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386 Views Created 12 years ago By Dr. Gregory Horse The Pony Medic • Updated 6 years ago

Created By Dr. Gregory Horse The Pony Medic • Updated 6 years ago

guise §tornuring e bring the thander!" ueled by their desire to bring back the ancient glory of pegasi military dominance, House Stormwing watches the unraveling chaos from up above. Believing it is the duty of the military to hold the realm together in the absence of its rulers, they carefully weight the strengths and weaknesses of their opponents, and wait for a perfect moment to strike. And when the opportunity presents itself they attack A swarm of wings and spears assisted by the wrath of the sky itself-storms and tornadoes swoops down on its unsuspecting prey. Without warning without mercy this is the way of House Stormwing, this is the way of the pegasi. Just how it once was, just how it always will be. Important facts about the house: founded by a group of the Royal Pegasi Guard officers who were still loyal to the throne, but were forced to flee Canterlot due to rising tensions between pegasi and unicorns; the house takes its name after general Stormwing-one of the most famous pegasi commanders to ever live, and a hero of many wars; House Stormwing's main settlements are: Cloadsdale - the capital of the house, Las Pegasus and Windsoar - the three floating strongholds that can change their location if needed: the military may not be as big or advanced as that of the Hoase Earthborn, but it makes up for it with superior training and being able to strike anywhere in Equestria, thanks to pegasi innate gift of wings and the ability to reposition their cloud cities; they mantain a small supplementary force of earth ponies responsible for growing food, and acting as a first line of defence against attacks on house-held land settlements: the house has recently recieved a support from the Griffin Kingdom in form of a small expeditionary force: no pony knows what are the true motives behind this sudden move the infamous Order 313 calls for an immediate execution of any pegasus caught fighting under a hostile banner deserters aré to be killed on sight. Important members of the house: Force Commander Supreme Rainbow Dash - leader of the house, commander of Cloudsdale forces, ruthless but with a strong sense of honor, Dash dreams of bringing back the times of pegasi military dominance over the land of Equestria; Wing Commander Spitfire former Wonderbolt, now commander of the lying fortress of Las Pegasus, skilled tactician and an amazing flyer Wing Commander Soarin -also à former Wonderbolt, commander of the forces of Windsoar, tired and disgusted by the ongoing war Gilda of the Griffin Kingdom military atache to the house, and the leader of the griffin expeditionary force. no pony knows what her true goals are: Scootaloo- trained in the art of fBying and fighting by Rainbow Dash herself, she leads a small scoating pary tasked with gathering vital information against targets marked for invasion. Important facts about Rainbow Dash: after all she went through, Rainbow Dash sill stays loyal to the throne and the Royal Sisters, however she considers the actions of Twilight and her house to be those of an usarper and thinks that it is the pegasi ancient duty to hold the realm together under military supervision untill the return of its rightful rulers the thing she holds the most disdain for in this whole war, are various rebel groups that roam Equestria; she considers these rebels to be cowards who are too scared to pick a side and give up their life for a cause: Dash is torn on the whole Griffin Expeditionary Force dilemma; on one hoof her commanders seem o be very distrustful towards their new griffin allies" and she berself tends to agree with them, buat on the other hoof, House Stormwing needs every help it can get if it is to survive the war and eventually establish a pegasi military dominion over Equestria; -despite being a high ranking officer and the head of the house, she often directly participates in batles, believing that à good commander should lead his or her soldiers by example; her numerous battle scars are a testament to her bravery and way of thinking: -even though she finds berself at odds with Applejack, Dash considers her to be a worthy opponent and hopes that one day House Earthborn and House Stormwing will finally clash in such a titanic battle that the thundering of their steel will echo throeghout the entire Equestria.


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