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2016 Views Created 10 years ago By Shrewsbury • Updated 6 years ago

Created By Shrewsbury • Updated 6 years ago

! File: 1383348894848 jg-(799 KB, 2596x1596, 1.jpg 器 Anonymous 11/01/13(Fri)16:34 UTC-7 No 18566163 ° Reple"Items It was buzzing around my head all day, so I swatted at it, and it hit my monitor and started twitching on my desk. I decided he shouldn't be let there to die slowly in pain after our battle Instead he should go on to ly Vahala I executed him via fining squad just now ! Anonymous 11/01/13(Fn)16: 36 UTC-7 № 18566183。 a magical place Anonymous 11/01/13/Fri)16:39 UTC-7 No.18566206 KB, 23001724, 2 ipg Im going to give him a proper funeral I cant get him off the duct tape though, but I think it'll be ok. Anonymous 11/0 13(Fri)16:41 UTC-7 No 18566228 0 Reples 쯔1aseeaal (1008 KB, 2560x 1944, 3 jpg) Im including some things he might need in the afterlife, two coins to pay the ferryman, the BB that killed him Anonymous 11/01/13(Fn)1647 UTC-7 No 18566277。 File 7 KB, 2456x1792, 4 jpg) He was dying He never would have survived in the wilds again. I've applied the Hoppe's to the nugget- Anonymous 11/01/13(Fr)16:50 UTC-7 No. 18566299 File: 1333349813172 in9-(1.9 MB, 3264x2448, 20131101 181616 jpg) Reples 2 18588357 23185883192 I feel like we should be saying some prayers or singing hymns . Anonymous 11/01/13 Fri)16 58 UTC-7 No. 18666391。 Anonymous 11/01/13(Fri)16:54 UTC-7 No. 18566347Replies185863018586383 18588406 Fle: 1333350088395 ing-(1.49 MB, 3264x2448, 20131101 181829 jpg) 15 KB, 170x170, 1332063771545 jpg) Why does this make me feel good You were almost somewhat of a worthy apponent dear fly 11/01/13(Fri)17:01 UTC-7 No 18566422 O Repler;Iiwn42'slasewouww521mou쑈 Fle: 13333505 16046 100-(335 KB, 2108x1428, 7.jpg Anonymous 11/01/13(Fri)16 56 UTC-7 No. 18666360 File: 1383350161355 jpg 18 KB, 400x400, 1379998397119 jpg) AND AM I BORN TO DIE Anonymous 11/01/13(Fri)17:03 UTC-7 No 18566430 0 Replies: grasseus-asee Fle: 1333350 88333 jing-(417 KB, 2092x1316, 8 jpg) TO LAY THIS BODY DOWN Anonymous 11/01/13(Fri)17 05 UTC-7 No. 18566449。 File: 1383350703153 ipg1259 KB, 1752x 1120, 9 jpg) AND MUST MY SPIRIT Anonymous 11/01/13(Fri)17.07 UTC-7 No.18566476 File 1333350849072·pg(75 KB. 508x360, Fly in valhalla Pg) Anonymous 11/01/13(Fri)17.06 UTC-7 No. 18566466Reples 1886436 File: 1333350782195 jng-(245 KB 1836x1192, 10. jpg) s among brethren now INTO A WORLD UNKNOWN Anonymous 11/01/13(Fri)17:08 UTC-7 No. 18566486 File Anonymous 11/01/13(Fri)17:09 UTC-7 No 18566496 Repies: 18588512 File: 1393350946651 ing-(274 KB, 1840x1080, 11.jpg) 108 KB, 1500x1003, 21 gun salute.ipg) A LAND OF DEEPEST SHADE -dem feels Anonymous 11/01/13(Fri)17:10 UTC-7 No. 18566515 513 KB, 2824x 1692, 12 jpg) Anonymous 11/01/13(Fri)17 20 UTC-7 No.18566596 Replies: 18588627 File: 1383351639752 jpg(102 KB, 545x449, 1359184554234 jpg) THOUGHT Anonymous 11/01/13(Fri)17 12 UTC-7 No 18566524。 File: 1383351131461 i9-(702 KB, 2832x1868, 14 jpg) THE DREARY REGIONS OF THE DEAD Anonymous 11/01/13(Fri)17 14 UTC-7 No 18566537。 File: 1383351242664 ing4662 KB, 2460x1828, 15,ipg) WHERE ALL THINGS Anonymous 11/01/13(Fril)17.15 UTC-7 No. 18566552 1 KB, 2724x1636, 16.jpg) SOON AS FROM Anonymous 11/01/13(Fri)17 17 UTC-7 No 18566566。 90 KB, 2384x1412, 17 jpg) WHAT WILL BECOME Anonymous 11/01/13(Fn)17.05 UTC-7 No 18666455。 Fle: 1383350735747 jpg-(16 KB, 27300409, reagan soldier crying jipg) 。 Anonymous 11/01/13(Fri)17:18 UTC-7 No 18566576 File: 1333351521485 jng-(429 KB, 2208x1140, 18. jpg) ETERNA Anonymous 11/01/13(Fri)17 20 UTC-7 No.18566597 File Anonymous 11/01/13(Fn)17:10 UTC-7 No. 18566509 Fle: 138335 1036552 i09-(47 KB, 608x527, Manly TearsHaveBeenShed jpg) MUST THEN MY MANIY TEARS Anonymous 11/01/13(Fri)1722UTC-7 No 18566617。 File: 1383351748795 jpg-390 KB, 2028x1240, 20 jpg) WAKED BY THE Anonymous 11/01/13(Fril)17 24 UTC-7 No.18566628 D File: 1383351844249 ing-1452 KB, 2344x1312, 21 jpg IFROM MY GRAVE Anonymous 11/01/13(Fril)17 26 UTC-7 No.18566649 File 13833519647671뻐673 KB, 2600x1540, 22 pol Anonymous 11/01/13(Fri)17:04 UTC-7 No.18566444 File 1383350653834-㎍4105 KB. 799x543. 608786423-13599 95439,pg} AND SEE THE JUDGE MTH GLORY CROWNED 。 Anonymous 11/01/13(Fri)17 27 UTC-7 No 185666&S KB, 2876x1884, 23 ipgl AND SEE THE FLAMING SKIES ! Anonymous 11/01/13(Fn)1729 UTC-7 No 18566688。 File 1383352196344-og-(902 KB. 2404x1560, 24ǐpai Stay golden tyboy. stay 11/01/2013 Anonymous 11/01/13(Fn)17:35 UTC-7 No 18566756 。 Today is truely a heroic day NEVER FOR Man assauts a leg of our greatest enemy (TSA) Fly given honorable funeral. 1 NOV 2013 you will Iive on in our hearts forever
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