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3268 Views Created 10 years ago By MrMcNuggets • Updated 6 years ago

Created By MrMcNuggets • Updated 6 years ago

faceboolk Home Profile Find Friends Account Search Shera Shaul Basic Information Sex Female Create an Ad Networks Palm Harbor University High School, University of Florida Shera only shares some profile information with everyone. Share Profile Report/Block This Person facebook Find People and More Shera Shaul: A Needed Apology Dor Rubin Shera's Notes Notes about Shera | Shera's Profile Share + A Needed Apology Today at 3:27am In this note Jonathan Danieis I left Jon, my boyfriend of two years, and ignored him for 3 weeks while his heart was broken into pieces and he was failing his midterms, while he was getting two hours of sleep a night and only able to eat peanut butter during the few hours a day he wasn't sick to his stomach, when all he wanted to do to get through the pain was talk to me and see my face again. But I wouldn't even give him that. I went out and partied at night, going out to clubs and lingerie parties with other guys, while I knew he was sitting alone in his room until 5 in the morning crying over me for 3 weeks straight. Then tonight at a party, I pulled Dor Rubin, the guy I told Jon I left him for, right up behind Jon's back so I could make out with Dor and break my ex boyfriends heart into pieces although it was like that already. Once again I used another guy to break Jon's heart, just like I did when I kissed one of Jon's friends the night I was Jon's date for Senior Prom. But now I have turned into the exact person I promised Jon I would never become. For two of the most important years of my life I was Jon's babaroo, his jewbaby, and I meant everything to him. But over the past month I have done everything in my power to crush his soul, and I have succeeded. In fact, I have done many more things to intentionally hurt him that I don't have room for here. My worst nightmare was always that Jon would leave me and start hooking up with other people right away, and instead I made that nightmare come true for him. I have ensured he can never look back on those two years of memories we had, two years of spending almost every single day together, without feeling anything but pain and sadnesS. Now he is pathetic, just like I tell him on the phone if he tries to call me. He barely has any friends in our fraternity, because he spent this entire semester trying with everything he had to fix our relationship. I told him I was doing the same, but that was a lie, which I admit to him now. He loved me unconditionally, in fact I was and still am the only girl he has ever kissed or dated in his entire life, and for some reason seeing him heartbroken makes me happy. I slept with a new guy less than a week after the last time I had sex with my ex boyfriend, and now he has to see me with this other guy every week and at every party he goes to, and every time that happens I make sure to rub it in his face. I have broken every promise I ever made to him, revealed so many lies from our relationship that was based on honesty, and that still isn't enough for me; I don't know why. He never cheated on me, was always honest and caring, told me how beautiful I was every day, was my best friend when I needed him to be, supported me in everything I did, and I know he even would have given his life if it meant saving mine. Even though all my friends tell me it's ok to do what I'm doing, I know in my heart it is not. I know Jon could never hurt another human being, especially someone he dated for two years, in the ways I have hurt him over the past month. He has a D in two classes because of the midterms he failed right after I left him, has to transfer out of the apartment he has in the building right next to mine, and will probably have to drop the fraternity because I proved tonight I will go out of my way to hurt him if he stays in it. I am writing this to say I am sorry to my ex-boyfriend, since this is the only apology he will ever get. And the saddest part is, it means nothing to me. That's because I am sleeping at Dor's tonight, which I made sure Jon heard before I left, while Jon is spending another night alone and heartbroken because of me Written 7 hours ago Comment Like Report Note
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