam 01/08/14(Wed 18:26 26 № 29373287 [«J 2229373369 Rolled 1d20:18 Pathetic mortals! You may have defeated the Lichnomancer, but he was marely a pawn in my greater gama. Now witness the dunks that I shall infict upon this world ● Charles Barkley 01/08/1AWed17 2712 No 29371771 [▼] Charlet arkie!sized pg(15 KB. 210286) googte it Kobe Brar! 01/08/14(Wed18 3006 № 29373369 [▼129373391 2293T3405 2229373406 22293734132229373 Lpg (9 KB. 275x183) 2 ! 22291343g >>29373475 I take of my YOU TWO HANDLE THE LICHNOMANCER, LL TAKE THE LORD OF SLAMS GET READY, TOUGH GUY Five-hundred-and-one years ago, the dark Lichnomancer, nine feet tall and striding in robes of ebon silk, armed with a staff mounted with human souls, threw the world into darkness, and was prophecized to be defeated by a chosen hero Those humans Tonunate erou to su ne eek 0试a maa erexistence on the crops the re able to o with two hours of cloudy da ht noon-the rest of the time thero is any haze and the hated of spits who wish a 'an for l e Every few months, you hear about another village destroyed by the Lichnomancers unchecked roving armies of the dead, that he doesnt even bother to direct or stand down One year aga, the haro was rebom to try again, and battled the Lichnomancer in his own arena-but faled at the critical hour On the annwersary of Bill Murray's dele腻a black-and-gold carriage rides ireo your vilage Doors and windows shut and boarded up, but you were too slow, and are locked out Nice job, kidl Once me and Charles got the Lichnomancer down, we'll help you with this guy The carriage opens its door and out comes every nightmare you've had- he steps ightly, but towers over you by over three feet HUMAN, a ghastly voice that chils you to the bone speaks as his skull glows pale light without moving its jaw. 7 HAVE COME FOR ONE REASON, AND ONE REASON ALONE. SUEMIT, AND IMAY SPARE THS VILLAGE, IF ONLY OUT OF DISNTEREST IN IT. Your knes wobbling t takas all your courage to croak out a W-whatr He slams his staff into the ground, and around you forms a basketbail court of blood, bone, and sinnew 가te summons not a sconeboard, held alot by a ho enng draco6ch its boney wngs keeping rt the ar at the cost of betting you wth 70 mph wands every few seconds the Lichromancer seems to take no heed Lastly he makes a fist, and above it forms out of a hundred screaming souls bound for the Abyss a spherical objact - a baskatball. Ha grabs t and casually throws t into your chest with almost enough force to knock you over 1AM HERE TO JAM dice+ 1d20 01/08/14(Wed)18:09:45 No.29372844 [ ▼ 2229172066 Anonymous 01/0814Wedy18:45:03 No 29373757 my body was not ready or all tese slams Anonymous 010014 Wedn84532№293737661 ROLLING OPPOSED OPPOSED BASKETBALL CHECK ONE Rolled 1d20: 20 . Lichnenancer 01/08/14(Wed)1B 13:10 No 29372947 [▼]222幻n0竝222917103 MORE 133237 gf (1.99 MB, 431x211) google igc DONT THINK I CAN LET YOU OFF THAT EASLY, BONEBAG Rolled 1d20: 14 Whiteagle 01/08/14(Wed)18:37.45 No 29373588[1223373624 DO YOU 께NK YOU WERE BETTER THAN ME, BRYANT? Yes, even the greatest ballers drop the ball sometimes 3836998 1242 ipg(57 KB, 394x437) g0ogle igdb ● Anorumous 01 r14(WedJ18:23 20 No 293731961삔2-293732 sounds WELCOME TO THE JAM, LICHNOMANCER Anonymous 01/06/14(Wed)18 2231 No 29373174 [▼] Kurzedlat (187 KB. 200x200, good yth 29373722 29373723 AT LAST, THE WORLD IS MINE WATCH OUT FOR MY 3 POINTER Whiteagle 01/08/14Wed)18 4248 No 2937370212313T44 YOU STILL HAVENT DEFEATED ME, IGNAIUS I AM NOT YET DEFEATED, MORTAL FOOLS Man, you're really bad at this "Slam of the Fates thing, arent you? Rolled 1d20: 14 OH NO YOU DONT Anonymous 01/08/140Wed)19:00:50 No.29374172[ IMPS, TAKE IT DOWNTOWN KB, 225x225) google gdb ·yhi eagle 01/08/14(Wed)18 44 07 No 29373731 [▼] >>ATT 2229373731 229313313 Rolled 1d20:17 -The Lichnomancer's ancient bones clatter to the ground, the energy that once hald them togethar failing against the combined B-Baling of Charles Barkdey and Lary Bied (40 KB. 447x599) google EVEN THE PERSONFICATION OF DARKNESS ITSELF CANT MATCH MY POWER Charles Barkley 01 08/14(W d)18 46 08 No 29373783 [▼] >>2M3804 2229373 塑2-2937 16 >>29 T3a31 2229373839 >>29373851 >>20373392 >229373913 WELP HERE I GO ROLLING FOR NEGATIVE B-BALL ANTI-PROTON COLUSION · The Narator 010B/14(Wed)18S8:18No.29374113[,] 222937420222937432 8:46 30 No 29373791 The Chaos Dunk has been slammed, and earything has baen changed Our hero, Charles Barkley, has fnally ended the long and homble reign of the Lichnomancer and his dark lord, Innatius. Although there were many casualties along the way. Barkley now stands victorious on the court, surrounded by the bodies of his friends, and of his enemies. Kabe Bryant, Larry Bird, and Whitaagle have all given their lnes to seal away the a forever. They will ba remembered as heroas for the reat of time . The Narrator 0108/14Wed)19 05 28 № 29374325 [▼] . Gazeelthe Dunking Imp 01/06/14(Wed)18:47:15 №.29373809 [»)竺29373001 374113 What happened to Barkdey, you may ask? Ks said he disappeared ater the battle, ascending to the heavens by sheer might of his b-balin' energies, becoming the one true GOD OF B-BALL. Others say he sleeps, deep within the earth, waiting for another lian to threaten the world New eis ave appeared, and new heroes tise to Sght them on the Holy Court, where the wold was saved Grandpa 01/08/14(Wed)19 20:21 No.29374728 228 KB. 1600x1200) goog! 7 34 No 29373816 [ N Nol The B-Ball apocalypse is upon us And that, children, is the story of how the angel Charles Barkley banished all evil from our world. Kabe.. Larry.. many other great angels were lost that day in the final batle against Ignatius and the Onder of the Hoop, and when you say your prayers ● Anonymous 0108/140wed)18 48 03 No 29373831 [▼] >As the wind whistles through the fallen skul of the one could airrost swear that he could be heard laughing Your ball is the ball that will pierce the heavens 2229313183 IT CANT BE Our love, our hate, AND ALL OF OUR SLAMSH Anonymous 010w14wedV18 49 01 No 29373851 [▼] N THE END, IT HAD TO END THIS WAY
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